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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Control of the Force
Control of the Force
1999-10-22, 9:33 PM #1
This is really just a reminder to myself that I plan to write the story soon and post it up. I plan to make the story into a SP level too, so if all goes well it should be good(not to mention that you guys who read the story will be able to use this as a sort of strategy guide).
I ask that Arbiter and I be the only ones to write for this story, but I hope you enjoy it. This story will focus on my character from the "Saga of the 3rd War" story.

*Note to Arbiter* Let me write the prologue to this story and we can alternate. If you need a better idea of my character, skim the Saga of the 3rd War story.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited November 27, 1999).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-27, 4:29 PM #2
Note to all: you can post ALL the non-story replies you'd like.

Note to later posts below: Thanks Rob X. Funny stuff Ping_me, I love the previews, wish I could think of some.

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited November 29, 1999).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-11-27, 6:10 PM #3
bold : [ b ]what you want bold[ /b ]
italic:[ i ]what you want italic[ /i ]
except no spaces.

Next Wave Gaming
holding up an onion ring he proclaimed, "Look sir, droids!"

1999-11-28, 5:43 PM #4
*Ping_Me walks into theatre. He is soon followed by Pristine. They both sit in one of the rows and face a theatrical red curtain. Soon, Ji'tory and Reyuan, Randon and Sa'teyan, Sakana, Lerycan, Herudo, Ja'rita, and Jarcanan sit in the surrounding seats.

"Glad you could all make it." Ping says. Herudo, bearing huge amounts of popcorn in his massive arms, proceeds to trip over the carpet. The party is soon engulfed in mountains of popcorn.

Ping_Me upon realizing that he is wait deep in popcorn, sighs, and continues. "I know that you're all very busy working over at "The Saga of the Third War".

"You slave driver.." Randon says. Everyone laughs out loud at Ping's expense.

"That's coming out of your salary, Randon. I'd like to thank you all for coming out to see Gebhoq's story. I'm not really one for speeches, so, let the show begin."

Everyone proceeds to throw popcorn at Ping.
1999-11-29, 9:13 AM #5
nonstory reply
i dont think that i can remove from a 3do geb so i dont know what ou want me to do with your skin...oh well now to leave you all with quite a disturbing pic

Next Wave Gaming
RobX no function beer well without

1999-11-29, 4:10 PM #6

Set among the billion of stars, a starship accelerates past. Its apperance resembles a Nubian escort ship, though heavily modified to withstand the rigors of battle. Despite the modifications, the body still mirrored its surroundings and etched on the side were the words The Reflector.

The starship is soon folowed by another much larger ship, an Imperial Galleon to be specific. It too had been modified to be able to chase its prey, who was at the moment eluding its blaster fire. The man in control of the Imperial Galleon was Commander Rynard, who had been assigned to capture this particular ship. It appeared as if he would suceed this time.

Rynard: "Prepare to lock the tractor beams on it. And make sure to lock them all down correctly this time, I don't want him escaping this time."

The nubian ship then dove away from the oncoming fire, but to its surprise, a tractor beam held it from going any further. It started to twist and turn in midposition and almost escaped the beam when three more locked on to it, completely imobilizing it. The tractor beams then slowly started to drag the ship into its hangar.

Officer: "We did it commander! We've finally captured Gebohq!"

All the officers rejoiced, all except for Rynard, who felt instead emptiness and remorse for the end of his long struggle with Gebohq.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
1999-12-03, 6:19 PM #7
Sorry, been tied up with the other stories. Arbiter should be posting his thing up soon. I will finish this story though, mark my words(trails off like a mad scientist)Mwahahaha....
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-21, 8:36 PM #8
And after nearly an eternity, this story comes back up. Like a pest that won't go away. That's right--Since I'm only writing for two stories now, this will be a nice little adventure, offside and in the SW universe, for me to write.

If any of you do want to write for this, I ask that any post you put up get approved by me first. I think this will be the only story I will be selfish with, heehee.

And, as fate seems to do often, it is much to late for me to put my story post tonight--so I'll try to post as soon as I can. Hope you all like the story.

