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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Rapidplatypus
2001-06-03, 6:28 AM #1
wow i cant believe that rapidplatypus could be so stupid wy is he so stupid his name would sound so much better if it was rabidplatypus he is just a rapidplatypussy post here if you hate him so much because i hate him i also hat chairs because sometimes they squeak mice also squeak and mice are big if you compare them to an ant but if it was a giant ant then- hey i just realized someting giant has the word ant in it to gi must be a suffix that means that it is not so giant means it is not and ant so if you said gionly then it is not an only isn't that so cool, why do people say cool because cool is a temperature they also call people hot and that is a temperature why don't they call people mid-temperatured i like my soup midtemperature because if its too hot it burns your mouth and if it's too cold it tastes bad but cold pizza tastes good i think that taste in a funny wourd like pokadots only idiots spell pokadots rong its the easyest word in the language to spell once i had a spelling test where pokadots was the only word onit and i got 100000000000000% i was so happy because i had never gotten 100000% before because i was happy about that.

2001-06-03, 8:53 AM #2
Can we say: 'Run-on sentence.'

This topic will be closed. E-mail RapidPlatypus and express your hate, ok. []

"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-06-03, 12:35 PM #3
run on scentence


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