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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Darkness Falls
Darkness Falls
2001-05-03, 4:00 PM #1
It is a dark, damp day. The Jedi Master Peter Robertson prepares to battle the great Dark Master Darth Varty. The two are staring off, ready for the other to make the first move. Suddenly, Jedi Robertson gets throw backwards with the dark side of the Force and Darth Varty ignites his red-bladed lightsaber and charges at the Jedi Master......

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-03, 7:29 PM #2
The Jedi Master sprang to his fett and jumped above Darth's head, twisting and turning in mid-air. As Robertson landed, he swung his own lightsaber, but connected with nothing but air. Darth Varty was 10 meters away, but came back at the young Jedi Master with lightsaber swinging furiously, but the Jedi jumped above him agian, but this time, as the Jedi Master was about to land, he was pushed away again with the Dark Side of the Force. The Dark Master lashed out at the Jedi with Force Destruction, but at this distance, the Jedi easily dodged it. The Jedi and the Dark Jedi ran towards each other, when they came close enough, the Dark Jedi cut low at the Jedi's knees, but the Jedi jumped the low shot, and drilled a snap-kick into the back of Darth Varty's head. The Dark Jedi rolled to land on his back, so he could easily defend any other attacks by the Jedi, he was lucky, the Jedi was pressing his attack, by swinging a shot meant to cut theDark Master from right shoulder to left hip, but the Dark Jedi was already prepared, and deflected it just enough to avoid being cleaved by Peter Robertson. He quickly rolled away and sprung to his feet, but was cut off by a foot under the jaw from the Jedi.

Rpbertson stood over the downed Dark Jedi, lightsaber just a few centimeters above the tip of the Dark Jedi's nose. The Dark Jedi quickly re-ignited the saber and batted Peter's to the side and rolled back to his feet and launched a flurry of saber swings that Peter could bearly deflect. Peter used the Force to try to make himself invisable, but the Dark Jedi was too strong to fall for that trick. He felt the weight of the dark Jedi's foot crunch against his chin, and Peter fell to the ground, his head hit against the hard stone and he began to black out. His last chance was to launch all of the remaining Force mana he could call to himself and launch a devastating ball of pure lightside Force into the Dakr Jedi, he was sent backwards about 20 meters and he landed, wounded on one knee, in obvious pain....

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-04, 12:48 AM #3
The Jedi was obviously stronger than Darth Varty had anticipated, but even in the pain he was currently in, he struggled to his feet and ignited his lightsaber ready for another fight with the Jedi. But the Jedi never came at him. The Jedi was just standing there, doing nothing. So Darth Varty charged his opponent and attempted to slice his opponent in half. But the Jedi didnt die, Darth's saber seemingly passed straight through the Jedi. Then he concentratred and realised it was an illusion that the Jedi had set up, the Jedi then attacked Darth, but Darth easily defended the attack, but recieved a kick in the back of the head for his troubles and was then pushed away by the Jedi Master, when Darth Varty regained his senses, he saw the Jedi Master standing above him, with Darth's own lightsaber hanging from the Jedi's belt. As the Jedi reared back to strike Varty, he drew as much Force power as he could to himself and lashed out with a devestating Force Destruction blast. The blast, from this close range, vapourized the Jedi Master from all life. The impact sent ripples through the Force. Darth Varty slowly got up, made sure his opponent was destroid, then left aboard his shuttle.

The pain of his master's death still haunted the now Jedi Knight, James Peterson. It had been 1 year since his Master's destruciton at the hands of Darth Varty, but his thirst for revenge was now at a boiling point. He decided he would now go out to hunt down his Master's killer.

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-04, 4:13 AM #4
The epic Battle of Ruusan had taken place six months ago, with Hoth, the Lord of Light and leader of a vast Jedi army, fighting Kaan, Disciple of Darkness and creator of an equally large horde of Sith. Darth Varty had been a member of that rejuvenated Sith order, but had not been on Ruusan that fateful day in which Kaan's last gambit had destroyed both armies.

A half-year before THAT, Varty had killed James Peterson's Jedi Master, and now, James (or Jim, as he was called) thirsted for revenge. He would tear the galaxy apart to find Varty if he had to, he vowed.

Sorry, that's all I can think of right now.

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-05-06, 3:20 PM #5
James Peterson's shuttle emergeed from hyper-space on the outskirts of the Dexxa system, a recently-discovered system in the Unknown Regions, and prepared to find his master's killer, Darth Varty. He decided to try the main planet in the system, Dexxa IV.
When he landed he was confronted by a group of Storm-troopers, but quickly dispatched them with a few swings from his saber, but was then attacked by a group of 10 more Storm-troopers............

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-06, 5:24 PM #6
James ignited his lightsaber, ducked some blaster shots, and whipped the saber around in a wide arch that collected the first 4 Storm-troopers. He then ducked and rolled to the left to avoid the next blaster shots. He swung and cut one of the remaining troopers, lowering the number of enemies to 5. He threw 2 more back with the Force, those two collected the two behind them, and he stepped forward to take the trooper that was still standing. The rest of the troopers were slowly getting to their feet. James took off the head of the first to his feet, then stabbed one of the other troops that was still on the ground. The last two troopers were on their feet with their blasters already trained on him. He deflected the two shots and cut down the two Storm-troopers.

