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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Matrix: Beta Build
The Matrix: Beta Build
2002-05-26, 10:24 AM #1
The Matrix, Beta Build

Program Loaded Successfully!
***The Matrix: Beta Build***
Mezonaut as Himself/Rick Thereson
Tregard as Himself
Shin Fire Cross as Fire Cross
Lacopra as Lacopra
King Gommen 3dx as Lorenzo
SSJ2 Son Gohan San as Gohan
Kat as Iris
Prodigy as Himself
Microbyte as Himself
Noin as Myka
Neo as Himself/Mr. Anderson
Trinity as Herself
Morpheus as Himself
Mouse as Himself
Tank as Himself
Dozer as Himself
Switch as Himself
Nigel as Himself
Chibi Bliss as Bliss
Tyrone as Himself
Dalton as himself
Begin Session...
Rick stared at his paper blankly, not even aware of being in the classroom. Slowly, he became aware of a door in front of him and a person standing next to him. "You must find the key..." the stranger said, "The key is an answer, the answer to the question..." Rick continued to stare at the door. "What is the question?" he asked the shadowy presence next to him. "The Question we all seek the answer to. The question is..." he blinked, and found himself sitting at the same old desk in the same old classroom in the same old school. He sighed, really believing that this time he was going to find the answer to the question that he did not know. It seemed as though he knew it, like it was right in front of him... and it was. He looked at his Science test, and the first question caught his eye. "What is the Matrix?" it asked. He stared for a while, fully aware of the fact that it was no surprise, a question certain to be asked during this quarter's curriculum, but he couldn't help but feel it was a sign. The sudden ringing of the bell signifying the end of class told him he had pretty much lost this score. He walked up to the teacher's desk and put the paper on it. Mr. McMillan looked at it, then looked up at him. "I've noticed that recently you've been living in a dream world." The teacher said to him, the words striking deeper then they probably we're intended to. He continued, "You really should get out of your day dreaming, get into the Real World." Rick nodded. "Yes sir, I'll try." "That's better," his teacher said, "Now scurry off home, you'll miss your bus." Rick nodded and ran to the busses. When he got home, he sat his backpack on the table and walked into his room, up to the computer. He sat down and turned it on, loading his ISP. He leaned back in his chair before typing in his username, thinking. His name brought bad luck, getting nicknames such as "Dick wad", "Dick Head", and his personal favorite, "Dicky Martin". He long ago promised to change his name when he grew up to his Hacker Name: Mezonaut. He logged on, and prepared to start poking around in RPG's and such, but suddenly couldn't. Instead, he went to a Search Engine and typed in "Lacorpa". He really didn't expect any results except for the usual advertisement or porno site, but instead found what appeared to be a list of hacked systems and facilities 490 pages long. He went back, and tried "FireCross", expecting results similar to what he got with "Lacorpa". He wasn't disappointed. He wasn't sure where the Names had come from, and it scared him slightly. All of a sudden, the screen went black, and he found himself in a chatroom. There were four users in it, "Tregard", "Lacorpa", "Mouse", and "Gohan". He typed in random acronyms for "What happened?" and got some odd answers. Hey dude, mouse said, followed shortly by Lacopra, Well, well, a new recruit, Tregard? The User they referred to as Tregard Typed rather messily. Yes, yhis is our new recruit, je should do finely. Son, od yo uknow who we are? The user typed. Mezonaut replied, Tregard, you hacked the cable company, dead air for 3 days, Lacorpa, you were the hacker who rewrote the government's online copy of the declaration of independence. Gohan, you deleted the history of the world o n fifty online encyclopedias, and mouse, I've heard tyou be called the Cyber Pimp. There were various Lol's and Lmao's were exchanged. But that's only by reputation... he conceded, I've never actually met any big time hackers in my life he continued. you soon will Tregard said, and suddenly, the doorbell rang, making Rick leap out of his eat, falling on the floor. When he got back up, the screen showed the search results. He backed up to his homepage, and went to the door, slightly frightened...

-a quick disclaimer, if anything written in any of my matrix fics is contradicted, oppposed, debunked, or otherwise nullified by anyhting in any future Matrix films... TOUGH! I GOT HERE FIRST!

EVIL: Everlasting;
"I am down on whores, and i shant stop ripping them..."
-Jack the Ripper
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law..."
-Aliester "the Beast 666" Crowley
"I like you, don't come to school today..."
-Dylan Kleebold
"Ha ha, you have anthrax, you are going to die..."
-Annonymous Anthrax Letter
"I've been doing some writing..."
-Ted Skezinsky
"The entire world shall know that I am Vladamir the Impaler..."
-Prince Vladamir "The Impaler" Dracula
"I saw in a single flash of illumination a future event by which I knew beyond contradiction that the blood in my veins would one day become the vessel of the Folk-Spirit of my people..."
-Adolph Hitler
EVIL can last a long time...
2002-05-26, 5:47 PM #2
Quick tip: Seperate your story with paragraphs, especially between dialogue. It helps the rest of us read it.

