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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The guardians of Darkness (don't screw this one up, please, thx)
The guardians of Darkness (don't screw this one up, please, thx)
2000-06-08, 12:59 AM #1
A long time ago, in a galaxy far
far away...


After the battle of Endor our herous come to peace on Coruscant. The New Republic has been founded, yet the Imperial tread is still there. Lost fleets of stardestroyers flee through out the galaxy, plundering and killing people.

The new Jedi Knight Skywalker has set the beginning of new Jedi Knights, yet also here is a tread. Even Luke can't know the evil hanging above their heads.

Nobody knows if the Sith is really gone, but people come to Jedi Skywalker to tell him of the Evil they have seen. And so Luke, and his friends prepear for a new battle to restore freedom in the galaxy...

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-06-08, 10:18 AM #2
Slowly the sun sunk away in the dunes, peace and rest came over Luke who stood in the middle of a familiar desert known as Tatooine. Luke smelled the fresh noon air.
Suddenly dark clouds overshadowed the dunes and thunder rolled from the sky. Luke opened his eyes and fell out of bed. ''What was that?'', he said to himself. He crawled back up and walked to the window. He looked out over the always busy skylanes of Coruscant.
What am I doing here, he though, in the palace where ones a great evil ruled, the Emperor. ''But that couldn't be it, what happend, although Palpetines evil can still be felt. It could never cause that kind of disturbtion.'' The entrance door opened. ''What was that'', said a familiar person, ''We heard you banging?'' ''Leia, I'm glad to see you, I feel something terrible will happen!'' ''Luke, don't worry, nothing will happen, the Empire is too weak, and the Sith is gone.'' ''I guess you're right'', Luke said looking out the window.
''I'm going back now, goodnight.'' ''Yeah'', he said, now looking at Leia leaving his room. What a strength she has, Luke thought, she has helped the Republic alot and still she is needed, and still she helps. Luke lay down on the bed and fell asleep again, not knowing what evil was lurking...

''Han Solo, please report to hangarbay 8-D!'', the intercom said. ''I'm on my way.'' Han walked down the hallway and entered the hangar. ''There you are!'' Han looked at Admiral Ackbar, ''Well, don't wanna be late when I'm gonna visit my favorite bar a Mos Eisley'', Han said with a big smile, ''What am I supposed to do there anyway?'' ''Like we told you, Solo. There is a man, who we think is selling information to the Empire.'' ''What does he look like?'' Ackbar looked at Solo, it was silent for a few seconds, ''We don't know...'' ''Great, I'm man hunting, and I don't know for who to hunt.'' ''You know those guys there, right? Well anybody who looks strange, you follow, ok?'' ''So, I have to follow everybody there, they all look strange in a bountyhunter hideout!'' ''Just go there, you will know him when you see him!'' ''Oké, I'm going'', Han said to Ackbar and walked up the boarding ramp of the Falcon. Ackbar looked at him and then left the hangar. ''Here we go again'', Han said starting the engines. A loud noise filled the bay. ''Oké, Chewie, start the repulsorlifts.'' Chewie crowled and punched some buttons. The Falcon rose in the air and flew out the baydoors, the engines were swithched to sub-light and the Falcon jumped in hyperspace above the planet.

Slowly the colors of hyperspace turned into the long stars. The long stars shrunk and the Falcon came out of hyperspace. ''Take us slowly to the surface, and don't use donkingbay 94, bad number since our last visit all those years ago.'' Chewbacca confirmed that with a sniff. The Falcon flew over Mos Eisley looking for an empty donkingbay. He turned around and sunk in an empty one. Han opened the ramp and walked out, inhaling the known air of Mos Eisley. Chewbacca closed the ramp again behind him and followed Han to the main streets.

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-06-08, 11:46 PM #3
Han walked past a heap of junk, then walked back. He looked at a stomtrooper suit. He inspected the helmet and found a burned laser holl. ''Looks like they aren't wanted here either.'' Han walked further to the entrance of the bar. A man came to him, ''Stop, who goes there?'' Han grabbed his blaster and puts it under the man's nose, ''Han Solo! And don't forget.'' The man walked away, letting Han pass. Han entered the bar followed by chewie. He walked to a table and sat down, ''Now, let's wait and drink.''

