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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Scary Dream+Embarassing myself
Scary Dream+Embarassing myself
2002-01-29, 3:39 PM #1
Ok...this might freak yall out but listen up...this dweem waz bout when i was 8 years old...i was real scared of the chucky movies, thinking of a doll coming to life was a horrendous thought to me, especially when i went to sleep at night, well the thing is i had this dream...i was in a pinball machine and all the flippers was movin and the little dolls were freakin me out and then they trapped me and i was runnin around then the flipper flipped me right into the middle of a group of em...then i woke up and peezored in my bedz... [] has anyone else had really freaky dreams when they were little? if so, post them here and tell us the scary story!
2002-01-29, 4:22 PM #2
Hm, never thought about posting THIS kind of real-life type of story, but it's a snifty idea []

Often I don't remember ANY of my dreams, or even if I DID dream (though I know I have to), but when I do, they tend to be non-sensical (like, at all. They remind me of Quake/Doom, through and through--architechture and lack of plot []). However, there was one that I remembered that I had recently, and it WAS real creepy.

The part I remember clearly is being chased by a large guy, you know, the typical 7-9 foot evil bad guy in dark clothes type, and it was on some Quake-like rooftop, and though I tried to run, I felt this gripping fear paralyze me (just like in those bad horror movies--I feel for those victims now []). Now HERE'S the creepy/disturbing part. I was there, unable to move, and he grabbed/punched me in the arm, but the thing is, his hand went through my thin arm. And I got to see the inside of my arm there, in a dark red/blue watery look, and his hand sort of slow-motion (though not) messing with the muscles and bone. The worse was that I swear I could FEEL thehand in my arm, as he twisted my bone and muscle. It was so freakish! HE also did the same thing to my stomach area I believe. I guess I was sleeping in some wierd position or something...

With all my JediKnight playing, I'd think my dreams wouldn't look so Quake-ish []

Check out the following stories:
The Neverending Story Thread(comedy *sci-fi/fantasy*)--never finished--

(in story order)
The Change (The Second War) (sci-fi/fantasy) --not finished/on hold--
The Crusade--tentative title (fantasy/sci-fi) --To Be Announced--
Saga of the 3rd War (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Shadows of Darkness (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Eternal War (fantasy/sci-fi) --not finished/IN PRODUCTION--
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-01-29, 4:30 PM #3
indeed scariness [] i've had realistic dreams like that recently too
2002-01-30, 2:57 AM #4
The scariest dream I ever had was when a man made entirely of glass (I just knew it was glass, the way you understand unspoken things in dreams) put his hand through my throat. It hurt only faintly, but when I tried to scream I sprayed blood all over the man and his transparent glass features, tinged with all my blood, slowly twisted into a sort of leer...

I don't think of myself as an abject coward, but the next night I slept with every light in the room on.
The Last True Evil - consistent nobody in the Discussion Forum since 1998
2002-01-30, 3:06 AM #5
Ooh! My turn! My turn!

When I was like, 7 or 8 or something I had this dream, ok?.... Well, It was in like a city type thing, and it was dark, and the whole thing was seen in a side view (like super mario brothers for NES) and me and my family were getting chased by the California Rasins! SCARY! And then it started to flood and we went into this boat-house thing but they were in there (the raisins) and so we kept running and then my mom and Dad fell in the water and drowned and then my brothers and sisters did too and then it was just me with the raisins chasing after me and then my dad's best friend came and *!POW!* killed 'em with a wierd looking gun and then I woke up....

So anyways, if that doesn't freak you out, how about this: I kept having that same dream at least twice a year with only small changes done to it... What does it mean?
Don't knock on deaths door. Ring the doorbell and run away; he hates that.
A severd foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer.
Procrastinators unite!
2002-01-30, 2:42 PM #6
A dream which repeats its-self, usually is a dream u think of compusively, or were pretty freaked out by (when u do think about dreamz []) so if ur worried don;t be, happens to me all the time, cept with hot chicas!

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