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ForumsInteractive Story Board → You Control My Story
You Control My Story
2002-02-24, 4:09 PM #1
Hey there, everyone. In the spirit of my upcoming "Control ComicKook's Level Project", I thought I'd start a little story on the 'ol message board. How does it work? Simple. I write a chapter, ending with one of three choices. You choose a choice, which will propell the next chapter of the story, which I shall create, and hence create another batch of selections. So here we go...

Star Wars: Smuggler's Gambit

Meddy Sinter cursed his luck as a pair of stormtroopers walzed slowly down one of the side corridors on the third floor of the Imperial Flagship Authority. Meddy held his breath as the two guards walked past the row of fuel canisters that the young thief was crouched behind. A bead of sweat formed on Meddy's brow as he tightened his grip on his blaster. "Perfect," he thought, Just perfect." He thought it would be an easy job, sneaking aboard one of the larger ships passing as a Imperial mechanic doing maintainance, snag a few pricy knick-knacks and sell them on the black market to war propreteers. But as luck would have it, or at least Meddy's luck, his transport was instantly confiscated minutes after docking for "unreleased" reasons. Meddy was able to avoid detection for a short time, but now that his ship was being investigated, he knew there was a search crew out after him. He took another deep breath. Another step and the guards would be gone, disappearing around the corner. One of the stormtroopers mashed a button on the wall. A pressurised door whizzed open. Meddy waited as...

1.) The guards exit the room, sealing our hero in behind them.

2.) One of the troopers, pauses, then gestures to his partner to check back one more time.

3.) Meddy loses his balance and tumbles out of his hiding place.

Remember, there can only be one choice!
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-24, 4:52 PM #2
(NSP: Neat idea there [])

I'll go with Number 2.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-02-24, 5:09 PM #3
Meddy watched silently as the pair of guards paused suddenly in the doorway. "Wait," one said through his filtered helmet, "You hear something?" The other shook his head no, but followed anyway. "All right, Sinter. Don't panic," the young man thought bracing the cold steel, "You can still pull your hide out of this. Just stay still and shut up!" Within moments, the troopers had made their way back into the room and, rifles raised, began closer inspection. "You're hearing things," the second guard replied. "Shhh!" came his partner, moving uncomfortably close to the hidden stowaway. Meddy began to shake, his nerves taking over, and in an amateur mistake.....

1.) Dropped his blaster, shooting as it hit the steel.

2.) Knocked over one of the canisters he was hiding behind.

3.) Banged his head noisely against the metal plate behind him.

[This message has been edited by ComicKook (edited February 24, 2002).]
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-24, 6:05 PM #4
I'll go w/ 3. []
Official Staff Member of the Massassi Temple - File Poster, SotD updater...
I can't ban you like buck can, but you should |>|-|34|2 me all the same.

Why girls are evil.
2002-02-25, 5:28 PM #5
Ka-thud! Meddy's head connected swiftly with a small metal plate facited to the wall behind him. The impact was large enough and the plate was flimsy enough to instantly fall off, hitting the ground with a loud clank. The pair of troopers instinctively raised their rifles to this, one of them shouting, "Don't move! We have you surrounded!" Meddy would have normally grimaced at such a poorly-conceived cliche, but he was currently rubbbing his aching head. "This just isn't my day." With the pair of guards approaching fast, the young smugglar had to think quickly. Then he saw it, the hole protruding from the steel wall. The hole that a certain metal plate was covering a few moments ago. "Air duct!" Meddy thought rapidly, "I'm saved. Could be dangerous though. Do I really want to risk--" His thoughts were rudely cut off by a pair of menacing laser blasts. Meddy decided thinking was overrated and quickly threw himself into the hole and down the air duct. Seconds later, Meddy found himself sliding through a ceiling grate and into...

1.) A storage room.

2.) The biolab.

3.) The docking bay.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-26, 10:41 PM #6
2. Biolab

"The same pattern is repeated all over the world.
Australia vs New Zealand
England vs France
Germany vs France
Italy vs France
Belgium vs France
Danemark vs France
Ireland vs France

It just goes on and on..."

"blank 19, 1920 12: AM"
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2002-02-27, 8:56 AM #7
"Gaaah!" Meddy's voice echoed throughout the dark room as his scrawny body fell like a rock from the ceiling, collapsing against the hard floor. For a moment he was afraid to move, half expecting some tyrannic officer to be looming over him. When he finally did move, the young thief was both surprised and relieved to learn that he was alone in the darkness. Stumbling to his feet, Meddy slowly worked his way through the room, feeling around for some sort of light switch. Finally, his fingers pressed against what seemed like some sort of panel. He mashed a series of buttons, which brought up the lights, but also to his great misfortune...