I wait to see what you may post next.

Check out the following stories:
The Neverending Story Thread(comedy *sci-fi/fantasy*)--never finished--

(in story order)
The Change (The Second War) (sci-fi/fantasy) --not finished/on hold--
The Crusade--tentative title (fantasy/sci-fi) --To Be Announced--
Saga of the 3rd War (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Shadows of Darkness (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Eternal War (fantasy/sci-fi) --not finished/IN PRODUCTION--
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-05-26, 6:54 PM #3
lol, that's what I was gonna say, Geb. And remember, the forum doesn't tab stuff, so use two returns, so we can differentiate between different paragraphs.

(like this)
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2002-05-28, 4:13 PM #4
i'm pretty sure this is the only one I wrote in one paragraph, but i don't actually read through them as i post them anymore. sometimes, i just kick back and browse through my collection of stories, original and fan fic, and laugh and cry and spill coke on me. I'll post the next chapter in a few moments... hold on... okay, here it comes.

-Death, my friend. That is the one and only true end. Aside from the fact you get judged... if you're good, you go to Heaven, if you're bad, you can go to Hell, or if you want to be good, you can go to Purgatory... so I suppose that death really isn't the end. It's the begining. So, I guess I'll see you in Hell

EVIL: Everlasting;
"I am down on whores, and i shant stop ripping them..."
-Jack the Ripper
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law..."
-Aliester "the Beast 666" Crowley
"I like you, don't come to school today..."
-Dylan Kleebold
"Ha ha, you have anthrax, you are going to die..."
-Annonymous Anthrax Letter
"I've been doing some writing..."
-Ted Skezinsky
"The entire world shall know that I am Vladamir the Impaler..."
-Prince Vladamir "The Impaler" Dracula
"I saw in a single flash of illumination a future event by which I knew beyond contradiction that the blood in my veins would one day become the vessel of the Folk-Spirit of my people..."
-Adolph Hitler
EVIL can last a long time...
2002-05-28, 4:13 PM #5
Rick opened the door, surprised and relieved to see his friend Jo-Jo. Rick wasn't sure what Jo-Jo's real name was, but he was willing to bet that it wasn't Jo-Jo. "Hey Dick Face," Jo-Jo said, "Me and some friends are heading off to a party at Cindy's house, you wanna come?" Rick looked out at the small mob following the ever-popular Jo-Jo, recognizing all faces but one, a guy in the back flirting with some girl. He remembered the promise made by Tregard, and mentally checked to see if any of the people were hackers, only to find that none were, leaving the stranger as the only possible person. He checked him over, uncertain. The guy had to be at least 17, sporting a goatee and greasy black spiked up hair: Far too cool to be a hacker. "Sure," Rick answered, finally returning to his original line of thought, "Why not? My parents won’t be home until 11 o'clock."
At the party, Rick stood nervously near the refreshment table. Cindy walked by and shot him a rather lucrative glance. Rick matched her gaze and followed he4r with his eyes until she got lost in the crowd. It came as no surprise then, when he jumped as a hand came down on his shoulder. He turned around, surprised to see the above-described stranger. "Who are you?" Rick asked, startled. "You may have heard of me, a while back the Library of Congress computer system was hacked... That was Me." the guy bragged. Rick almost fainted, then leaned in and whispered, "FireCross?" FireCross beamed proudly, "In the..." he stopped and blinked, "Never mind, what's important is that you come with me." Rick wasn't paying much attention; rather, he was watching Cindy walking towards him. "On the other hand," FireCross continued, noticing the object of Rick's attention, "You really should have some fun before..." He trailed off again, realizing he was holding a zero person audience, Rick having left already. FireCross looked around, shrugged, and walked over to a crowd of the people he hung out with before he was removed: The smokers and drinkers. He lit up a stogie he had smuggled into the system, and began smoking. He happened to notice what the other guys were smoking, considered asking for some, but refrained. He had given that up last year, along with The Matrix. A sudden tingling brought him out of his reminiscent mood. He pulled his cell phone out, and opened it up. "Da Man speaking, 30 bucks a pop," he answered. Laughter at the other end told him who it was. "Hey Noin," FireCross continued, "What's cooking?" She slowly got serious, then began. "Were you planning on getting back to the 'exit' anytime soon? We need this guy out of The Matrix as soon as possible, Link just..." FireCross's smile disappeared. "Oh no, was it that bad?" "Yeah," she replied, "The wound was awful. He didn't make it..." FireCross glanced over at Rick who was now slow dancing with some girl. "I really hate to interrupt him right now, he's having fun, and at that age... Well, there's not a lot once you know, you know." "All right," she answered after a brief pause, "but right after he's done, you have to come, we're-oh no," FireCross jerked his head instinctively. "What is it, Noin?" Her voice quivered slightly as she answered, "There's an Agent popping up in the party, hold on, I'll run a scan to see whom it... Um, FC?" FireCross took a breath. "Get out. Now."
Rick stubbed his toe as he walked along with her. "Ow," he said looking down, "Sorry, sometimes I'm... Uh..." he looked up to see what appeared to be some sort of detective holding a gun, pointing it through the crowd. "NOT YET," he heard FireCross shout out. Rick looked over to where the voice came from, and instantly ducked and jumped backwards as FireCross yanked what appeared to be an Uzi out of his coat, and started firing wildly at the man Rick saw. Strangely, not a single bullet hit him. It seemed as if the person was simply moving around them. FireCross's gun suddenly dropped its empty cartridge. FireCross looked down at it in disbelief, and ran at the strange man, dipping his hands into his pockets, and pulling them out with Brass Knuckles on them. By now, the people at the party were running all over, but mostly towards a single door, a small single door. FireCross threw his fist up in an uppercut at the man's chin, but the stranger ducked back, then delivered an impossibly powerful punch, rocketing FireCross into the door, making it a little wider for the people to escape. Rick ran towards the door, intent on escaping, when suddenly, the guy began firing at him. He ducked, and suddenly found himself floating. Not floating he realized, I'm being carried by my collar! FireCross held him behind his body, then pulled out some sort of pistol. "Hold on!" he shouted, then began firing at the ceiling. When a large enough Hole was cleared, he once again grabbed him by the collar and jumped, barely making it. "Get up!" he shouted at Rick, who quickly complied. They were in a hallway, and a phone on the table was ringing. FireCross leapt to he feet, then picked up the phone, about to put it to Rick’s ear, when he realized what he was doing. "Oh @#%$," FireCross swore, "Um, Remember, tuck and roll, we'll contact you." Rick blinked, but found himself hurtling out a window that he had noticed at the end of the hall. As he fell, he grabbed on to a tree, slid down the trunk, and began running down the street. FireCross turned back to the phone, and put it up to his ear. The Agent's arm busted through the floor- and grabbed at thin air. Meanwhile, at an old apartment building, a small treasure trove of hot wired phones and computers sat cold and unused, and a phone lay on the ground next to it all, a busy signal playing until the phone simply hung up.
When Rick got home, his parents made a fuss over him like he had just been shot at, Which he had. He just went upstairs and slept the night away like there was no tomorrow. He had no idea...

