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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Star Wars Abridged
Star Wars Abridged
2001-10-13, 7:00 AM #1
I’ve wanted to start an interactive story for some time, but I could never think up an idea. So, I’ve decided to start a thread where people can post parodies of scenes out of the Star Wars universe (not just the movies though). But these scenes aren’t connected to the previous scenes, therefore creating a thread of unrelated SW short stories! I’ll start with this:

BEN: Moose Eisley Spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

LUKE: Moose??

BEN: Yes, moose. You heard me.

LUKE: How’d it get its name?

BEN: You’ll find out when we get there.

A brief scene of some ancient automobile driving by some Jawas leading strange animals that look vaguely like drugged llamas with monkey behavior.

LUKE: Ben…

BEN: Yes I know, Imperial Stormtroopers. Don’t worry; we’ll get away.
Stomps down on the accelerator. After a few feet the back wheel flies off and trips an untidy looking bug-eyed horse. Stormies approach.

BEN: It’ll be alright. You just ignore them, young Luke

STORMIE 1: I’m sorry, but you have attempted to break the speed limit, we’ll have to ticket you.

BEN: We’ve only gone two feet in this speed, so go f**k one of those llama-like critters.

STORMIE 2: We do not allow such crude language here, I’m afraid we’ll have to sentence you to the guillotine…

STORMIE 1: Hey, Andy! Aren’t those the droids we’re supposed to be after?

STORMIE 2: Yah, but hold on a sec… Isn’t that the specially programmed trashcan that I saw in the recycling ad?

STORMIE 1: Yah! And that’s the tin man! Ooooooh I always wanted a robot like that ever since I saw The Wizard of Oz! (turns to C-3PO) Can you dance like the bloke in the movie?

C-3PO: I am C-3PO, human cyborg relations, and I am most certainly NOT made out of tin. I am not much more than an interpreter, and am not skilled in the arts of break dancing…

STORMIE 1: I don’t care. Can you do this?? (starts tap dancing before he gets overexcited and falls over in the dirt)

STORMIE 2: My friend here and I would like to purchase these droids. Will you give ‘em up for say… Twelve bucks?

BEN: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

STORMIE 2: Oh yes they are!

BEN: These aren’t the droids you’re looking for!

STORMIE 2: Yes they are! Come on; give ‘em up. You can’t win.

BEN: Look deep down inside and ask yourself; do I really need them?

STORMIE 2: Yes, deep down inside it says that I do need them. Now…

BEN: What will your conscience think?

STORMIE: I’ve had enough of you! (pulls out blaster rifle)

Horse that looks as if he just checked out of rehab decapitates one stormie


and drags the other one off someplace to be eaten. Horse kisses Luke and shuffles off.

LUKE: How’d we get past those troops, I thought we were dead!

BEN: The Horse can have a strong influence on the weak-minded.

LUKE: Smart Alec.
2001-10-13, 2:21 PM #2
Nobody seems very interested, but...

QUI-GON JINN: We're taking them to Croissant.


QUI-GON JINN: We're taking them to Croissant.

DROID COMMANDER: Breakfast is down the hall in room 16.3, I'm sure there's room for you at a table...

Qui-Gon slashes at droid commander and quickly inhiliates a dozen more of the half-wit K'nex models.

OBI-WAN: Did he say breakfast? Please, master, I'm hungry!

QUI-GON JINN: Wait, Hobo-Mon!! It's too dangerous!!

Obi-Wan, offended by this grotesque nickname, presses "T" and types "boinga 1" followed by "diediedie" and "iamagod". He approaches Qui-Gon with an evil glint in his eye. Qui-Gon downloads Saber Battle X and Obi-Wan downloads Guardians of the Galaxy. After a few minutes of flipping, backstabbing, gripping, rail charging, and concussion rifle-ing eachother in a bloodless duel, Qui-Gon downloads SS3. Obi-Wan, also bloodthirsty as a troubled trandoshan, downloads InstaGibJK. The file size being far smaller, Obi is the first armed with his new armament drawen. Eventually, it occurs to him that Qui-Gon cheated too, so Obi-Wan decides to take out the somewhat dumbstruck Naboo government officials in the area, repeating phrases like "Muhahahahahahawww..." and "{Edited for content}" as he violently transforms all the guardsmen into firework-like giblet formations. He mysteriously dissappears into room 16.3...

Meanwhile, Qui-Gon finiches the SS3 download, maximizes DOTF SE, only to find familiar faces like Padme and Panaka (only not attached to their seemingly vaproized bodies). Qui-Gon, sensing the malice in the air, withdraws the Pyro-Ion Cannon. Suddenly he realizes his hunger. As he enters the breakfast room, he finds it infested with Battle Droids and Droidekas. He makes out the distant image of Obi-Wan having tea with a Destroyer at the coffee table.

OBI-WAN: Master??

QUI-GON JINN: My dear pupil!! Where is the queen?

OBI-WAN: I'm afraid she took the ship.

QUI-GON JINN: What ship?

OBI-WAN: ....... The ship to the dark underworld!!!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA(etc.)

QUI-GON JINN: Hobo-Mon, I always knew you were up to no good.

OBI-WAN: Quack-Gon!!!

The two so-called "Jedi" draw their most vile weapons, and suddenly remember that they both have their codes on. Qui-Gon walks towards the coffee table and has a nice, quiet talk with Obi-Wan about things like ohhh... Galactic Domination and bringing the down the Old Republic. After a few years Obi changes his zone name to Darth Vader.

(This was written for all those people who don't think Anakin should've ever existed.)

"All in all we're all just bricks in the wall."
-Pink Floyd

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