1.) Revealed a row of horrific-looking glass canisters.

2.) Presssurized the small cabin, forcing Meddy against the wall.

3.) Alerted the lab's security system.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-27, 10:39 AM #8
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2002-02-27, 3:51 PM #9
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Oberfeldwebell:

No fair, you got to choose twice in a row! []

Always be evil or I will eat pie.
Official Staff Member of the Massassi Temple - File Poster, SotD updater...
I can't ban you like buck can, but you should |&gt;|-|34|2 me all the same.

Why girls are evil.
2002-02-28, 7:28 AM #10
All right, all right. We'll be fair about it. Somebody else choose this time. Sorry, Ober. Next time.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-28, 9:26 AM #11
I pick 1 [] [] []
Official Staff Member of the Massassi Temple - File Poster, SotD updater...
I can't ban you like buck can, but you should |&gt;|-|34|2 me all the same.

Why girls are evil.
2002-02-28, 6:24 PM #12
Meddy felt his blood curl as the light illuminated the room and bounced off a row of odd-looking glass canisters. Each pod seemed was connected through multiple sensors to a nearby computer bank, to monitor who knows what. "Well," Meddy thought cynically, "At least that explains the heavy security. Looks like the 'ol Empire's toting something pretty heavy around behind them." Driven by, if nothing else, pure curiosity, the stowaway walked up to the closest capsule and pressed his hand to the glass. To his great surprise, the panel opened at the touch, and Meddy soon found himself peering into the strange machine. "Amazing," he said, barely over a whisper. The entire interior of the canister was outfitted with sensory-recording equipment. He stepped inside. There was easily enough room for two, maybe three, people and controled its own temperature. "Amazing," Meddy repeated. He inspected the pod for a minute or so, then turned back to the the open panel. Suddenly...

1.) The glass door snapped shut, sealing Meddy inside the capsule.

2.) A low electrical current emitted from the floor of the pod, surging through Meddy's body.

3.) The front door to the biolab flew open and in walked a stern old man wearing a general's uniform.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-02-28, 11:26 PM #13

"The same pattern is repeated all over the world.
Australia vs New Zealand
England vs France
Germany vs France
Italy vs France
Belgium vs France
Danemark vs France
Ireland vs France

It just goes on and on..."

"blank 19, 1920 12: AM"
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2002-03-01, 6:37 PM #14
Imperial officer Vic Drellord stood looming in the open doorway, his brow lowered sinisterly. "Well..." he uttered in a cold tone, walking into the lab, "What do we have here? He mashed a button on the side wall and door sealed the general, the smugglar, and a dreary fate together in the same room. "Er...uh..." Meddy muttered, desperately trying to talk his way out of impending doom, "Good evening, sir. I was just...uh...doing maintenance. Ma-making sure everything's running ship shape." He pretended to inspect the glass capsule he was standing in. Drellord was not impressed. "Oh?" he said, dripping with bitterness, "That's commendable. Tell me, son. Do you know what the single most irrating nuicence aboard these ships?" Meddy shook his head no. "Rats. Vermin, to be precise. Worthless creatures who crawl aboard our fleet to spread the sickly disease. And you know what's the best way of dealing with vermin?" Meddy's skinned paled. Drellord formed a tight smile. "Extermination." Meddy let out a stifled scream as Drellord garnished a pistol and fired shot square at the other's chest.

1.) Meddy dropped to his knees as the shot hit him dead center in the ribcage.

2.) Meddy ducked and the laser blast pierced the glass casing of the capsule.

3.) Meddy dived out of the canister as the shot flew over his shoulder, hitting the nearest computer terminal.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-03-07, 3:40 AM #15
*insert some joke about pasta and fruit scuffles*
2002-03-07, 9:11 AM #16
Meddy hit the ground rolling as the singe of the laser blast flew mere centimeters over his shoulder. His eyes darted up to the dark figure of the Admiral Drellord, who was aiming for a second shot. Meddy darted from his opponent, only to find the stone-faced Imperial officer's face was no longer fixed upon the young smugglar, but instead frozen in agony. "No..." the brute man uttered, "No...." Meddy stared confused for a moment then turned his focus to the computer terminal that had just been impacted. Smoke and low, painful humming emitted out of the terminal as its manual control system overloaded manically. The color drained from Drellord's face. "Run..." he whispered. "Huh? What?" Meddy shot back. "RUN!!!" The two men leaped towards the lab's door, but never made it.

1.) Seconds later, the computer terminal exploded in a massive blaze of fire, engulfing Meddy and Drellord in its path.

2.) Seconds later, bolts of electrical energy shot from the terminal, swirling into a dynamic temporal portal that rifts across the space-time continuum, sucking the two men into the void.