Note: Any of you who have followed up w/Shadows of Darkness know my character, Gebohq (though in this story he is an alien). With all the stuff I know about my character now, I'm wondering if this story will be easier or harder to write for...
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-22, 8:03 AM #9
(I'm starting the story over again, so you know)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



The Galactic Empire is at the peak of its power, the Rebel Alliance continues to flee from the Imperial forces, and the dark lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, has kept the emperor's doctrine of fear in rule.

The emperor has sensed conflict within Vader, however, and has been secretly searching and training other potentials to take his place. He takes notice of one in particular, one of the few that are potential Grey Jedi, Gebohq.

Gebohq has eluded the Imperial forces, as many Rebels have done before him. Gebohq is also eluding another foe, the calling of the Light side and the temptaion of the Dark side, and he walks the thin line between the two...

*The text moves out into the stars, and the camera moves down. In the vastness of space, two starships can be seen. The one ahead is a modified J-type 327 Nubian, made to be smaller, faster, and modified with weapons. Yet most of the mirrored hull is still there, and etched into the side in small print are the words The Reflector.*

*Behind the speeding ship is an Imperial Galleon, also heavily modified by its commander, whos mission for the past three years has been only to capture the ship ahead. Commander Rynard would get Gebohq this time.*

*On the Galleon bridge, the commander turns to his subordinates and orders them to lock down all tractor beams once they are within range.*

"I don't want any mistakes this time," Rynard said in a stern voice. "You all are to make sure all the tractor beams are locked in place. And remember, don't shoot him! We were told to capture him alive, and we can't risk destroying the ship."

*Gebohq's ship was indeed an outdated starship--a piece of junk that wouldn't be running if not for all the modifications. It served Gebohq's purposes though: it had kept him away from the Imperials. The Galleon came within range though, and a tractor beam pinned the ship into place.*

*Gebohq steered the ship as he had done before, wiggling the ship to pivot and face the captor. This way, he would be able to fire upon the tractor systems. But before he could do so, another beam stopped his ship from turning. He attempted to twist the ship just to escape, but a third beam made sure the ship would go nowhere but in the Galleon's hangar bay.*

*The crew jumped in excitement at having finally fufilling their mission. Commander Rynard simply stood with a face that hide the dissapointment of his victory.*
*Gebohq sat alone in his cell, now imprisioned in the ship heading for Corousant, ready to deliever its cargo to the Emperor. The force field in front of him was the only thing between him and the guard. The guard was pacing through the hall of other cells, which had a few rogue alien species the crew had captured that day.*

*Gebohq reflected on how he could escape from his cell, and in doing so, thought about his training. He thought about what his mentor, Kassuin, had taught him.*
"What have I told you about doing that?" Kassuin said to Gebohq.

"That it is not practical to jump and move like a madman, especially when I am not near them?"

"So you remember my words, but you do not heed them. A chaotic fighting style will only make your opponent cautious. You must learn to use your unpredictability in a controlled manner. The Force guides your actions, but it also obeys your commands. Remember that. Now, before we end our practice, tell me what we strive when fighting?"

"To let the enemy make his own mistakes."

"Good. Remember, the Force will be with you, always."
*Gebohq then thought of a way to escape his cell. It was a part of the Force he was still unaccustomed to using, because he had difficulty in willingly manipulating the minds of others.*

*When the guard came around to check in Gebohq's cell, it seemed as if Gebohq was not there. The guard, holding out his weapon, lowered the force field and looked inside. The guard literally never saw the fist coming down on his head.*

*Gebohq bent down to the unconscious guard and placed his hand on his head. His appearance changed to look like the guard. Gebohq then walked out the cell and headed for the control center.*

(Hope you all are taking interest in it. I'm not putting as much writing skill into this as Shadows of Darkness, but hopefully the action throughout the story and the conflict within will keep you all interested. And yes, if I ever do learn to make JediKnight levels, I would still like to make this an SP level.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-23, 7:13 PM #10
nurgh..stupid double posts...

[This message has been edited by Gebohq (edited April 23, 2000).]
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-23, 7:13 PM #11
Just lazy enough to only post a NSP, heehee.

