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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Course of Human Events
The Course of Human Events
2002-04-07, 5:59 PM #1
Hi! This is a new form of story I'm trying out in which I tell a brief tale about a young man, Sid Filux, a complete stranger. The idea of this is that each person who posts tells the story of another character and his/her experience with Sid. For example, someone could tell the story of Sid's father, or his trainer, and how he affected each of their lives through one or multiple events. The only real rule is that each post must agree with and build upon the story given by the last post, thus building a past and plot that which my story is the conclusion of. In simpler words, each post is a mini-story, and a flashback leading up to my original post. Get it? All right, knock yourselves out, and please nothing stupid, this is a serious thread.

The Course of Human Events, Episode I: Sid's Story

A cold bead of sweat trickled down the temples of the young man's face. "Why?" he thought, his lungs filling with the cold winter air, "Why did it have to come to this?" He looked down at the blood on his hands. His blood. His pale skin stood out against the dark clothes he was wearing. All and all, Sid Filux looked a bit monotone, the black on white, save for the stained blood marking the deep gash in his side. Sid cringed in pain and turned his gaze over to the lifeless body lying slumped next to him. "Why?!?" he repeated, his voice echoing across the dead of night. He felt alone, the end of a long journey, yet as he sat upon the roof of the skyscraper, he felt peace. He felt numb. Then, silently, Sid Filux, the man who had lived through it all, quietly died.

Moments later, the sound of footsteps rippled across the molded concrete. A pair of police officers appeared through an open doorway, and walked across the building's roof to the pair of corpses. "Dear God..." one officer whispered, "What happened?"

Little did they know that this was merely the end of a great story. A great story of a great man.

Happy writing!

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-04-08, 4:33 AM #2
(NSP: Wow! This is a really cool idea! However, because this requires even the bit more effort to write for than some threads I post for, it may be a while before I can add my own part to this.)

Check out the following stories:
The Neverending Story Thread(comedy *sci-fi/fantasy*)--never finished--

(in story order)
The Change (The Second War) (sci-fi/fantasy) --not finished/on hold--
The Crusade--tentative title (fantasy/sci-fi) --To Be Announced--
Saga of the 3rd War (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Shadows of Darkness (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Eternal War (fantasy/sci-fi) --not finished/IN PRODUCTION--
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-04-09, 9:33 AM #3
Wow, very intriguing... Is this story set in the PRESENT time or is it Sci/Fi kind of thing? The reality I hope... Anyways I'll post something just not now, sorry.

PS. Why do u start EPISODE 1 with his death?!

"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless." -Oscar Wilde

[This message has been edited by [D6]Koobie (edited April 09, 2002).]
"We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely. All art is quite useless." -Oscar Wilde

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