It is a chilly morning, capricus awoke with a start, he rubbed his eyes, and turned on the sandwich toster to warm it up, and proceeded to the fridge to get some cheese and ham, he ficked on his lcd display tv and watch the lates news, same boring stuff was on, about some guy who had been firing at the docks, he pondered if it had anything to do with him finding that rifle there, he went to turn off the screen but stopped as the next news artcle came on:
"Yesterday evening, an oil tanker off the cost of sanctury dissapered without a trace, the authoritys are asking any witnesses to come forwars if they saw the oil tanker around 8pm last evening"
Capricus giggled to himself, "they'll never find that!" he said.
Capricus finished his brakfast and got dressed and put on his big trenchcoat, he holsterd his new weapon on one side, and slung the rifle over his sholder and put on his dark sunglasses (he had seen a film called "The Matrix" when he was a kid and thats what gave him the idea, he looked a bit like neo) he strolled out the door and got onto his motorbike, and burnt it down into town, he stopped at the first phone box he came to and phoned leonardo specca, his answering maching came on, he left a message "Hi, my name is Capricus Fortifus, i would like to purchase off you 2 high power energy weapons, non-surgical, they must have a high rate of fire, i have no home phone, just a fax machine so fax me at [fax #] thanks alot, bye"
Then he got back on his bike, and proceeded into town, to see what he could dig up about this consiricy.
[sorry about the spelling, i'm a bit tired tonite and just can't be bothered
"I'm an ordinary guy, burning down the house!"
"Yesterday evening, an oil tanker off the cost of sanctury dissapered without a trace, the authoritys are asking any witnesses to come forwars if they saw the oil tanker around 8pm last evening"
Capricus giggled to himself, "they'll never find that!" he said.
Capricus finished his brakfast and got dressed and put on his big trenchcoat, he holsterd his new weapon on one side, and slung the rifle over his sholder and put on his dark sunglasses (he had seen a film called "The Matrix" when he was a kid and thats what gave him the idea, he looked a bit like neo) he strolled out the door and got onto his motorbike, and burnt it down into town, he stopped at the first phone box he came to and phoned leonardo specca, his answering maching came on, he left a message "Hi, my name is Capricus Fortifus, i would like to purchase off you 2 high power energy weapons, non-surgical, they must have a high rate of fire, i have no home phone, just a fax machine so fax me at [fax #] thanks alot, bye"
Then he got back on his bike, and proceeded into town, to see what he could dig up about this consiricy.
[sorry about the spelling, i'm a bit tired tonite and just can't be bothered
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"I'm an ordinary guy, burning down the house!"