If anybody DOES want to be in the story, they can. BUT it's 99.9% chance that you'll be a guest appearance character (someone Geb meets in the city) and have their funny line (relevant funny line. no Neverending story-type funny). And if you can, run it by me first(or just put it up and if I really don't like it, ask the readers to disregard it from the actual story).

Thanks, and I'll get back to the story soon.

Can you smeeeeeeeell...what Gebohq is cookin'?

The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-24, 3:38 PM #12
*Disquised as an stormtrooper, Gebohq walks among the other Imperials on the ship, matching their strides. Realizing the particular person he was appearing as had limited access to the ship, Gebohq began to follow certian officers discritely(sp?) until one was alone.*

*After several attempts at immobilizing the right officer with the proper access to the command section, he makes his way to the bridge. Commander Rynard approahes Gebohq though, and asks to be able to takl with him, privately. Not having any other option, Gebohq walked with him into his ready room.*

"I know who you really are," Rynard said casually. Gebohq stiffened at the words and wondered why he hadn't already been tranquilized. Commander Rynard continued. "And I have to say Gebohq, I'm amazed at how resiliant you are."

*Ryanrd tapped the wall, and a holograph of Gebohq in full height appeared by his desk. He began to pace arount the room, as if giving a lecture to unseen people in a grand hall.*

"Gebohq, an alien whose species resides in the Mirare system of the Unknown Regions. When Thrawn was sent to explore this part of space, he claimed that sector in the name of the Empire. Like so many others, the inhabitants of the system now serve under the Empire. You, however, managed to escape. The Empire could of ignored one person, but specific orders from the Emperor himself instructed me to hunt you down and bring you to him."

"For three years now, I have studied your every move. I've gotten to know you more than I thought I would have. And now that you're here, it doesn't feel right. You can't be brought in like this."

*Rynard drew closer to Gebohq, making eye contact with him.*

"I have a proposal," Ryanrd beagn. "I know that you can alter your appearance at will, like the others of your kind. If you will change your appearance to look like me, you will have all access to the ship. I can take your ship to a safe place on Corousant; undetected because you will be able to block the sensors. Then, you can order the ship to self-destruct and take an escape pod down to the planet, where you will find your contact and obtain your ship. What do you say?"

*Gebohq looked at him suspisiously, then said "Well, I haven't gotten anything to loose." Gebohq then changed his appearance to look like Commander Rynard. The two then went their seperate ways in the ship.*

(audience is sleeping right about now,'ll get better, trust me)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-27, 2:53 PM #13
*Thanks to the directions Gebohq was told by Rynard, the commander slipped off the Imperial ship with Gebohq's without being noticed. Afterwards, Gebohq realized that he wouldn't be abl to self-destruct the ship from the bridge: too many of them woul dbe able to see him for who he really was and stop him right there. So instead, he made his way to the engine room and sabatoged it. Unfortunately, for him, this method is much more unreliable and unsafe.*

*Sirens blaring throughout the ship, the crew made their way for the escape pods, only to find them all malfunctioning. Which meant Gebohq was also stuck inside the ship.*

*Gebohq could make out the buildings below slowly reaching level with the window which he was looking out. Realizing it may be his only way of escape, he made his way to an escape hatch in the roof.*

*Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one to have thought of that.*

*AS he made his way onto the roof of the ship, several stormtroopers and officers were already on it. One of them spotted Gebohq, and pointed a finger at him. The rest started shooting at him. They must of realized who he was after seeing his ship in the hangar missing. One of the building next to him was almost level with the roof, and slowly drawing more level.*

*With the Force as his ally, Gebohq made a running start and jumped from the roof of the ship to the roof of the skyscraper. He saw below as the ship blew apart in several small fireballs onto the streets surrounding the building. Gebohq then made his way to the roof door and into the building itself.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-04-29, 8:56 AM #14
*While making his way through the building, Gebohq started to daydream, and he wasn't quite sure if the dream was a good thing or a bad thing.*

*The daydream was Gebohq in a spaceport, where many pedestrians and ugnaughts walked about. He himself was in a room stocked with weapons: thermal detonators, rail gun, concussion rifle, etc. and more ammo than he had seen in his life. Gebohq collected all the ammo, exited the building he was in, and began to kill all the people.*