Luke looked up to the ceiling, ''Why did I dreamed about that clouded desert?'' He stood up and grabbed his lightsaber. He walked out of the door down the hallway to the hangarbay. The doors opened. Luke looked in the cool bay. ''There she is'', he said looking at his x-wing. He leaped in the ship and started the engines. The x-wing flew out the doors and into space. The hyperengines activated, the x-wing made the jump into hyperspace.

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-06-24, 10:11 AM #4
Han looked around the bar trying to find an unusual man. Nobody, all he saw was a woman who... ''That's Mara Jade. What's she doing here?'' Han stood up and walked over to her. Mara didn't look up, ''What do you want from me, creep?'' ''He, it's me...'' Mara looked up as she recognized the voice. ''Han, I though you were one of those perverts from that table'', Mara said looking at a table with four men looking at her and making jokes. Han followed Mara eyes and looked at the table. Between the four men he saw a silent man looking out of the window. ''I think I found what I was looking for.'' ''Can I help'', Mara asked. ''Ofcourse, I want to speak that silent man.'' ''No problemo.''

Mara walked to the table. The joking men looked at her and then at her waist and her legs. They made weird noises. The men looked up again. As their sight rose up a blaster came in view. The men jumped up and walked away. The other man still looked out of the window. ''What do you want?'', he asked. Mara put away her blaster and sat down, ''There is someone who wants to talk to you.'' ''Why?'' ''I don't know, ask him!'' Han sat also down. ''How did you know it was me?'', the man asked. Han looked suprised. ''How did you know I was looking for you?'' ''I know everything'', he said still looking out of the window, ''And now you are going to ask me if I did it?'' ''Well?'' ''Yes I am selling information, arrest me if you want.'' Han stood up and walked to the man. The man suddenly jumped up and activated a lightsaber. He jumped on the table and made a leap behind Han. Han turned around and fired. The bolt hit the saber, but came back. He ducked away and when he looked up again, the man was gone. everywhere in the bar, people stood up from behind tables. Mara walked to Han, ''I think we have a problem.''

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-06-29, 3:07 AM #5
''Damn'', Han said putting away his blaster. ''this can't be''. He walked out of the bar and looked around. ''There!'' Mara said pointing at a speeder hovering away at high speed. Chewbacca came out of the bar, growling. He ran to four other speeders. Han got the point and jumped on a speeder, Mara too. The two speeders flew away. ''He, those are our speeders'', a man said looking at the disappearing speeders. He than looked at the Wookiee. ''Nevermind''.

''There he is.'' Han flew his speeder right on the mans tail. He grabbed his blaster and fired.

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-07-07, 4:55 AM #6
The shot riccocete off Bill Gates' speeder. Han jumped off his speeder and turned on "eriamjh." He flew over to Bill Gates and wholloped him over the head with a Mac-OS software update. Bill Gates screamed insanities and his speeder collided with an oversized JK CD. Han said, "Well! Good thing i got mentos! *Smiles at camera*
Then Mara said, "Hey, Han! How come you can talk in a misspelled way? No one else can do that!"
"I just screw Leia a lot."
Mara laughed. They got off their speeders and walked over to a waterfall.
Mara looked at Han mischieviously.
"Will you screw me?"
"I...Uhhh....well, you see....."
Mara stripped down butt-naked and dove into the waterfall.
Han said, "What the hell," and did the same.

2000-07-07, 5:32 AM #7
I think it's safe to say we're not counting that last post? []

Meanwhile, Luke and his X-Wing were enveloped in the deep glow of hyperspace, traveling toward the unknown planet he had seen in his vision.
"Why am I traveling so far on a simple dream?", he asked himself. "I don't even know what I'm looking for."
Eventually, he reached his destination, and his X-Wing pulled out of hyperspace in orbit above a dusty dry planet. He began to collect himself and decide what his next course of action should be. As he did, a presence began to gnaw at his mind, as the force connected him with someone he hadn't seen in years.

