(I think this kind of fits here...)
This is a game I sort of invented. The idea actually came from a friend, but I just improved on it. The first 2 people to reply to this thread get to play. Each person gets tanks, boats, helicopters, planes, and jeep/bridge-layers, and a base. The first person to respond gets to choose their base first, followed by the second person, and then me. The rules for choosing a spot for a base will be shown later. The object of the game is to be the last person left with any vehicles.
*Choosing a base
Each player gets to choose a base starting with the first person to respond to this thread, and ending with me. It will be more fair to have me go last since I made the map. The rules for placing a base are as follows. 1) each base must be placed no more than 5 pixels from the edge of the map. A line must be drawn to the edge that the base coorisponds with, so as to prevent confusion if a base is chosen in a corner. Also only one base can be connected to each side.(this way, bases should not get to close to eachother). 2) Each base must be connected to a body of water by a channel. The channel can be as long as wanted, but must connect the base to the river. Also, the channel can go through dense jungle, but cannot go through rock. One thing to consider when making channels is that they can be damaged by having a vehicle shoot them. Thus it is best to make them as short as possible, and/or go through jungles where they will be safer. 3) bases cannot be placed on rock or over rivers, but can be placed in jungle. However, if placed in jungle, at least part of the base must protrude from the jungle.
Here's a key of the symbols used. Each vehicle is represented by a colored square with a dot in the middle. The color of each dot shows who owns each vehicle. In the case of the bridge-layer, the owner is represented by the color of the horizontal lines. The number of points (in the middle of the key) shows how much each vehicle can move. (the number of points that is shown). Thus, the tank can move 20 spaces, the helicopter can move 40 spaces, etc. It takes 2 points for tanks to move through thick jungle. The helicopter is unaffected by jungle, but can't fly over rock, unless it can get over the rock before it runs out of points. The boat can only move through water. If the general direction of the boat is downstream, then each move takes 1 point. However, if the general directin of the boat is upstream, it takes 2 points. If the boat is in a channel, or a non-moving body of water, each move takes 1.5 points. Thus, if a boat made 10 moves that were for the most part downstream, 15 moves that were for the most part upstream, and 6 moves through a channel, it will have used 49 points. Planes have the largest amount of points of all, but they have to land at the end of each turn. They can't land in jungle or on rock, so they must be out in the open when they run out of points. Also, planes can only go three turns before they have to refuel. The turns are kept track of by the 3 green lines sticking out on the right side of the square. At the end of each turn, one of these lines has to be removed. If all of the lines are removed, then the plane will not be able to move again until it refuels. It can refuel by either going back to its base, or by going to a jeep, or a jeep going to the plane. Refueling takes 1 turn of inaction on the part of the plane, and the jeep if it is involved. Jeeps can move exactly like tanks, except that they can't go into jungle. They are able to fire, but if they fire, they will not be able to move that turn (it takes 45 pts. to fire, and jeep has only 45 pts.) Of the 5 jeeps, 2 at a time can be bridge-layers. Bridge-layers are exactly like jeeps, except that they have the ability to lay bridges over water, allowing jeeps and tanks to cross the rivers. They can also lay barriers. These block the passage of boats through the rivers. However, vehicles cannot pass over barriers. It takes 1 turn to lay a bridge, and 2 turns to lay a barrier. Once a bridge-layer lays its bridge or barrier, it becomes a jeep, and it is possible for another jeep to go back to the base and get a bridge (or come out of the base as a bridge-layer).
*Attacking and Damage
The number just below the number of total points, shows the amount of points it takes to fire. Thus on any give turn, the jeep could move 14 spaces, and then fire 3 times, or move 10 spaces and fire 5 times, etc. To fire, copy the fire-legnth from the key, and rotate it to the angle that you want to shoot, and then paste it into the map. If the line reaches, then you can fire. The number to the bottom right shows the amount of hit-damage each vehicle can take. Thus, the tank can be hit 4 times before it is destroyed. To show how damaged a vehicle is, the protrusions on the bottom are erased one by one, each time a vehicle is hit. However, to make it fair, vehicles are not damaged or removed from the game, until a whole cycle of turns are completed. Thus vehicles that have been destroyed or crippled on someone else's turn, will be able to damage the party that attacked them. When a vehicle is damaged, it will cost x+1, points to fire for each hit, where x = attack points. Also, the move points will be divided by 2 for one hit, 3 for 2 hits, 4 for 3 hits, etc. Thus, if a tank has been hit twice, it would cost 4 (2+2) points to fire, and the tank would only have 7 points. (point numbers are added up to the closest divisible number). Vehicles can be repaired if they are taken to a base. Then it takes the number of turns that the vehicle is damaged to be repaired. Thus if a tank has been hit 3 times, it will take three turns to repair it once it reaches the base.
There, I think that explains everything. The first 2 people to respond to this who want to play can...
Oh yeah, here's the map...
Anyone interested?
[woops ignore the line on the map there]
[This message has been edited by Sarn_Cadrill (edited December 15, 2000).]