*He knew not why he was doing this, for it was evil to do. Yet he took joy in seeing the ugnaughts scream in pain and die. He walked all about the city, doing this. Gebohq then came across an unoccupied Imperial Walker, decided to climb into it, and began using the vehicle to kill the overpopulated spaceport. After a minute, he got out and spotted a caged Rancor, which he let loose so he could see it eat alive the people in the streets.*

*Without warning, Gebohq snapped back into reality. The building he was going down was fortunately unoccupied, so nobody caught him. He found himself wondering about his own conscious as he walked out the building's main doors and into the streets.*

(Yeah yeah, this would be a "bonus level" where you'd have an excuse to kill those pesky pedestrians with nothign to stop you, heehee. Yeah yeah, I'll get back to the ACTUAL story soon)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-02, 2:19 PM #15
*Gebohq began to look at his surroundings as he walked the streets of the city. Farther down the street, he could see the now-destroyed Imperial Galleon. The night sky was filled with stars, and the mountains all around, isolating a small part of the city-covered planet to form a singular city of its own. The streets were nearly abandoned of people.*

*Gebohq thought about how Commander Rynard never told him where he would land his ship, so Gebohq decided that he would have to risk entering an Imperial command building and find the location of his ship. He might as well erase any files on him while he was there. Gebohq looked around as he noticed the taller buildings in the center of the city, and the smaller buildings around it. Some distance away within the city limits were residential area and a commercial area. He would check the city for any possible items of value before leaving.*

*Gebohq made his way towards the center of the city*

(OK, so I didn't feel like writing much tonight. It'll keep-a movin' though, dontcha worry about that *audience* damn...)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-05, 2:13 PM #16
*As Gebohq makes his way towards the imperial command center, a silent blaster shot barely misses his feet. Gebohq looks up in confusion to find the shot originating from a stormtrooper obviously skilled with a sniper rifle. Gebohq took a look on the other roofs and noticed several others, lining up their scopes.*

*Gebohq dashed into a dark alley and reverted back into his natural form. It wouldn't be long before they would know it was him, but it would hopefully be enough time to find a pedestrian and disguise himself to look like the person. He quickened his walk as he exited from the other side of the alley. Finding a lone pedestrian by a speeder, Gebohq grabbed hold of him and pulled him into another alley. Moments later, Gebohq came back out, now looking liek the pedestrian.*

//Better get to a rooftop and ambush one of those snipers so I can get access to the control center.// Gebohq thought to himself. Entering and office building, he made his way up to the roof, where a stormtrooper perched, searching for his target below in the streets. As before with the predestrian, Gebohq took the sniper's appearance.*

*Gebohq figured, after looking at hte man's identifications, that he should head his way first to the sniper's living quarters in the residential area before making his way to the control center. After all, he may pick up a few things that may come in handy.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-07, 9:39 AM #17
*Gebohq made his way to the residential area of the city, keeping a wary eye out for any snipers who may have found out who Gebohq looked like now. Fortunately, Gebohq met no trouble for the time being. He scanned the numbers on the doors as he glanced at the room number the stormtrooper he was impersonating occupied. He finally reached the matching number: 144. With his key he took from the stormtrooper before, he opened the room.*

*Inside was the usual living attire for a stormtrooper, as well as a screen on the wall for Imperial messages and several weapons neatly stashed aside. Gebohq took the weapons: an imperial repeater, several thermal detonators, and some proximity mines. He looked at the screen, which informed him of the new password into the Imperial command center. Smiling to himself, Gebohq made his way out of the room and towards the square in the center of the city, where the command center was also located.*

(once again, I am too lazy to write any more [] heehee)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-10, 12:41 PM #18
*Still disguised as a stormtrooper, Gebohq walks into the square; the heart of the city. As he enters, he gazes up to see teh Imperial control Center, with the Imperial insignia placed on the middle tower of the stout fork-shaped building. Some of the tallest skyscrapers in the city surrounded the square, and just outside those buildings is a monorail system, running with few passangers.*

*Hesitantly, Gebohq walked up to the main entrance of the command center. Using the code he had obtained in the living quarters, he punched it in. After a few moments where Gebohq surely thought they had caught on, the doro opened, inviting Gebohq into the lion's den.*

