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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Clone Wars
The Clone Wars
2001-03-15, 6:52 AM #1
Neeja Halcyon, Famed Corellian Jedi Master, left his son and wife in the care of Rostek Horn while he fought in the Clone Wars. He went to fight off the Emporers evil clones and vowed to one day return to his home...
2001-03-15, 7:16 AM #2
Hate to break it to you, Stone, but the Emperor didn't have clones in the Clone Wars. We don't even know for sure when the Clone Wars were; they may have happened before Palpatine declared himself Emperor. Sorry. []

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-03-15, 7:48 AM #3
The Emperor was behind all of this... The Clone Wars declared Palpitine the Emperor... The clones were created by Palpitine and his loyal servants who later defected to the Rebel Cause after the Clone wars.
2001-03-16, 2:18 AM #4
Where did you hear this? I've heard everything to the contrary. Have you read the Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn?

Play epic RPGs such as Dark Exile, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
Play epic RPGs such as Year Infinity, or duel in the Interdimensional Arena @ The High Citadel
2001-03-16, 7:10 AM #5
I served in the Clone Wars... My master died saving my life.

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-16, 7:35 AM #6
I think he heard it from spoilers for Episode 2 movie.... I've read Thrawn Trilogy...and it speaks quite differently to what Stone Cold said....I've read spoilers to Episode 2 and 3 (well..maybe not alot to 3) and it says Clone Wars happened in Episode 2...I happen to know that I don't think that's true....after all,spoilers HARDLY come true.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2001-03-16, 7:37 AM #7
Oh yeah...where is the interactive part of the story???? If you post a story here other people besides author have to tell it along with you..I think.

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2001-03-16, 7:48 AM #8
My master and I headed toward the camp where master Yoda and Mace Windu were waiting for us. My master, Terast Ryde, Was a strongly built man, and an even better Jedi. As we entered Master Yoda and Mace Windu's tent we ran into the Jedi Master Tahl, and she reminded me of an old friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-17, 7:16 AM #9
Mace Windu, a tall, strong spirited Jedi stared at my master as he entered the tent, then his focus shifted to me as I followed my master. "Hello Terast, Hello Neeja, you understand why we called you here, dont you?" My master eyed Mace Windu "Yes, I do" Master Yoda looked at Terast for a moment the looked at me "Mission for you we have, vital it is, dangerous it will be" Yoda continued "More Clones there are, strong in the Force they may be, dangerous they are" Mace Windu's attention returned to my master "The creators have vanished, no doubt under the protection of Palpatine" I gazed at Master Yoda and Mace Windu "Why have you called us, why dont you call Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Master Yoda stood up,walked over to me and rested a hand on my shoulder "Request this your master has, handle it you can, Jedi Knight you will be come" I glanced at my master then back to Yoda "Request? Jedi Knight? Master what does he mean?" Terast looked at me and smiled "This will be our last mission together my Padawan, you will take the trials when we return" I looked at the three Jedi Masters around the room and then finally I responded "Yes Master" Before we left the tent Mace Windu stated "May the Force be with you" I hung my head as my master and I began our last mission as Master and Padawan.

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-19, 10:36 AM #10
Wel... some one make up a bad guy and his apprentice... (Star Wars names please)

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-28, 1:13 PM #11
"ARGH!" My master's blood red lightsaber struck his opponent square in the chest. My master extinguished his blade, and clipped it to his belt. My master, Tarkis Rollre, started explaining to me, for the millionth time, about how much he hated the Light Side, "You see, Tsarb, they protect instead of destroy, love instead of hate, solve instead of cause, share instead of conquer! Remember that and you will have reason to destroy the Light Side!" I let a faint smile play across my face, "Yes master."

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-29, 10:22 AM #12
"Master, why must this be our last mission as Master-Padawan?" My master smiled "Because you have been my Padawan for ten years, and I have taught you everything I know, now you must face the trials and become a Jedi Knight." A tear formed in my eye, "But master, I dont feel that I am ready to face the trials." My master stopped and put a hand on my shoulder. "Thats excactly how I felt before I took the trials."

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-03-31, 7:52 PM #13
Sorry that I can't tell the story. Anyway, I didn't know there were trials on the dark side. I don't read many Star Wars books, but I thought trials were on the light side.

Viva la Monkey Island!
"I am Murray, the all powerful demonic skull, BWAHAHAHAHAHA!"-Murray
Viva la Monkey Island!
2001-04-02, 12:03 PM #14
The trials are for Neeja, not Tsarb... I switch back and forth between the two.

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-04-03, 12:57 PM #15
I'm pretty sure that the clone wars are going to be in Episode II or III. And yes, Palpatine DOES use clones in the Clone Wars. Why else would the be called the Clone Wars??

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2001-04-04, 10:47 AM #16
as far as i'm concerned, the Thrawn Trilogy takes precidence over the crappy prequels any day.
2001-04-04, 12:18 PM #17
The Clone Wars are NOT going to be in Episode 2 or 3....I have the whole plot storyline and it doesn't say that. I know there are 2 assassination attempls on Padme.....won't tell anymore then that. [] In Episode 2 he destroys Trade Federation. That led up to him becoming "Emperor".

You can't kill......the xizor.
You can't kill......the xizor.
2001-04-05, 8:49 AM #18
No, he dissolves the senate... then he becomes the Emperor.

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-04-07, 3:41 AM #19
I am reading the thrawn triogy.....

The clone wars i am guessing were abou whether or not the idea of cloning as safe(?)

Just a guess......Btw, anybody know where i could get book 2 of the trilogy? i have books 1 and 3...i wanna read'em in order!
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-04-07, 4:49 AM #20
How would YOU know, Xizor1?

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2001-04-09, 9:50 AM #21
"Come on Neeja, you can make it," my master smiled, "Its not much further." My master and I began our journey in the nearby cliffs, where there were rumors that the Dark clones used them as look out points and strength and agility training. "I know I can make it master, I was just enjoying the scenery," I said as I smiled back at my master. "What scenery?" My masters smile faded away. I knew then that something was wrong. "Oh its nothing big master, just a pile of rocks in the shape of a dome," I answred. "A dome? A dome wouldnt form out in the open by its self," My master stated. "Something tells me we found them." My master look toward the sky, "You may be right... Lets wait until dark... Then we'll check it out." I shivered, the hairs on the back of my neck rustling. "Yes master."

Peace over Anger,
Honor over Hate,
Strength over Fear
2001-08-25, 11:28 AM #22
Come on, think of an adventure to plot here!

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