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ForumsInteractive Story Board → One Word Story
One Word Story
2001-05-30, 4:41 PM #81
The Hampster
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2001-05-31, 7:31 AM #82
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2001-05-31, 12:04 PM #83
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2001-05-31, 12:11 PM #84
my []
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2001-05-31, 3:02 PM #85

may the farce be with you.
may the farce be with you.
2001-06-02, 3:00 PM #86
2001-06-04, 5:46 AM #87
head []
2001-06-04, 8:01 AM #88
2001-06-04, 8:20 AM #89
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2001-06-04, 11:16 AM #90
I don't care about your name, Red. I don't want to know your name. If you survive your first three or so battles, then maybe I'll learn your name. Not before. I used to learn the names, but it was a goddamned waste of time. Soon as I'd get to know a puke, he'd up and die on me. These days I don't bother.

-Horkin, Master-at-Wizardy
2001-06-04, 12:50 PM #91
The first
2001-06-05, 2:57 AM #92
2001-06-05, 5:32 AM #93
2001-06-06, 6:04 AM #94
rhode island
2001-06-07, 4:39 PM #95
2001-06-08, 3:36 PM #96
2001-06-09, 1:05 AM #97
The last

Blah blah blah TACC TACC TACC
2001-06-09, 1:11 AM #98
Remember: If you ever find yourself creating a hostage situation always demand a load of useless items so that you can plead insanity when you get to court.
2001-06-10, 6:18 AM #99


There are many types of Kavu,but which one am I?
2001-06-10, 8:13 AM #100
2001-06-10, 5:35 PM #101
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2001-06-11, 3:31 AM #102
2001-06-11, 8:42 AM #103
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2001-06-11, 12:48 PM #104
2001-06-11, 12:58 PM #105
2001-06-11, 1:04 PM #106
[Well here is what we have so far:

Once there were people who defenestrated small pokemon.
The broken Pokemon unfortunately lived.
But defenestrator was not absolute.
Then, everyone ran into eachother and fell down.
We laughed Alot NARF!
Then the defenestrator ate the Pokemon and upchucked.
The frogs peed on So, on cried [umm?]
Since 700 B.C. Gofers had stolen the sandwiches from the refrigerator and eaten by a hamster.
The last thought that the hampster had forgotten was "I ate his sandwich."
"Damn he fart-ed and unjilations goo him."
The Hampster flew into my head, RabidPlatypus's head rotated.
And hebecamekingoftheworld [huh?] []
The first toothbrush of Rhode Island danced fast!
The last person crapped again.
Forty pickles threw fifty cabbages.

WOW WE ARE GOOD! Ok just wanted to show the
whole thing... Continue...]
2001-06-11, 1:15 PM #107

9 out of 10 voices in my head tell me I'm sane.
Breathing underwater, living under glass.
I'm in love with.... My Sadness
Love is Suicide
Zone Name: MadQuack
I have a signature.
2001-06-12, 11:46 AM #108
"Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend"

"If you make it easier, it makes you lazier!"
2001-06-13, 4:23 AM #109
Akidna (I think I spelled that wrong. If you don't know, akednas are porcupine like animals but can't shoot their quils. They are native to Australia.)

[This message has been edited by DemonicMurray1 (edited June 13, 2001).]
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-06-13, 9:00 AM #110
confarbutilated. []
2001-06-14, 5:57 PM #111
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2001-06-15, 11:56 AM #112
2001-06-15, 12:02 PM #113
2001-06-15, 4:48 PM #114
2001-06-15, 9:50 PM #115

(BTW, its spelled Echidna, like knuckles from the sonic the hedgehog games.)

[This message has been edited by KOP_Snake (edited June 16, 2001).]
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2001-06-16, 4:33 AM #116
2001-06-16, 6:44 AM #117
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2001-06-17, 3:22 PM #118
2001-06-17, 4:45 PM #119
2001-06-17, 8:29 PM #120
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."

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