"I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I'd planned.
It continued falling into that starry expanse of which I had only a fleeting glimpse.
I've tried to speculate, where it might have landed--although I must admit such conjecture is futile. Still, the question about whose hands might one day hold my Myst book are unsettling to me.
I know my apprehensions might never be allayed, and so I close, realizing that, perhaps, the ending has not yet been written."
2000-07-11, 3:30 AM #8
Mara stripped down butt-naked and dove into the waterfall.

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2000-07-12, 7:11 AM #9
He, Xizor, stop with the nonsens, already!!!
Damn your ****ing the whole story up...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2000-07-12, 2:01 PM #10
Xizor_42, please keep your contributions to the story appropriate as per the rules of this board. If you don't stop your posting privileges will be suspended.
Progress: Since its inception almost 30 years ago, the internet has been transformed from a primitive device for sharing thoughts and ideas, into a massive network where people pay to connect and read advertisements they don't want, while calling each other "***hats".
2001-08-14, 11:50 PM #11
Mara looked up at the sky, she felt lukes presence. She stood next to her ship. After awhile Mara saw a x-wing enter the atmosphear and comming right at her. The x-wing landed near her.
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2001-08-16, 3:16 PM #12
Luke jumped out of his X-Wing and walked towards Mara. Mara walked towards Luke but Luke ignites his red lightsaber and uses it to lop Mara's head off. Only then do they all realise it is the evil Sith Duo, Dingus Fett and SKPOFTHECENTURY. Just for fun, Dingus launches a blast of Force Destruction at Han Solo, killing him.

Forget years of training and commitment!
I found a lightsaber in a garage and that makes me a Jedi!
- DCM JK Special Edition
Dont ask me how it works, it just does.
2001-08-16, 3:48 PM #13
Charges wildly and kills DingusFett by cutting off his head with a lightsaber. Luke Skywalker then came from a different X-Wing and sees the bodies of Mara and Han on the ground. He turns towards Churabael and charges, green lightsaber ignited. When Luke tried to attack Churabael, he ducked and kicked Luke under the jaw, shattering his teeth. Luke dropped back in pain, his lightsaber falling to the ground. Churabael called the saber into the air, before crushing it with the Force. Luke climbed back to his feet, blood running from his mouth, then charged at Churabael, but Churabael whipped his own red saber around in an arc, decapitating Luke Skywalker and freeing the galaxy from Luke's stupidity. Churabael then screemed out "Long live the Insane Thread Highjackers!!!!!!!!!" MAHAHAHAHAHAHA
All hail the mighty god of the Insane Thread Hijackers, Yun-Corell.
Please bring all of your belongings and place them in my bag, lightsabers must be turned off, try anything and I will ****in kill you and collect your **** anyway.
2001-08-16, 4:23 PM #14
Hey Churabael look what i found Churabael looked over SKP's shoulder the huge hairy body of a wookie hung in the air "he was chasing this dude with a lightsaber on a speeder i missed the first guy i think he had the force couse he bailed from the speeder just before it hit my wall of force energy but this dumb wookie didnt he went splat hehehehe"how dout a game of soccer?
"but we didnt bring a ball""dont be such a defetist Churabael we can use the wookies head"

Please stay seated and dont try any Heroics just pass forward all your valualbes Lightsabers inclusive.Insane Thred Hijackers
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-16, 6:51 PM #15
So Churabael and SKP ignited theire lightsabers and lopped off Chewie's head and began playing soccer with stupid wookies head. Suddenly Leia jumped out from behind Luke's X-Wing and make a feeble attempt at shooting SKP and Churabael, so, using the Force, they picked her up and began to strip her naked. Then.....

All hail the mighty god of the Insane Thread Hijackers, Yun-Corell.
Please bring all of your belongings and place them in my bag, lightsabers must be turned off, try anything and I will ****in kill you and collect your **** anyway.
2001-08-16, 7:19 PM #16
SKP implanted in her mind a sudden longing to hold an orgi inviting 20 guys and no females.MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [](thats gona hurt

Please stay seated and dont try any Heroics just pass forward all your valualbes Lightsabers inclusive.Insane Thread Hijackers
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-16, 7:24 PM #17
Lets get back to playing soccer Churabael.Right what was the score?
3 all your ball.