*Gebohq made his way through the labyrinth-like building, trying to make his way to a file storage room. Several times, Imperial officers and stormtroopers questioned him, and he had to lure them into a private sector and do as he had done to the sniper. Finally, he found his way to an unoccupied file storage room.*

*Gebohq first brought up his own files, which he quickly deleted his criminal records. He then looked up the shipping files, where he found his ship had been landed in a makeshift hangar bay in the mountains surrounding the city. He noticed an attachment with his name on it below, and with itching curiousity, Gebohq looked into the attachment. It read:


If you are reading this, you have heeded my teachings well, and have used the stealth and Force skills taught to you to reach this far. Unfortunately, for you, the Emperor anticipated this action and has blockaded the entrance to the hangar with stormtroopers and even some Imperial Royal Guards by your ship. I know of a secret mountain passage that the Imperials do not know of that leads to the hangar bay. Meet me by the arena, and make sure to obtain a grappling hook.


*It was from his mentor! With this new information, Gebohq headed out the room. The Imperials were now aware of his presence in the building and were becoming suspitious of everyone. After getting into several entanglements, Gebohq exited the command center and made his way into the commercial area, where he hope he could obtain a hook.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-12, 2:47 PM #19
*Unlike most of the city, devoid of any activity, the commercial area was occupied with a types of species, almost all could be placed under the "don't want to meet in a dark alley" catagory. In these surroundings, Gebohq could walk around in his natural form, for the Imperials could not place a public bounty on him. Nightclubs, restaurants, and other places of entertainment and businesses were found here, and Gebohq began his search for a grappling hook*

*Gebohq entered several stores, and found items useful for his journey, but no place sold a hook. He made his way into the nightclub, onto the dance floor, where a Rodian told him he could obtain a grapple at the sabbac tables: they often bet with items rather than credits. With his new knowledge, Gebohq made his way to the sabbac tables.*

*Several games were in place, and one in particular caught his interest. A scrubby man in a jumpsuit had a crowd of spectators around him, and they watched as he defeated yet another unfortunate soul. After obtaining quite a number of credits from some of hte other tables, Gebohq made his way to the scrubby man.*

"I don't ever remember seeing you around these parts," the scrubby man said. "Usually you only see regulars at this time of night. The name is Dren." *With a half-smile, he added "And whom am I to defeat this time?"

"My name is of no concern." Gebohq replied cooly.

"On the run are we?" Dren questioned rhetorically. "Heh heh, aren't we all? So, shall we start the bid at 100 credits?"

*The credits were placed in teh pot and the cards were dealt. After each had exchanged the cards they wanted, Gebohq looked at Dren.*

"How about we raise the stakes?" Gebohq challanged.

"Go on," Dren said with interest.

"I see you have a grappling hook. That of these?" Gebohq placed a concussion rifle on the table. Several of the corwd members gasped.

"And I thought the Imperials swiped them all off the market," Dren said. "Deal." He muttered "Fool," under his breath. Dren laid out his cards--the value was 22. With a smile, Dren waited. Gebohq laid out his cards: a idiot's card, a two card, and a three card: a literal twenty three.*

*Gebohq readied himself to draw his lightsaber if Dren decided to attack him, but instead, Dren simply slid the hook across the table.*

"That was my first good game in who knows how long." Dren pulled out a datapad, and gave it to Gebohq. "If you ever need a repair on your ship, contact me." Dren wispered to Gebohq "And may the Force be with you, Jedi."

*With the grappling hook and a new ally, Gebohq exited the sabbac room and out towards the staduim, where Kassuin would meet him.*

(Er...if ANYONE is reading this, say so, and tell me how you like it *if at all, heehee*)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-15, 12:16 PM #20
*As Gebohq approached the staduim, he started to daydream once again...*
*It was dark. Pitch dark. gebohq couldn't see a thing. Then the lights turned on, blinding him as if a supernova went off. He found himself in the middle of the staduim's arena. The crowd cheered and hollered. The arena itself looked almost like a junkyard, but less sparse of objects. The ligths dimmed, and an announcer's voice could be heard.*

"Ladies and gentlemen from all over the galaxy," the announcer boomed. "tonight you have come here to witness the greatest event ever!"

