On the distant, nearly unknown planet of Ratilir, a young man, around 18, is greated by his father, mother & syblings in the den of their small slave house. Walking in, he sees the concern formed on their faces....
Pelit: "Hi guys, something wrong? You all look worried"
Mother: "Its about the slave owner, he has died....."
Pelit: "Really? Thats great! We can jump planet in no time, Jats probably already has the small ship ready! its in the spaceport! lets go!"
Father: "No, its not that, his son has been put in charge....and they are short on money now...."
Mother: "So he has said that one member of each family is to leave"
Pelit: "Wow, gee....whos going?"
Father: "You are"
Pelit: "But, you know im under the legal age to leave family! What am i going to do?"
Mother: "The only thing you can do, join the Mandalorain army"
Pelit: "But, when?"
Father: "Now, go brfore you miss the ship"
Pelit: "I wont leave you!"
Mother: "You must.....i love you"
In a flash, 3 large, muscular aliens enter the house and drag Pelit off into the darkness....
Pelit (as being dragged away): "I....love....you...too *sniff* mom...."
Upon reaching the training facility on Ord Mantell, he is handed a large backpack, filled with supplies and armour, which is to much for Pelit to carry, and he falls. He is swept up by the guards and pushed along to a long table, where they request his name:
Pelit: "Pelit Koerusav"
Manager: "Level 231, Hallway 56, Room 1295"
And Pelit is thrust into a elevator and taken up for a 15 minute ride. He walks for half an hour to hallway 56, and another 20 to room 1295. He is greeted by a man his own age, and is told to get ready for the first exercise. The roomates walk together, and take the elevator down, both in complete scilence. For they both have just realized that they could be a walk to their doom.....
Ok, this is my first......i hope i'll get some replies...just write urself in....
-Flame (Pelit)
AOL IM: bhyatt16 I'm on anytime….
Pelit: "Hi guys, something wrong? You all look worried"
Mother: "Its about the slave owner, he has died....."
Pelit: "Really? Thats great! We can jump planet in no time, Jats probably already has the small ship ready! its in the spaceport! lets go!"
Father: "No, its not that, his son has been put in charge....and they are short on money now...."
Mother: "So he has said that one member of each family is to leave"
Pelit: "Wow, gee....whos going?"
Father: "You are"
Pelit: "But, you know im under the legal age to leave family! What am i going to do?"
Mother: "The only thing you can do, join the Mandalorain army"
Pelit: "But, when?"
Father: "Now, go brfore you miss the ship"
Pelit: "I wont leave you!"
Mother: "You must.....i love you"
In a flash, 3 large, muscular aliens enter the house and drag Pelit off into the darkness....
Pelit (as being dragged away): "I....love....you...too *sniff* mom...."
Upon reaching the training facility on Ord Mantell, he is handed a large backpack, filled with supplies and armour, which is to much for Pelit to carry, and he falls. He is swept up by the guards and pushed along to a long table, where they request his name:
Pelit: "Pelit Koerusav"
Manager: "Level 231, Hallway 56, Room 1295"
And Pelit is thrust into a elevator and taken up for a 15 minute ride. He walks for half an hour to hallway 56, and another 20 to room 1295. He is greeted by a man his own age, and is told to get ready for the first exercise. The roomates walk together, and take the elevator down, both in complete scilence. For they both have just realized that they could be a walk to their doom.....
Ok, this is my first......i hope i'll get some replies...just write urself in....
-Flame (Pelit)
AOL IM: bhyatt16 I'm on anytime….