During the time known as the Dark Wars, two opposing governments battled over control of the Takriati Galaxy. Starting in the year 546 AD and ending in the year 895 AD, this was the longest fought war the galaxy had ever seen.
Long before the Dark Wars began though, the human race had spread throughout the galaxy from their home world of Earth. The invention of the Psyonic Wave Hyper Drive, or PWH for short had revolutionized mankind.
They colonized all inhabitable planets or moons in their solar system, which led to the rebirth of the United Nations, which was broken apart at the start of World War 3. Since the USA had done most of the colonizing, the UN abolished all governments, religions, and languages.
Uniting the world in the common interest of the quest of knowledge and pleasure, the UN made more progress in the technology, medical, and other significant fields than all other countries in the world combined.
They made English the official language of earth and created a religion that worshipped the almighty God, based upon the religion of Christianity.
Putting aside their differences, mankind explored and dominated most of the galaxy by the year 2560, which was when the Roman calendar, as the UN saw fit, was terminated as the official calendar of the galaxy. The UN made a new, more efficient calendar that compensated each planet’s own day and time.
The galaxy just before the change of calendars, had been over ran with fierce, mysterious creatures. They were not individuals, but a bonded colony of servants serving an invisible master. They incorporated many different species and planets into their collective before setting their sites on Earth…
This prompted the calendar change somewhat. Instead of keeping the traditional AD they replaced it with a new meaning: After Dreago… for this was the name of the abomination which was ravaging through the galaxy during the time. A bug like species that consumed many different species into it’s collective. Many different strands of the Dreago exist, each one with it’s own deadly trait.
The war with the Dreago lasted for centuries. It lasted for so long, the descendants of the beginners of the war forgot what they were fighting for, but the hatred for the Dreago was still there, and stronger than ever.
Legend has it, that several years before the Great War ended, about 544 AD, there was another mysterious invasion of the galaxy from outside forces. But instead of the human race getting the damage from this invader, it was the Dreago…
Suddenly after this mysterious species appeared, many of the Dreago’s hive clusters were destroyed. Many attributed it to rebelling swarms and broods. But the ones fighting know it’s not that.
Over a period of 4 months, the tide of the war had changed… drastically. The badly beaten humans began to win battle after battle, due to the help of the invaders that is.
Battlefields would suddenly be covered with an ominous shadow of a ship floating overhead, then suddenly a bloody haze would cover the field, and as quick as it came it would disappear again only to reveal a gruesome scene.
The thousands of attacking Dreago were nothing but bloody corpses, and the humans were basically unharmed.
This is what i have so far on a short story i need to have done by monday, please someone help me FAST! gimme suggestions or something on it
Some people die...
Me, I may die, but I'll come back, kill you, and eat your soul...
During the time known as the Dark Wars, two opposing governments battled over control of the Takriati Galaxy. Starting in the year 546 AD and ending in the year 895 AD, this was the longest fought war the galaxy had ever seen.
Long before the Dark Wars began though, the human race had spread throughout the galaxy from their home world of Earth. The invention of the Psyonic Wave Hyper Drive, or PWH for short had revolutionized mankind.
They colonized all inhabitable planets or moons in their solar system, which led to the rebirth of the United Nations, which was broken apart at the start of World War 3. Since the USA had done most of the colonizing, the UN abolished all governments, religions, and languages.
Uniting the world in the common interest of the quest of knowledge and pleasure, the UN made more progress in the technology, medical, and other significant fields than all other countries in the world combined.
They made English the official language of earth and created a religion that worshipped the almighty God, based upon the religion of Christianity.
Putting aside their differences, mankind explored and dominated most of the galaxy by the year 2560, which was when the Roman calendar, as the UN saw fit, was terminated as the official calendar of the galaxy. The UN made a new, more efficient calendar that compensated each planet’s own day and time.
The galaxy just before the change of calendars, had been over ran with fierce, mysterious creatures. They were not individuals, but a bonded colony of servants serving an invisible master. They incorporated many different species and planets into their collective before setting their sites on Earth…
This prompted the calendar change somewhat. Instead of keeping the traditional AD they replaced it with a new meaning: After Dreago… for this was the name of the abomination which was ravaging through the galaxy during the time. A bug like species that consumed many different species into it’s collective. Many different strands of the Dreago exist, each one with it’s own deadly trait.
The war with the Dreago lasted for centuries. It lasted for so long, the descendants of the beginners of the war forgot what they were fighting for, but the hatred for the Dreago was still there, and stronger than ever.
Legend has it, that several years before the Great War ended, about 544 AD, there was another mysterious invasion of the galaxy from outside forces. But instead of the human race getting the damage from this invader, it was the Dreago…
Suddenly after this mysterious species appeared, many of the Dreago’s hive clusters were destroyed. Many attributed it to rebelling swarms and broods. But the ones fighting know it’s not that.
Over a period of 4 months, the tide of the war had changed… drastically. The badly beaten humans began to win battle after battle, due to the help of the invaders that is.
Battlefields would suddenly be covered with an ominous shadow of a ship floating overhead, then suddenly a bloody haze would cover the field, and as quick as it came it would disappear again only to reveal a gruesome scene.
The thousands of attacking Dreago were nothing but bloody corpses, and the humans were basically unharmed.
This is what i have so far on a short story i need to have done by monday, please someone help me FAST! gimme suggestions or something on it
Some people die...
Me, I may die, but I'll come back, kill you, and eat your soul...