This is a game I sort of invented. The idea actually came from a friend, but I just improved on it. The first 2 people to reply to this thread get to play. Each person gets tanks, boats, helicopters, planes, and jeep/bridge-layers, and a base. The first person to respond gets to choose their base first, followed by the second person, and then me. The rules for choosing a spot for a base will be shown later. The object of the game is to be the last person left with any vehicles.
*Choosing a base
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/base.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/base.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/base.gif)
Each player gets to choose a base starting with the first person to respond to this thread, and ending with me. It will be more fair to have me go last since I made the map. The rules for placing a base are as follows. 1) each base must be placed no more than 5 pixels from the edge of the map. A line must be drawn to the edge that the base coorisponds with, so as to prevent confusion if a base is chosen in a corner. Also only one base can be connected to each side.(this way, bases should not get to close to eachother). 2) Each base must be connected to a body of water by a channel. The channel can be as long as wanted, but must connect the base to the river. Also, the channel can go through dense jungle, but cannot go through rock. One thing to consider when making channels is that they can be damaged by having a vehicle shoot them. Thus it is best to make them as short as possible, and/or go through jungles where they will be safer. 3) bases cannot be placed on rock or over rivers, but can be placed in jungle. However, if placed in jungle, at least part of the base must protrude from the jungle.
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/key.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/key.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/key.gif)
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/moving.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/moving.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/moving.gif)
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/playercolor.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/playercolor.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/playercolor.gif)
Here's a key of the symbols used. Each vehicle is represented by a colored square with a dot in the middle. The color of each dot shows who owns each vehicle. In the case of the bridge-layer, the owner is represented by the color of the horizontal lines. The number of points (in the middle of the key) shows how much each vehicle can move. (the number of points that is shown). Thus, the tank can move 20 spaces, the helicopter can move 40 spaces, etc. It takes 2 points for tanks to move through thick jungle. The helicopter is unaffected by jungle, but can't fly over rock, unless it can get over the rock before it runs out of points. The boat can only move through water. If the general direction of the boat is downstream, then each move takes 1 point. However, if the general directin of the boat is upstream, it takes 2 points. If the boat is in a channel, or a non-moving body of water, each move takes 1.5 points. Thus, if a boat made 10 moves that were for the most part downstream, 15 moves that were for the most part upstream, and 6 moves through a channel, it will have used 49 points. Planes have the largest amount of points of all, but they have to land at the end of each turn. They can't land in jungle or on rock, so they must be out in the open when they run out of points. Also, planes can only go three turns before they have to refuel. The turns are kept track of by the 3 green lines sticking out on the right side of the square. At the end of each turn, one of these lines has to be removed. If all of the lines are removed, then the plane will not be able to move again until it refuels. It can refuel by either going back to its base, or by going to a jeep, or a jeep going to the plane. Refueling takes 1 turn of inaction on the part of the plane, and the jeep if it is involved. Jeeps can move exactly like tanks, except that they can't go into jungle. They are able to fire, but if they fire, they will not be able to move that turn (it takes 45 pts. to fire, and jeep has only 45 pts.) Of the 5 jeeps, 2 at a time can be bridge-layers. Bridge-layers are exactly like jeeps, except that they have the ability to lay bridges over water, allowing jeeps and tanks to cross the rivers. They can also lay barriers. These block the passage of boats through the rivers. However, vehicles cannot pass over barriers. It takes 1 turn to lay a bridge, and 2 turns to lay a barrier. Once a bridge-layer lays its bridge or barrier, it becomes a jeep, and it is possible for another jeep to go back to the base and get a bridge (or come out of the base as a bridge-layer).
*Attacking and Damage
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/fire.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/fire.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/fire.gif)
The number just below the number of total points, shows the amount of points it takes to fire. Thus on any give turn, the jeep could move 14 spaces, and then fire 3 times, or move 10 spaces and fire 5 times, etc. To fire, copy the fire-legnth from the key, and rotate it to the angle that you want to shoot, and then paste it into the map. If the line reaches, then you can fire. The number to the bottom right shows the amount of hit-damage each vehicle can take. Thus, the tank can be hit 4 times before it is destroyed. To show how damaged a vehicle is, the protrusions on the bottom are erased one by one, each time a vehicle is hit. However, to make it fair, vehicles are not damaged or removed from the game, until a whole cycle of turns are completed. Thus vehicles that have been destroyed or crippled on someone else's turn, will be able to damage the party that attacked them. When a vehicle is damaged, it will cost x+1, points to fire for each hit, where x = attack points. Also, the move points will be divided by 2 for one hit, 3 for 2 hits, 4 for 3 hits, etc. Thus, if a tank has been hit twice, it would cost 4 (2+2) points to fire, and the tank would only have 7 points. (point numbers are added up to the closest divisible number). Vehicles can be repaired if they are taken to a base. Then it takes the number of turns that the vehicle is damaged to be repaired. Thus if a tank has been hit 3 times, it will take three turns to repair it once it reaches the base.
There, I think that explains everything. The first 2 people to respond to this who want to play can...
Oh yeah, here's the map...
![http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/map.gif [http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/map.gif]](http://www.geocities.com/sarn_cadrill/map.gif)
Anyone interested?
[woops ignore the line on the map there]
[This message has been edited by Sarn_Cadrill (edited December 15, 2000).]
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.