This is something I wrote the other day, and as usual I have no idea where to go with it. Anyway, finish my story for me. ![ []](
(note: The title of this thread is not the name of the story. I just thought it was fitting, since thus far this story doesn't have a name.)
Life was good. Life was peaceful. Life was dull. Then she showed uo, and things were different. It started with that first mischevious look she gave me. Of course, girls had looked at me before... There was just something about this one though, that I couldn't put my finger on. From the moment I met her eye, I knew I would have to talk to her. That first day I had chickened out... But there would be other days. She saw to that. To this day, I don't know why she chose me. I remember the first time we talked as though it was yesterday. In fact, I remember everything that's happened since like it was yesterday, or more accurately, like it was just a few minutes ago. That's one of the things she did to me. I'm not sure how, but I can now remember everything; everything I see, everything I hear, everything I read. It's nice in some regards. But in others... Let's just say there are some things that one would rather forget.
Anyway, on to that first morning that I actually talked to her... It was a beautiful late spring day. I went to eat lunch at an outdoor restaurant, called Barthy's (the owner's name was Bartholomue). I remember thinking, "What a stupid name for a restaurant." Anyway, I sat down and scanned the other patrons, and there she was. It was the 4th time I'd seen her. Just like always, she caught my eye, and just like always, I suddenly felt willing to die for her. It wasn't just that she was beautiful (although don't get me wrong, she was beautiful). There was just... something else about her. Something in her eyes, perhaps. So there I was watching her, when she turned to look at me again. This time, I didn't turn my eyes away quickly, like I had the times before. To my surprise, neither did she. We stared at eachother for a good 5 seconds. The whole time I was thinking that I must look like an idiot, and that I should either stop looking at her, or go talk to her. The problem was I couldn't move. Well, actually that's not entirely accurate. I might have been able to move, had I tried hard enough. It was more accurate to say that my body didn't want to move. Anyway, she suddenly winked at me. That got me moving.
I stood up and went over to her table. She just watched me approach, still looking me in the eyes. When I got to her table I just sat down without saying anything. Of course that made me feel like an idiot, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was too entranced by this girl. I wouldn't have been able to talk if my life depended on it. She broke the silence, and from the moment she spoke, I was hooked on her entirely.
"I was wondering when you'd get the nerve to talk to me," she said.
I felt my face begin to blush. "Well, I... ahh.." I stammered.
She stood up, dropped some money on the table, and started to walk off. "Come on," she called over her shoulder.
I stood up, not sure whether to follow her or not. I stood where I was for a moment until my curiosity got the best of me, and I ran to catch up with her. She climbed into the passenger side of a silver convertible.
"You drive," she said.
"I... ahh... don't know where to go..." I managed to say.
"You'll see." She slowly reclined her seat, and closed her eyes.
I climbed into the driver's side of the convertible, and noticed that there were keys in the ingition. I hadn't seen her put them in. I put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot, still with no idea where I was supposed to go. We came to an intersection, and I glanced at the girl for direction. She didn't even open her eyes. Making a random decision, I turned right and continued.
I drove on, making turns at random, until I noticed that I was leaving the city. Still I kept going, although I was beginning to feel a bit aprehensive. Now we were on a straight road, with corn fields along either side. The road reminded me of the ones in the movies, where the hero turns up the radio real loud and speeds off down the road wearing sunglasses. I once again glanced at the girl. As best I could tell, she was sleeping. I noticed a crossroad up ahead. It was just a dirt road leading off to the right, but I had no idea where I was, so I turned off. As I started off, I noticed an old frame house. As I was going by, wondering whether to stop there or not, the engine died suddenly. I coasted off the dirt road into the driveway. When the car stopped, the girl opened her eyes. She looked at me with those eyes of hers, and once again, I began to feel almost lightheaded. This time, however, my annoyance overcame her wonder.
"What's going on?" I demanded.
She smiled. "Thanks for driving. Come on." She climbed out of the car, and headed towards the house.
"No!" I yelled after her. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!"
She turned back to me. "Come inside, and I'll explain everything."
"Why? So you and some friends can rob me or something?"
She wrinkled her nose, and looked at me curiously. "Is that what you think I'm doing?"
"I did let you drive, remember? How could I have known where you'd choose to go?"
She had a point. Still I didn't want to just follow her blindly into the house. "Why can't you explain it out here?"
"Because they're watching me out here. Please come inside, and this will all make sense." Now her eyes held something I hadn't seen from her before. She was afraid. "Please," she said again.
I studied her for a moment, and decided that she was either really in trouble, or a really good actor. "Fine," I said. "I'll come inside. But you had better make some sense out of this."
I climbed out of the car and followed her up to the front door. I followed her through the door, half expecting to be mugged at any minute. We stepped into a very large and very empty living room. The only object in the room was a deep blue rug in the center. The rug was round, and had a white band around the outside. The girl walked over to the rugh and sat down, cross-legged on one side. She beckoned me to sit on the other side.
I sat down. "Now are you going to expla-" The girl put her finger to my lips. Then she moved her hand up, and touched my forehead. I tried to stand up, but once again didn't seem able to move. The corners of my vision went black. I felt as though I was losing conciousness. You know the sensation; when you can tell that something isn't quite right, but you don't really seem to care... Anyway the last thing I remember before blacking out was the girl's touch on my forehead.