*The audienced cheered once again, and Gebohq was searching for the show, but then realized he was the show. He awaited in fear and anticipation for what would come next. A spotlight beamed from above in a door.*

"Now for the ultimate challange!" the announcer nearly screamed. "A lone jedi versus six of the greatest bounty hunters EVER!"

*Gebohq nearly gave himself a heart attack. To prove the announcer was not lying, the door opened and out walked IG-88, Zuckess, 4-Lom, Dengar, Bossk, and the most notorious of them all, Boba Fett. The spotlight split into six to follow each of the hunters to equal ends of the arena: closing in Gebohq.*

"Let the fight....BEGIN!"

*The lights came up to their normal setting and the bounty hunters started for Gebohq. Using the Force, Gebohq leaped up to a ledge above him. Dengar climbed to where Gebohq was, and took out his rifle. Using the elements surrounding him as cover, Dengar began to shoot continuously at Gebohq.*

*Using the Force to block his shots, Gebohq advanced towards, using the Force to advance to him before he could move out of the way. Gebohq brought down his lightsaber, and Dengar was no more.*

*Zuckess and 4-LOM then moved in on Gebohq. While 4-LOM kept his distance and used his sniper rifle to aim at Gebohq, Zuckess readied his thermal detonators. He tossed several towards Gebohq, and Gebohq barely managed to evade the explosions. As Gebohq tried to get close to Zuckess and strike him down, Zuckess had placed proximity mines down. Gebohq jumped, and the blast wave sent him flying.*

*Meanwhile, Gebohq tried to avoid 4-LOM's almost dead-on shots, while drawing Zuckess towards 4-LOM. Gebohq then moved to strike 4-LOM down, and to his surprise, 4-LOM pulled out a hidden blaster. Gebohq jumped just in time to miss, and hte powerful blast shot his Zuckess. But not before Zuckess had tossed a thermal detonator, and before 4-LOM could run away far enough, the explosion killed him.*

*Three down, three to go, Gebohq thought. IG-** and Bossk then started for Gebohq. Gebohq tried to attack IG-**, but no matter what angle he tried, IG-88 seemed to be able to see him wherever he was, and continually pumped blaster shots with his Imperial repeater. Meanwhile, Bossk kept chasing Gebohq around, shooting his concussion rifle, using the secondary fire when Gebohq was close enough. Boba fett kept his cool and witnessed the event, trying to learn Gebohq's pattern.*

*Finally, after jumping and speeding with teh Force, Gebohq in a fit of rage jutted out his hand. Bossk flew up in the air, and as Gebohq directed his hand, Bossk flew against the side of the wall, the impact killing him. Gebohq picked up Bossk's weapon and, from a distance, shot IG-88 before he could see him. Gebohq pointed the gun at Boba Fett, who now stood there, calmly.*

*Activating his jetpack, Boba Fett flew up in the air. Gebohq did not have the weapon for more than 2 seconds when he had picked it up that it magnitized to an inaccessable place of the arena. The announcer's voice boomed "Let's see the jedi get out of this one, folks!"

*The audience yelled and cheered as Boba rained Gebohq with any and ever type of weapon Fett had. Gebohq ran like a madman around the arena, climbing upon the ledges. Nearly level, Gebohq jumped of teh ledge, ready to strike Fett in midair with his lightsaber.*

*Fett evaded however, and Gebohq landed hard on the ground. Gebohq rolled as Fett pumped more blaster shots towards him, hitting Gebohq several times. Finally, Gebohq tried to use teh Force and grab Fett. But Fett was moving too much, and Fett would have a clean shot before Gebohq could kill him. So Gebohq got as slose as he could to fett, and strafed closely to kill him. Fett had no protection from the lightsaber that came down with Jedi reflexes.*

*The the dream ended.*
*Gebohq stood by the meeting place, waiting for Kaussin to lead him to Gebohq's ship.*

(Yet another bonus level that would eb in teh SP level [])
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-17, 1:03 PM #21
*Several moments passed where Gebohq searched all the sides of the staduim. As expected, Kassuin was waiting for him on the side closest to the mountains. Being able to meet his mentor after all these years was quite exciting to Gebohq; it was a family reunion for him. When Gebohq reached speaking distance to Kassuin, Kassuin had turned to face him.*

"Did you get a grappling hook?" Kassuin inquired.