-there we go. Paragraphs, i think...

EVIL: Everlasting;
"I am down on whores, and i shant stop ripping them..."
-Jack the Ripper
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law..."
-Aliester "the Beast 666" Crowley
"I like you, don't come to school today..."
-Dylan Kleebold
"Ha ha, you have anthrax, you are going to die..."
-Annonymous Anthrax Letter
"I've been doing some writing..."
-Ted Skezinsky
"The entire world shall know that I am Vladamir the Impaler..."
-Prince Vladamir "The Impaler" Dracula
"I saw in a single flash of illumination a future event by which I knew beyond contradiction that the blood in my veins would one day become the vessel of the Folk-Spirit of my people..."
-Adolph Hitler
EVIL can last a long time...
2002-05-28, 6:48 PM #6
Not quite. You need one more return between paragraphs (it looks like you have only 1 right now). Also, though I'm not really one to speak, as I tend to type "teh" a lot, try your best to not make too many typos--the easier it is to read, the more likely others will read it, and possibly join with you.
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-05-30, 3:17 PM #7
"Join" me? well... er... it's an established fic. almost halfway over in full.

-I'll post it later tonight. i got... stuff... to do...

EVIL: Everlasting;
"I am down on whores, and i shant stop ripping them..."
-Jack the Ripper
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law..."
-Aliester "the Beast 666" Crowley
"I like you, don't come to school today..."
-Dylan Kleebold
"Ha ha, you have anthrax, you are going to die..."
-Annonymous Anthrax Letter
"I've been doing some writing..."
-Ted Skezinsky
"The entire world shall know that I am Vladamir the Impaler..."
-Prince Vladamir "The Impaler" Dracula
"I saw in a single flash of illumination a future event by which I knew beyond contradiction that the blood in my veins would one day become the vessel of the Folk-Spirit of my people..."
-Adolph Hitler
EVIL can last a long time...
2002-05-30, 3:45 PM #8
Ah, I was under the impression that you were seeking this to be an INTERACTIVE story. It's still important that it be readable though, at least if you want anyone to read it []
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories

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