Please stay seated and dont try any Heroics just pass forward all your valualbes Lightsabers inclusive.Insane Thread Hijackers
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-16, 7:29 PM #18
**** that, I jusjt ****in killed those ****in 20 guys. I then implanted her with thoughts that made her want to **** me over and over and over. So she stripped naked and then did the same to me, before taking me to her bed and we made sweet love all night until she died from being ****ed too hard, at least she died having fun. Me and SKP then collected the bodies of Han, Luke, Mara, Chewie and Leia and threw them into a big pit that is the pit for victims of the Insane Thread Hijackers.
All hail the mighty god of the Insane Thread Hijackers, Yun-Corell.
Please bring all of your belongings and place them in my bag, lightsabers must be turned off, try anything and I will ****in kill you and collect your **** anyway.
2001-08-16, 8:38 PM #19
ok thats not fair

Why do u get to kill leia,wait i know what ill do SKP runs over to a clear area of the street and draws deeply on the force deeper still untill he had enough to open a portal in time and space and stepped through to when
leia was just about to strip Churabael and grabed her then opened another portal and stepped onto the tempels of yavin 4 and setup huge barriers with the force so Churabael could NOT follow him then he procedeed to scew her to death

Well that was fun said SKP to no1 inperticularas he steeped back to Mos Eisley When he looked arround he saw a very big hole next to a small mountin down at the bottom of the hole he could see the bodies of Han Solo,Luke,Mara,Chewi and it looked like that guy that got away from the speeder crash then he saw Churabael with 2 light sabers he looked mad u hog he said

there was a long empty pause thenhe said well weres the body at least? oh right skp opened another portan in space time and pulled her body through .just throw it down there.hey Churabael that hole looks prety empty.Yep. lets get to filling ityour on


Please stay seated and dont try any Heroics just pass forward all your valualbes Lightsabers inclusive.Insane Thread Hijackers
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-17, 12:50 AM #20



Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2001-08-18, 1:22 AM #21
Thank you Sven, it is our job to **** up threads, and you ****in asked for it by saying dont screw this one up, please. *ignites lightsaber and cackles madly before chasing Sven* Churabael chases Sven into the portal in space time, Sven pauses in front of the pit. SKP jumps out and slices Sven, before Churabael kicks the body into the pit, along with this ****ed up story.

All hail the mighty god of the Insane Thread Hijackers, Yun-Corell.
Please bring all of your belongings and place them in my bag, lightsabers must be turned off, try anything and I will ****in kill you and collect your **** anyway.
All hail the mighty god of the Insane Thread Hijackers, Yun-Corell.
Please bring all of your belongings and place them in my bag, lightsabers must be turned off, try anything and I will ****in kill you and collect your **** anyway.
2001-08-19, 5:35 AM #22
I think you should be banned from this far you're just being a jerk.

I created the most popular toilet 3do ever!
"Rabbits will jump farther if you throw them..."
2001-08-19, 3:33 PM #23
This is definitely grounds for at least a couple of bannings.

How I could improve the boards if I was an administrator...
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2001-08-19, 7:01 PM #24
SKP stalks slowly up behind Michael MacFarlane while he busyly ranting when he is 2 steps away Michael MacFarlane turns to see the terror approching him and trys to flee but SKP holds him with the force this will silence your deraged rantings FOREVER and cleavs Michael MacFarlane's head from his body then pushes him into the pit

Please stay seated and dont try any Heroics just pass forward all your valualbes Lightsabers inclusive.Insane Thread Hijackers
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-20, 11:07 PM #25
Well Cherabualsadf, or what the heck your name is, at least I got you e-mail adress, let´s see if I still got some nice little files on a disc somewhere I could send you unnoticed!

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
2001-08-20, 11:11 PM #26
Oh by the way, I think you guys who ****ed things up are really pathetic, you´re probably those guys who sit behind their computer all day. eating donuts and chips and stuff and when you´ve got nothing to do you just **** somebody´s stuff up. You could do better by not going over this board, but over the editing board and instead of ****ing people up, you could help them!

Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...
Choose life. Choose a job. Choose sitting on a couch watching spirit crushing game shows, stuffing junk food into your mouth...
But why would I do a thing like that, i chose not to choose this life.
I chose the Star Wars life...

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