After another 10 minutes on walking around, he could finally sense something along way from him. As he rounded the next corner, a dark jedi jumped out and attacked him, the dark jedi is Darth Varty's apprentice. The dark jedi attacked furiously, cutting and slashing and stabbing. James bearly deflected all of the swings, but managed to jump back and push his attacker backward with the Force...

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-08, 3:20 PM #7
With a backwards flip the Sith apprentice landed on his feet and without a second's delay responded with a ungodly flurry of anger and destruction. James, anticipating the fury the sith had to release, dosged left and swung his lightweapon up, meeting the assault of the Sith and countering without a moment's hessitation.
The art of lightsaber combat was to destroy your enemy without taking a chance of assuming any damage upon yourself. This was his only goal, especially with the revenge of his master's death hanging in the balance.
The learner, feeling that he held the upper hand moved right swinging low letting his oppenent move to block. Whoever this was was not going to leave here alive, that was for sure.
In a untraceable pattern of swings and blocks the two Jedi battled across the courtyard, neither letting the apparent fatigue show.
With a thought so small that it could have been only the slightest of hesitation, James hurled a rock, using the force, into his oppenents kneecap.
Feeling his sudden but temporary handicap, the sith rolled forward trying to avoid being struck down.
Perfect, James thought.
Jumping behind the apprentice, the jedi swung down, waiting for the block.
Without a moments hesitation, the sith swing behind him, blocking the strike that was oncoming.
James reach downand grabbed his foe's arm, sheathing his saber and pinning his foe face first in the dirt and wrestling the saber from his hand.
The sith was in trouble and he knew it...
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops.
On my desk I have a workstation...
2001-05-08, 3:48 PM #8
The sith apprentice tried to move, but the jedi just put more pressure on the sith's arm. The sith lashed out violently. In his rage, the sith apprentice had his arm broken, which only added to his rage. He snapped a sharp kick under the jedi's jaw, sending the jedi stumbling backwards. The jedi dropped his lightsaber, and the sith quickly picked it up and ignited it. The jedi rolled and picked up the sith's lightsaber and they continued to battle. The jedi tried throwing another rock at the sith's knees, but the sith jumped over it this time, but the momentary distraction was all the jedi needed. He stabbed at the sith in the lower stomach. As the sith was falling, the jedi spun and decapitated the sith as he was falling and gripping at the wound. The sith's body fell to the ground and the jedi stared for a moment or two at the body, laying there on the ground, with the head a couple of meters away. Then the jedi continued on his way to find Darth Varty, the Dark master who killed James' master a year ago. Then he heard an evil laugh that could only have come from one person, Darth Varty himself.

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-10, 8:09 PM #9
James searched the area, but could find no trace of the sith lord. Then the evil sith appeared behind the jedi apprentice. James spun to face his master's killer, only to be kicked in the jaw and sent back a couple of steps and was then sent backwards with the force by the sith. The sith flashed a surge if Force Lightning into the jedi, who stumbled back more and fell to his knees. The sith flashed an evil smile and continued his assult of the weak jedi. He flashed another bolt of lightning into the jedi, sending the jedi to is knees again.

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-05-12, 1:31 AM #10
The jedi apprentice struggled to his feet, only to have his the air sucked from him, he gripped at his throat, trying to breathe. Darth Varty laughed again, clearly ammused by the Jedi's struggles. James, angry at the Sith, faught past the burning in his lungs to attempt to push the sith away. But instead, little blue tendrils of lightning lashed from his finger tips. This caused the sith to break his grip on James throat. James, still stunned at the act, but now driven by his anger at bth the Sith's ignorance of James' ability and that this Sith killed James' master 1 year ago. He charged at the Sith, but was knocked backwards by the Sith. The Sith then lashed out with lightning again and again until James lay, struggling for conciousness, then he just smiled at James. The Sith then walked slowly to James, smiling the whole time, 'You really thought you could come here to defeat me, didn't you? You are as stupid as your master!' With that James' anger took control once again and he lashed out with lightning again, staggering the Sith back a couple of steps, James tried to get up and to his lightsaber, but then the weapon flew past him and into the Sith's hand. 'This is a nice weapon, but you will not need it where your going. When I destroyed your master, I was just a Dark Jedi, and relied on one of these, and almost died for it. Now I have grown more, and know these weapons are for the weak. I have you beat, and when have I used a lightsaber so far in this fight?' James then received a kick to the ribs which he felt, hard. He struggled to his feet, only to receive a kick to the jaw that set him back to the ground. Darth Varty dropped James' saber on the ground, then hurled a huge rock on top of it, destroying it. James flinched at the sight of seeing something he made by himself be destroyed and the knowledge that he could do nothing about it. Anger once again reared through him, but this itme more violently. He jumped to his feet, pulled the dark apprentices lightsaber to him and ignited it. This made Darth Varty angry, he lashed out more violently than ever, ducking a swing by James, then delivering a hard kick to James' jaw, then launching a burst of Force Destruction, wiping out James forever, just like James' master Peter Robertson. At last James Peterson was back with his master, Peter Robertson, thanks to Darth Varty.
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.

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