"Yes, sir." Gebohq said, holding up the hook in front of Kassuin.*

"You will address me as Master. It is the proper title for a Jedi of higher skill than you, understood?"

"Um, yes. Master Kassuin."

"Let's make way. Through here." Kassuin said flatly, pointing at an opening into dark caves within the mountain.

*Gebohq followed hesitantly, wondering why Kassuin did not act as happy to see him ans he was to see Kassuin. But, Gebohq thought to himself, Kassuin took a lot of risk coming here. Kassuin must have a lot on his mind, and it can't be expected for him to be in a good mood. It still seemed odd to Gebohq somehow.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-18, 1:59 PM #22
*Inside the dark and twisting cavern passages, Gebohq and Kassuin stepped with caution; Kassuin having led Gebohq in the direction Kassuin said the ship was being held. The two of them gazed at the almost supernatural formations, and, several times, they had to use the hookshot to cross distances otherwise impossible to cross. And even in such a seemingly inhospitable place, the two found several flying creatures approaching them.*

*Igniting his lightsaber, Gebohq defended himself. His mentor did the same, and at one point, one of the creatures was about to attack him when Gebohq intercepted its course and killed it. His mentor showed no thanks, and at times when Gebohq could have used some help, Kassuin offered none. They came upon several more encounters with the creatures, and each time, the situation was similar to the first.*

*At one point, Gebohq had to hold onto Kassuin, as they used the hookshot to swing onto a rock island, surrounded by a seemingly endless pit. Gebohq asked "Are we close to the end?" Kassuin replied "Yes Gebohq, we are."*

*When the two landed on the island, Gebohq held on still, expecting Kassuin to aim again to the other side. But Kassuin simply stood there, looking at Gebohq as if he were still a small student. Gebohq backed away, wondering why Kassuin was not doing anything. Then, without warning, Kassuin threw all their weapons, save the lightsabers, into the pit.*

"Why did you do that?" Gebohq asked almost furiously.

"I needed you to listen to me, Gebohq, and you may of been tempted to shoot when you hear it." Kassuin replied. "I need to teach you something that will give you all the power you ever needed, and more."

*Gebohq wondered what Kassuin knew; what Kassuin could teach him that could be essential to his Jedi training, that could protect him from the Imperials, and what could help his people on his home planet. Gebohq listened to what Kassuin had to offer.*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-20, 12:36 PM #23
*As Gebohq waits for Kassuin to continue talking, suddenly, everything around him turns black. But it was more than not being able to see: he couldn't hear, smell, feel, or taste anything. His mind was just as blank as everything around him. Then, he realized, that's because he wasn't existing anymore.*
*The player, controlling what Gebohq's every action since being captured in the Imperial Galleon, threw up his arms in fustration. His computer, without warning, had shut down completely. It was probably because of the thuderstorm outside, he thought. Cursing under hsi breath at the computer, he turned the computer back on.*

(Sorry, couldn't resist a real-world post in it. I'll post with a story post soon.)
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-05-24, 2:28 PM #24
NSP: OK, so I lied. I know I want a saber battle to ensue, with Kassuin trying to convnce Gebohq that power is everything, and anything else I might of been able to think of at the time. And I know I want inner conflict for Geb b/c he has to fight his mentor, who has been his closest friend, and almost like a father figure to him (please, I was trying to avoid lines from Darth and Luke). And I wanted to present the last bit with Kassuin is in a near-death situation of some sort and Geb can choose between killing him or not. I didn't know where to go from there, except that Geb would stay good (though still torn between light and dark, perhaps because he does it for the wrong reason?) and that the two would get to Geb's ship, and fight Royal guards before taking off. I could write the epilogue, but could someone help me out with this part? I'd appreciate it. Course, this could also just be left to sink to the bottom of the Interactive story Board and dissapear all together [] It's not too big of a deal for me.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-06-03, 11:37 AM #25
Er...since my creative juices for this story have totally drained, would anyone else like to write for it? You can evene write an alternate ending, since I already gave what I wanted. Anyone? *silence ensues...*
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-09-21, 11:27 AM #26
"I would like you to come with me to Coruscant."

