The Temple Of The Menkeys
One day The temple of the menkeys was a cold place. but one day they meet a man called joe. and said hi joe Im bob. so he walked home and told his mom a baby had killed his menkey doll. the mother was mad so she killed her son and licked the menkey doll. then she went on AN OUTRAGE and liicked all the pigs in the city but what about the menkeys! HAHAH she said out in a fat roar. Blah said the dead Joe… Ahhhh! Ure dead.. then the mom lived and ate a chicken pot pie. MAGAGA said Jim Joe who is not in this story as my mom said go to bed I said 1 min and the menkeys temple was quiet! Die said The Matrix man as he walked on the walls to go to his room. BAGAHO! Said the menkeys having a spasm! Never said spider man as he grabbed the matrix man wrapped him up and ate him for supper! I went to the bathroom and all was well but I pooped and Mr.hankypoo said Hiddy ho and ran away with the dish and the spoon! Moo said the jedi! Oink said the cat and meow said the bison! If u kill me I will live! Yea right said the Terminator as he drank tea with little miss piggy! Want some more tea mr terminator.. No I want some BACON! “ok” said Miss Piggy as she killed her self and cooked her self well done! NOOOO MY BACON! I wanted it medium u did it well done MWAHSJHASK! As teminator had a spasm and died. Back at the Menkeys place they were all eating Mrs.Piggy and drinky tea and eating spider while the mom of Joe stopped licking stuff and had some tea she to became a menkey..
Serious, Improved, Nice, Funny, Working, Leader Of SAJN and for sale!
[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited February 03, 2001).]
One day The temple of the menkeys was a cold place. but one day they meet a man called joe. and said hi joe Im bob. so he walked home and told his mom a baby had killed his menkey doll. the mother was mad so she killed her son and licked the menkey doll. then she went on AN OUTRAGE and liicked all the pigs in the city but what about the menkeys! HAHAH she said out in a fat roar. Blah said the dead Joe… Ahhhh! Ure dead.. then the mom lived and ate a chicken pot pie. MAGAGA said Jim Joe who is not in this story as my mom said go to bed I said 1 min and the menkeys temple was quiet! Die said The Matrix man as he walked on the walls to go to his room. BAGAHO! Said the menkeys having a spasm! Never said spider man as he grabbed the matrix man wrapped him up and ate him for supper! I went to the bathroom and all was well but I pooped and Mr.hankypoo said Hiddy ho and ran away with the dish and the spoon! Moo said the jedi! Oink said the cat and meow said the bison! If u kill me I will live! Yea right said the Terminator as he drank tea with little miss piggy! Want some more tea mr terminator.. No I want some BACON! “ok” said Miss Piggy as she killed her self and cooked her self well done! NOOOO MY BACON! I wanted it medium u did it well done MWAHSJHASK! As teminator had a spasm and died. Back at the Menkeys place they were all eating Mrs.Piggy and drinky tea and eating spider while the mom of Joe stopped licking stuff and had some tea she to became a menkey..
Serious, Improved, Nice, Funny, Working, Leader Of SAJN and for sale!
[This message has been edited by SAJN_Master (edited February 03, 2001).]
Think while it's still legal.