*As Gebohq approached the staduim, he started to daydream once again...*
*It was dark. Pitch dark. gebohq couldn't see a thing. Then the lights turned on, blinding him as if a supernova went off. He found himself in the middle of the staduim's arena. The crowd cheered and hollered. The arena itself looked almost like a junkyard, but less sparse of objects. The ligths dimmed, and an announcer's voice could be heard.*
"Ladies and gentlemen from all over the galaxy," the announcer boomed. "tonight you have come here to witness the greatest event ever!"
*The audienced cheered once again, and Gebohq was searching for the show, but then realized
he was the show. He awaited in fear and anticipation for what would come next. A spotlight beamed from above in a door.*
"Now for the ultimate challange!" the announcer nearly screamed. "A lone jedi versus six of the greatest bounty hunters EVER!"
*Gebohq nearly gave himself a heart attack. To prove the announcer was not lying, the door opened and out walked IG-88, Zuckess, 4-Lom, Dengar, Bossk, and the most notorious of them all, Boba Fett. The spotlight split into six to follow each of the hunters to equal ends of the arena: closing in Gebohq.*
"Let the fight....BEGIN!"
*The lights came up to their normal setting and the bounty hunters started for Gebohq. Using the Force, Gebohq leaped up to a ledge above him. Dengar climbed to where Gebohq was, and took out his rifle. Using the elements surrounding him as cover, Dengar began to shoot continuously at Gebohq.*
*Using the Force to block his shots, Gebohq advanced towards, using the Force to advance to him before he could move out of the way. Gebohq brought down his lightsaber, and Dengar was no more.*
*Zuckess and 4-LOM then moved in on Gebohq. While 4-LOM kept his distance and used his sniper rifle to aim at Gebohq, Zuckess readied his thermal detonators. He tossed several towards Gebohq, and Gebohq barely managed to evade the explosions. As Gebohq tried to get close to Zuckess and strike him down, Zuckess had placed proximity mines down. Gebohq jumped, and the blast wave sent him flying.*
*Meanwhile, Gebohq tried to avoid 4-LOM's almost dead-on shots, while drawing Zuckess towards 4-LOM. Gebohq then moved to strike 4-LOM down, and to his surprise, 4-LOM pulled out a hidden blaster. Gebohq jumped just in time to miss, and hte powerful blast shot his Zuckess. But not before Zuckess had tossed a thermal detonator, and before 4-LOM could run away far enough, the explosion killed him.*
*Three down, three to go, Gebohq thought. IG-** and Bossk then started for Gebohq. Gebohq tried to attack IG-**, but no matter what angle he tried, IG-88 seemed to be able to see him wherever he was, and continually pumped blaster shots with his Imperial repeater. Meanwhile, Bossk kept chasing Gebohq around, shooting his concussion rifle, using the secondary fire when Gebohq was close enough. Boba fett kept his cool and witnessed the event, trying to learn Gebohq's pattern.*
*Finally, after jumping and speeding with teh Force, Gebohq in a fit of rage jutted out his hand. Bossk flew up in the air, and as Gebohq directed his hand, Bossk flew against the side of the wall, the impact killing him. Gebohq picked up Bossk's weapon and, from a distance, shot IG-88 before he could see him. Gebohq pointed the gun at Boba Fett, who now stood there, calmly.*
*Activating his jetpack, Boba Fett flew up in the air. Gebohq did not have the weapon for more than 2 seconds when he had picked it up that it magnitized to an inaccessable place of the arena. The announcer's voice boomed "Let's see the jedi get out of this one, folks!"
*The audience yelled and cheered as Boba rained Gebohq with any and ever type of weapon Fett had. Gebohq ran like a madman around the arena, climbing upon the ledges. Nearly level, Gebohq jumped of teh ledge, ready to strike Fett in midair with his lightsaber.*
*Fett evaded however, and Gebohq landed hard on the ground. Gebohq rolled as Fett pumped more blaster shots towards him, hitting Gebohq several times. Finally, Gebohq tried to use teh Force and grab Fett. But Fett was moving too much, and Fett would have a clean shot before Gebohq could kill him. So Gebohq got as slose as he could to fett, and strafed closely to kill him. Fett had no protection from the lightsaber that came down with Jedi reflexes.*
*The the dream ended.*
*Gebohq stood by the meeting place, waiting for Kaussin to lead him to Gebohq's ship.*
(Yet another bonus level that would eb in teh SP level