3.) Seconds later, the entire electrical system went haywire, sending extended electrical pulses to the glass canisters, violently shattering them.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-03-07, 2:57 PM #17
Oberfeldwebell, you really like this, don't you? []

2, please

Always be evil or I will eat pie.
Official Staff Member of the Massassi Temple - File Poster, SotD updater...
I can't ban you like buck can, but you should |&gt;|-|34|2 me all the same.

Why girls are evil.
2002-03-07, 5:38 PM #18
You got it.

The low hum of the overloaded terminal pulsating to a echoing slur of sounds as shots of pure energy coarsed from the terminal to the nearest canister, which was now, thanks to a laser blast, missing its glass outer barrier. Without this protective shield to contain the energy blast, the whole room vibrated with the blinding forces as a dark swirl of matter formed in the center of a biolab. Meddy felt his feet lift up from underneath him, and for a moment if this was effect was due to the so-called rumored "Force" he had on occasion heard a few offbeats mention. In reality, this sudden feat of levitation was result of a violent whirlpool effect that the clouded rift had created. Meddy and the Admiral both flew backward at full speed toward this strange holistic portal. Meddy let out a terrified scream as he felt his body being pulled against his well into the paradoxal rift. Suddenly, everything went black and Meddy Sinter felt every molecule of his body seperate and fizzle out into the void.

1.) Seconds later, Meddy suddenly rematerialized, half buried in a burning dune of sand.

2.) Seconds later, Meddy suddenly rematerialized, floating underwater, gasping for air.

3.) Seconds later, Meddy suddenly rematerialized, lying paralized on a frigid snowbank.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-03-08, 1:46 PM #19
I hope I'm not intruding, but...


[This message has been edited by Thrawn42689 (edited March 08, 2002).]
2002-03-10, 6:25 PM #20
A cold bitter air hit Meddy Sinter as he felt his body rematerialize against a hard, frigid snowbank. His muscles ached. He laid motionless against the winter wind for a moment before slowly moving his head to side for a moment. "This is a nightmare." With all the strengh he muster, Meddy forced a shoulder up and threw his weight into motion, tumbling down the snowbank. He grunted and groaned as his body continually collided with jagged cracks of ice and exposed rocks. Suddenly, Meddy no longer felt the ground underneath him. He had slid completely off the edge of the ledge and began plummeting. In a split second reflex, Meddy reached an open hand out and grasped an outhanging root that was burrowing out of the side of the mountain. Literally hanging on for dear life, Meddy looked down upon the giant crevis below him and wondered what he had ever done to deserve such a fate.

1.) Just then, the root gave way and Meddy fell screaming into the deadly ravine.

2.) Suddenly, over the horizon an Alliance airspeeder whipped hovering over the banks.

3.) The low growl of a wampa echoed underneath Meddy's feet.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-03-12, 1:50 AM #21
what are you stupid? it has to be two of those and in this order. 3 and then 2
may the farce be with you.
2002-03-13, 4:06 PM #22
I'll go for 3.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2002-03-18, 4:35 PM #23
because blood is good, i go for 1

A martial artist must be willing to risk it all...
but why this battle?! and why do they have to risk it all?!
My name is shadow, and i am this planet's ultimate lifeform...
2002-03-19, 6:40 AM #24
Whoa! People, people! We're going to have to decide on one choice. So...what'll it be?

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-05-10, 8:54 AM #25
As I haven't posted, could it be 3, please?

2002-05-10, 12:23 PM #26

(Wow, I thought this thread had died weeks ago!)

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-05-15, 5:08 PM #27
The sound echoed throughout the dark crevasse. "No..." Meddy thought. Moments later, the looming figure of an unruly wampa appeared beneath him. The creature let out a blood-curling scream. Tightening every muscle in his body, Meddy swung his weight back and forth, leaning the weak branch closer to the edge of the cliff. Suddenly, just as the branch gave way, Meddy leaped to the hard ice-glazed rockface, sliding his way down into the crevasse and cushioning his fall. "It's a miracle!" Meddy breathed, gawking in awe at the ground below his feet. Then, low and behold, the wampa appeared. The animal grunted, and raised a sharp-clawed paw.

1.) This was the last image Meddy remember before he blacked out.

2.) Just as the wampa was about to strike, a hot laser blast shot through it, knocking it dead.

3.) Meddy felt the pain surge through him as the razor claws sunk into his side.

"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies."
"If you enjoyed the show, tell your friends. If you didn't, tell your enemies." - RSC

"Love's a joke. Unfortunately, I'm a comedian." - Me
2002-05-16, 7:58 AM #28
No sig.

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