The words somewhat shocked Gebohq. He really didn't expect to hear that. "What?"

"The Emperor wishes to see you. He has uses for you and your powers. He could give you more power than I could ever give you."

"Since when did you serve anybody? Especially a Sith? You were never able to handle authority, and constantly getting in trouble with the Jedi Council."

"Yes, but the Emperor has given me so much power. Politically, and in the Force. He could give you the same."

Gebohq thought in his head, and stared right into Kassuin's eyes. "And if I refuse?"

Kassuin immediately reignited his blue saber. "There will be consequences."

Oh, so it's a fight he wanted, is it? If he didn't do the bidding of some wrinkly old fool, he would lose his life? He would see about that. Gebohq also ignited his orange saber and lunged at his opponent.

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.
2000-09-21, 3:28 PM #27
(NSP: AH! You actually looked at it, hehe. You can see how the quality went doooowwwnnn as I went along, hehe. First tell me what you thought of the story I had so far though, I'd liek to hear the ups and downs of it. Then perhaps you can help me out on a good climax (you don't have to write it, I just need the situation, like how the final decision of winning comes and such. If you can't think of anything, I can try again. And as for Dedrian War, its too in-depth with Star Wars for me to grasp on. I might be able to do one character (liek teh turning bad guy one, I dunno). But my big problem is my lack of free time, but if I think of anything, I'll make sure to post it [])
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2000-09-21, 3:56 PM #28
NSP: Geb..hey, what's up? I'm sure you could tell that I haven't been on-line to this site in quite a long time..I'm so far behind. I haven't read all your posts yet, but I'm sure they're really cool...I'll have to take the time (when and if I get it) to catch up. :-) I'm sure it's the greatest! :-) Sorry I've been so busy! Thanks so much for always! You're the greatest! Hope everythings's going ok!
When life hands you lemons, squeeze the juice into a squirtgun and shoot other people in the eyes.
2000-09-22, 11:26 AM #29
[NSP]I thought the story was pretty good, except it tried to hard to be like a JK level, and not realistic enough at times. One idea for the story could be that Gebohq finds his master had been somehow possessed by the Emperor, or maybe somebody from his Secret Order(from TIE Fighter. They're mysterious hooded guys who work for the Emperor and are his spokesman to the Navy and stuff). Soon, Gebohq is possessed, and finds himself assassinating a Rebel leader. In an effort to control himself, and the Force, he tries to find the person who has him possessed. He blocks his mind completely from the Force to keep from being possessed and infiltrates some Imperial base and logs into the informational computers, and finds info about one Secret Order member who has been controlling certain force-abilitated peoples and using them for the Emperor's bidding. Gebohq confronts this man, and in a big duel Gebohq triumphs. You might not have to write all that, but you could possibly finish up the levels. We could always use more SP levels... [] []

About the Deridian War; I tried not to make it too hard to write in. I set it up far in the Old Republic era because you pretty much could do pretty much whatever you want. You can add your own characters, add new planets, whatever. I am pretty knowledgable in SW info and history, and if you want I could try to edit your posts if something is in there that isn't right. Or maybe I could just inform you if something is amiss. Soon I plan to have a few battles with the fake Rebels with the Republic and Quorosan military, and battle scenes might not be all that hard.

Truth is, I'm kind of desperate for some new writers. I could do it by myself, but I kind of like additional help. And with Krig being banned from his computer for some reason, I haven't had all that much help. HighEmperor of the Force disappeared recently, too. If you don't want to write, that's okay. I don't want to give you too much pressure, but I wouldn't mind some extra help, even if you only make small posts.[/NSP]

'But tonight, we're going to a party. Because that's our job.'
'Bleed and die, yub, yub.'
'Never tell me the odds. You know Corellians have no tolorence for odds.'
'Me? Egotistical?

-Wedge Antilles
Self-righteous people are more sinful than I am.

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