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(note: The title of this thread is not the name of the story. I just thought it was fitting, since thus far this story doesn't have a name.)
Life was good. Life was peaceful. Life was dull. Then she showed uo, and things were different. It started with that first mischevious look she gave me. Of course, girls had looked at me before... There was just something about this one though, that I couldn't put my finger on. From the moment I met her eye, I knew I would have to talk to her. That first day I had chickened out... But there would be other days. She saw to that. To this day, I don't know why she chose me. I remember the first time we talked as though it was yesterday. In fact, I remember everything that's happened since like it was yesterday, or more accurately, like it was just a few minutes ago. That's one of the things she did to me. I'm not sure how, but I can now remember everything; everything I see, everything I hear, everything I read. It's nice in some regards. But in others... Let's just say there are some things that one would rather forget.
Anyway, on to that first morning that I actually talked to her... It was a beautiful late spring day. I went to eat lunch at an outdoor restaurant, called Barthy's (the owner's name was Bartholomue). I remember thinking, "What a stupid name for a restaurant." Anyway, I sat down and scanned the other patrons, and there she was. It was the 4th time I'd seen her. Just like always, she caught my eye, and just like always, I suddenly felt willing to die for her. It wasn't just that she was beautiful (although don't get me wrong, she was beautiful). There was just... something else about her. Something in her eyes, perhaps. So there I was watching her, when she turned to look at me again. This time, I didn't turn my eyes away quickly, like I had the times before. To my surprise, neither did she. We stared at eachother for a good 5 seconds. The whole time I was thinking that I must look like an idiot, and that I should either stop looking at her, or go talk to her. The problem was I couldn't move. Well, actually that's not entirely accurate. I might have been able to move, had I tried hard enough. It was more accurate to say that my body didn't want to move. Anyway, she suddenly winked at me. That got me moving.
I stood up and went over to her table. She just watched me approach, still looking me in the eyes. When I got to her table I just sat down without saying anything. Of course that made me feel like an idiot, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was too entranced by this girl. I wouldn't have been able to talk if my life depended on it. She broke the silence, and from the moment she spoke, I was hooked on her entirely.
"I was wondering when you'd get the nerve to talk to me," she said.
I felt my face begin to blush. "Well, I... ahh.." I stammered.
She stood up, dropped some money on the table, and started to walk off. "Come on," she called over her shoulder.
I stood up, not sure whether to follow her or not. I stood where I was for a moment until my curiosity got the best of me, and I ran to catch up with her. She climbed into the passenger side of a silver convertible.
"You drive," she said.
"I... ahh... don't know where to go..." I managed to say.
"You'll see." She slowly reclined her seat, and closed her eyes.
I climbed into the driver's side of the convertible, and noticed that there were keys in the ingition. I hadn't seen her put them in. I put the car into gear and pulled out of the parking lot, still with no idea where I was supposed to go. We came to an intersection, and I glanced at the girl for direction. She didn't even open her eyes. Making a random decision, I turned right and continued.
I drove on, making turns at random, until I noticed that I was leaving the city. Still I kept going, although I was beginning to feel a bit aprehensive. Now we were on a straight road, with corn fields along either side. The road reminded me of the ones in the movies, where the hero turns up the radio real loud and speeds off down the road wearing sunglasses. I once again glanced at the girl. As best I could tell, she was sleeping. I noticed a crossroad up ahead. It was just a dirt road leading off to the right, but I had no idea where I was, so I turned off. As I started off, I noticed an old frame house. As I was going by, wondering whether to stop there or not, the engine died suddenly. I coasted off the dirt road into the driveway. When the car stopped, the girl opened her eyes. She looked at me with those eyes of hers, and once again, I began to feel almost lightheaded. This time, however, my annoyance overcame her wonder.
"What's going on?" I demanded.
She smiled. "Thanks for driving. Come on." She climbed out of the car, and headed towards the house.
"No!" I yelled after her. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on!"
She turned back to me. "Come inside, and I'll explain everything."
"Why? So you and some friends can rob me or something?"
She wrinkled her nose, and looked at me curiously. "Is that what you think I'm doing?"
"I did let you drive, remember? How could I have known where you'd choose to go?"
She had a point. Still I didn't want to just follow her blindly into the house. "Why can't you explain it out here?"
"Because they're watching me out here. Please come inside, and this will all make sense." Now her eyes held something I hadn't seen from her before. She was afraid. "Please," she said again.
I studied her for a moment, and decided that she was either really in trouble, or a really good actor. "Fine," I said. "I'll come inside. But you had better make some sense out of this."
I climbed out of the car and followed her up to the front door. I followed her through the door, half expecting to be mugged at any minute. We stepped into a very large and very empty living room. The only object in the room was a deep blue rug in the center. The rug was round, and had a white band around the outside. The girl walked over to the rugh and sat down, cross-legged on one side. She beckoned me to sit on the other side.
I sat down. "Now are you going to expla-" The girl put her finger to my lips. Then she moved her hand up, and touched my forehead. I tried to stand up, but once again didn't seem able to move. The corners of my vision went black. I felt as though I was losing conciousness. You know the sensation; when you can tell that something isn't quite right, but you don't really seem to care... Anyway the last thing I remember before blacking out was the girl's touch on my forehead.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.