Hm, never thought about posting THIS kind of real-life type of story, but it's a snifty idea
Often I don't remember ANY of my dreams, or even if I DID dream (though I know I have to), but when I do, they tend to be non-sensical (like, at all. They remind me of Quake/Doom, through and through--architechture and lack of plot
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). However, there was one that I remembered that I had recently, and it WAS real creepy.
The part I remember clearly is being chased by a large guy, you know, the typical 7-9 foot evil bad guy in dark clothes type, and it was on some Quake-like rooftop, and though I tried to run, I felt this gripping fear paralyze me (just like in those bad horror movies--I feel for those victims now
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). Now HERE'S the creepy/disturbing part. I was there, unable to move, and he grabbed/punched me in the arm, but the thing is, his hand went
through my thin arm. And I got to see the inside of my arm there, in a dark red/blue watery look, and his hand sort of slow-motion (though not) messing with the muscles and bone. The worse was that I swear I could FEEL thehand in my arm, as he twisted my bone and muscle. It was so freakish! HE also did the same thing to my stomach area I believe. I guess I was sleeping in some wierd position or something...
With all my JediKnight playing, I'd think my dreams wouldn't look so Quake-ish
Check out the following stories:
The Neverending Story Thread(comedy *sci-fi/fantasy*)--never finished--
(in story order)
The Change (The Second War) (sci-fi/fantasy) --not finished/on hold--
The Crusade--tentative title (fantasy/sci-fi) --To Be Announced--
Saga of the 3rd War (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Shadows of Darkness (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Eternal War (fantasy/sci-fi) --not finished/IN PRODUCTION--
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories