the story so far...
Tomatotoes ate prostitutes maliciously while the salubrius chimpanzees played strip gin rummy while watching. Pineapples die from spontaneous combustion! while they threw rabid badgers into the dune sea. Soon the badgers swam in circles from lack of sleep and food
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and ran on a mongolian weenier dog faster than corn itself. Then the badgers could ever hope to run away from psuedoantidisestablishmentarianism cows like me who eat tomatoes that are juicy and filthy because they ate the hookers who ate cowpat off the side of the mongoose and horses that eat marshmallows off russian march-orchestras that play bananas in duracell batteries which smell pretty bad. Infact... it reminds me that I don't bathe. Why is unknown. Corn but suddenly the aliens from space came to smash our computers wholeheartedly. So Gonk surrepticiously devoured a goldfish named green stan stan stan stan stan get it? Stuttering stanly? ahahah! I am at a loss of words but I have a words up my butt butt the aliens don't give
pneumonoultramcroscopicsiliconvolcanoconiosis Morris
Go get 'em, Tiger!
YoU hAvE nO iDeA oF hOw LoNg It ToOk To Do ThIs