HeLlO ToBy...I wAs ExPecTiNg To FiNd YoU hErE. i WaS hOpInG tHaT wE cOuLd...ChAt.
No! Don't do this! Not now! I forbid it!!!
YoU cAnNoT cOnTrOl Me, ToBy. I aM tOo StRoNg...YoU aRe ToO wEak.
You can't scare me, you demon! I brought you to life and I can put you to your grave!
SiMpLe FoOl. HoW dO yOu exPeCt To DeStRoY sOmEtHiNg ThAt'S bUrIeD iN yOuR CoNsCiEnCe?
No! You are not me! You have no real power!I'm tired of all of this Jekyll and Hyde bull! I want you gone, out of my life, NOW!!!
I'm SoRrY, tObY. tHaT iS sOmEtHiNg I jUsT cAnNoT dO....
...than prepare to meet your ends, fiend!
No! Don't do this! Not now! I forbid it!!!
YoU cAnNoT cOnTrOl Me, ToBy. I aM tOo StRoNg...YoU aRe ToO wEak.
You can't scare me, you demon! I brought you to life and I can put you to your grave!
SiMpLe FoOl. HoW dO yOu exPeCt To DeStRoY sOmEtHiNg ThAt'S bUrIeD iN yOuR CoNsCiEnCe?
No! You are not me! You have no real power!I'm tired of all of this Jekyll and Hyde bull! I want you gone, out of my life, NOW!!!
I'm SoRrY, tObY. tHaT iS sOmEtHiNg I jUsT cAnNoT dO....
...than prepare to meet your ends, fiend!
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC
"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me