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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons
2001-04-08, 3:42 AM #1
Who here wants to play Dungeons and Dragons? D&D *IS*, after all, the ULTIMATE interactive story. Reply if you want to play.
2001-04-08, 6:52 AM #2
LOL D&D is the dumbest thing to ever grace nerdkind. All the nerds at my school play it, and i have to say the results aren't promising. First you take about 3 days to create your character, then spend about three minutes getting killed. What a dumb game.

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2001-04-09, 3:11 AM #3
I do...
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….
2001-04-09, 12:57 PM #4

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2001-04-09, 1:56 PM #5
Xizor- maybe the nerds play it at your school, but certainly not mine.
2001-04-10, 7:21 AM #6
sure why not itll give me someting to do.

may the farce be with you.
may the farce be with you.
2001-04-11, 10:58 AM #7
okay then... first off, reply with answers to the following questions:
What Race?
What Class?
What alignment?
What name?
Skin/eye/hair color?
2001-04-12, 6:28 AM #8
Female Half-Elf, Mage-Thief, Neutral Good, Jade Fahly, White skin, Green Eyes, Red Hair.

may the farce be with you.
may the farce be with you.
2001-04-12, 12:40 PM #9

"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
"The Answer to everything...Life, the Universe, and Everything, is...42!"
--Deep Thought
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Project Leader of RemRan Productions
2001-04-13, 3:27 AM #10
Nobody at my school has it......

But I am trying to get it!! I am one of those "Nerds" (no dip, huh)
The Situation:
The Sv_SetBrushModel: Null error has occurred in my map. This means that somewhere in my level, there is a paper-thin prush that needs to be deleted. There are 2888 brushes in my level. That's chances of 1/2888 of finding the correct brush. The statistics say I have a .035% chance of finding it.
Did I find it?
You bet I did.
2001-04-13, 4:12 AM #11
ok im a Drow (subteranean elf), Allignment: lawful Evil, Class: Assasin , Name: The Phoenix, Skin: Blackish, Eye: brown, Hair: black. Weapons: Heavy Crossbow and a Greatsword...
He's Watching you
…( `\(o),,_/` ¯ : o : : : o`-, ….
2001-04-13, 10:30 AM #12

Here are your stats:

Name: Jade Fahly || Race: Female Half-elf || Class: Mage-Thief || Alignment: Neutral Good
appearance: White skin, green eyes, Red Hair

Strenghth: 12
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 11
Intelligence: 16
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 13

Cube of Frost Resistance
Wand of Magic Missles

NAME: The Phoenix || RACE: Drow || CLASS: Assassin || ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
appearance: blackish skin, brown eyes, black hair.

Strenghth: 16
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 13
Wisdom: 8
Charisma: 14

Quiver of Ehlonna

IS_ford1342- I'll give you your spells later.
2001-04-14, 3:39 PM #13
Hey, can I join in?

Race: Human
Class: Mage
Alignment: Evil
Name: Zak
Skin/Eye/Hair Color: white/black/black
2001-04-18, 1:46 PM #14
Class []ruid
Alignment:True Neutral
Skin color:white
Eye color:Brown
Hair color:Brown

There are many types of Kavu,but which one am I?
2001-04-18, 2:07 PM #15
Kavu- I asume you mean Druid, right?
2001-08-25, 11:26 AM #16
A. I only liked the movie
B. I don't know how to play (I know kindof late for a reply, heh)
2001-08-25, 5:24 PM #17
I know basic rules. I have a somewhat simplified version at home. Can I play?

neutral good
Sir Pantsalot
2001-08-25, 5:35 PM #18
Heh, I haven't played in a while, but sure I'll give it a go... I think we should do it in somesort of chat room or something, instead of a forum... Well, I am a civil Xill (consult the Monster Manual)

Xill, Fighter, Lawful Evil, Q'edalb, Red skin, Green Eyes, Orange spines instead of hair. BTW: My ICQ number is 43898314
2001-08-25, 5:58 PM #19
we should do it on mIRC. ten we could have a dice roller.

may the farce be with you.
may the farce be with you.
2001-08-26, 7:49 AM #20
Is this 3rd edition
2001-08-27, 4:39 AM #21
is this some typr of Baldurs gate? cuz i wanna join...

Race: human
Class: Paladin
alignment: Lawfull Good
name: KawZarri
Skin: Orange/eyes:red/Hair; Black
2001-08-27, 12:13 PM #22
sounds interesting, always kinda wanted to play D&D soem guys in my scout troup would play it on camping trips but i never did learn how. anybody know of someway i could find all the info i need to play without having to hunt down books and such?

you're all a bunch of useless bloody loonies
-arthur from hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
2001-08-27, 1:33 PM #23
If some one help me ill give it a try.

Lets see...

Race: Human
Class: Swordsman-Mage
Name: Drek
Alignment: Neutral
Skin Color: White
Eye color: Ice blue
Hair color: Green
2001-08-27, 6:37 PM #24
Count me in

Drow,dule blade wirior mage*, neutral good,Drizzt,Black,Bright blue,White

*fights with two scimitars

[This message has been edited by SKP_ITH (edited August 27, 2001).]
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-28, 5:37 AM #25
Hey, is Zsinj even with Massassi any more?
2001-08-28, 9:14 AM #26
Race: Elf
Class: Bladesinger (Fighter/Mage)
Equip: elven mail, thisledown cloak, longsword +1, longbow + 1
Alignment: Chaotic good
Name: Aust
Skin: slight greenish tint
Appearance: hooded cloak covers most of him, quiver of arrows on his right hip, sword on his left, pack, and bow are attached to his back
2001-08-29, 8:20 PM #27
Oy Zsinj what are you doing get this thing going
eva heard of Hiroshima that will look like a sparkler after what I do to you
2001-08-30, 2:39 AM #28
I don't think Zsinj is here anymore.

I created the most popular toilet 3do ever!
"Rabbits will jump farther if you throw them..."

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