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episode 1
part 1 of 5
In the deep empty receses of space, a large star destroyer stalks a half destroyed rebel crusier.At long last the nearly destroyed ship is cauhgt in the destroyers tractor beam, and as the ship is raised into the main docking bay a group of 10 Lawyers(Droids)surond the perimeter.The main door of the ship is opened and the lawyers atack leaveing a path of complete destruction in the wake, the foul stench of death fills the air as continous rebels are vaporisec in a pink blast. Then a hooded figure walks into the rebel crusier stareing at the dead carcases that litter the ground.The robe being worn by this figure is a bright shade of pink as is the other figure that flanks the master.
The two hoded figures aproch a dorr heavily gaurded by a team of Lawyers blasters aimed at the door.
'sir we belive ehtat the light jedi are in this room"
"very good leave them to us says the figure from benith his robe as he opens the door and removes what looks like an odly shaped organ of the male gender.The other figure removes his hood to reveal his face wich is dominated by his overlarged nose wich comsumes his entire middle face.In the rear of the room stand to jedi, a master and an aprentice, Obi zack conobi and will gon wisky each armed with bright blue sabers.
Then the two dark jedi arm there oddly shaped sabers and press the small matalica bouton, instantly creating a blinding flash of pink light revealing there deadly pink sabers, the aprentice with a single blade and the master a doubel bladed staff.
Then as the jedi redy for battel the hodded figure rmoves his hood to revel the most feard force in the galaxy......
The teller,