Every saga has a beginning...
But the really popular sagas start in the middle...
With the beginning coming 20 years later.
Presenting.... Episode I of the rarely read, still unnamed saga of Mr Bouncy.
Episode I: The Phantom Instance
It is still a time of great strife, as it almost always is, due to the fact that if it wasn't a time of great strife, it wouldn't be very interesting. The evil Mr Cotton and his 555 IC Chippers have seized control of the basic electronics industry of Magoo, a relatively unknown island which doesn't actually exist.
Two programmers who are completely unrelated to the entire affair have somehow managed to locate this non-existant island but have been prevented from reaching the island by an evil tanker belonging to the 555 IC Chippers.
Act I Scene I:
The small boat the two programmers are on pulls up beside the great tanker.
Act I Scene II:
The programmers are sitting down in the cabin room.
Queer-on Ginn: I've drank an unusual amount of beer for something as trivial as this meeting.
Mr Powell: You didn't even know that we were going to have a meeting!
Queer-on Ginn: Didn't I?
Mr Powell: No!
*Queer-on Ginn stands up, looking very unbalanced and walks to the window.*
Queer-on Ginn: I've drank an-
Mr Powell: You've said that already.
Queer-on Ginn: Where are the toilets, I think I may have drunk an unusual-
Mr Powell: They're over there. *He points at the blindingly obvious toilets with a large neon sign saying 'Toilets'.*
Queer-on Ginn: Your insights serve you well.
*The director visibly twitches.*
Mr Powell: Just go to the toilet.
*Queer-on Ginn staggers into the toilets, hitting his head on the neon sign.*
Act I Scene III:
Mr Cotton is sitting around with a few other people.
Mr Cotton: Programmers, in here?
Assistant: Yes sir, but it's perfectly safe, their programmes will not work on our computers, our computers our not advanced enough to be affected.
Mr Cotton: We'd better send in the troops to be sure.
Assistant: Yes sir.
Act I Scene IV:
Mr Powell is waiting in the cabin room.
Mr Powell: I wonder when this damned meeting's going to happen...
*Four wheely bins are pushed in through the door. Mr Powell looks at them. They do nothing. He continues to stare at them while they continue to do nothing.*
Act I Scene V:
Just outside the cabin, five ICC troopers are waiting.
Trooper #1: Do you think the bins will work?
Trooper #2: Of course, they're very functional items.
Trooper #1: No, do you think they'll assassinate the programmers?
Trooper #3: Why would they?
Trooper #1: Then why did we send them in?
Trooper #4: Oh... I knew this one... We put them in to create a... erm...
Trooper #3: Foul stench?
Trooper #2: Functional waste disposal facility?
Trooper #5: A diversion?
Trooper #4: Yes! That's it! Now we have to go in through the back way.
*The troopers run around to the back door.*
Act I Scene VI:
Inside the cabin, Mr Powell is taking a glance inside the wheely bins. The five troopers sneak up behind him, but one of them steps on a twig and it snaps.
Trooper #5: Why would there be a twig on a boat in the middle of nowhere?
*Mr Powell spins around and grabbing his keyboard, swings upwards into the nearest trooper's chin. He then activates the keyboard and kills the other four, as they discover that they have no actual weapons with which to offend or defend.*
Mr Powell: Kiss my peripheral!
*He returns his keyboard and behind him the trooper he merely knocked out stands up, and is poised to hit Mr Powell when Queer-on Ginn bursts out of the door, stumbles over onto the trooper and pins him to the ground.*
Queer-on Ginn: Give me my drink!!
Trooper #4: Get off me, you drunken lout!
Queer-on Ginn: Lout?! I've been called a few things in my life but that just takes the biscuit. Give me my biscuit!!
Trooper #4: You're crazy, get off of me!
Queer-on Ginn: Give me my biscuit or I'll roger you to death!!
Mr Powell: Queer-on, I think we should just kill him.
Queer-on Ginn: Well can you take care of it? I need the toilet again.
*Queer-on staggers back to the toilets.*
Trooper #4: Are you gonna kill me?
Mr Powell: I was just gonna rough you up a bit, but I've lost my appetite for killing, just get lost.
*The trooper flees. Queer-on Ginn walks back out, and is even more ungainly as he hasn't pulled his trousers back up.*
Mr Powell: Your trousers are around your ankles.
Queer-on Ginn: Your insights serve you well.
Mr Powell: I think we should leave...
Queer-on Ginn: No, I have a better idea! Let's sneak into one of their rowing boats so that we have to make a desperate escape later, plus it will mean we'll get to Magoo rather faster since I drank the petrol for our boat.
Mr Powell: You're oddly coherent, I don't think that's a good plan bearing in mind your apparent sobriety.
Director: Just do it, it sounds fun.
Mr Powell: *Sigh* Come on then, lets find a rowing boat.
Act II Scene I:
The daring programmers have found themselves ashore on Magoo, but they aren't alone in the rowing boat - the evil Mr Cotton himself is in the boat too, trying desperately to heave himself out of the boat.
Queer-on Ginn: Let's get him!
Director: NO!! He's a key character in Episode II, well, not really a key character... in fact he's even less active in that than in this...
Mr Powell: Should we kill him?
Mr Cotton: If you look, my left ear is lower than my right ear.
Mr Powell: That's great.
*Mr Powell activates his keyboard and kills Mr Cotton.*
Mr Powell: God he was boring.
Queer-on Ginn: I'd still fu-
Mr Powell: No you wouldn't, so just stop there, we have to find that excrutiatingly annoying fish dude or whatever.
Queer-on Ginn: Lead the way my young marzipan.
Mr Powell: Don't you mean padawan?
Director: *Jumping out of his seat.* No he damned well doesn't!!
Mr Powell: Ok... marzipan actually sounds a hell of a lot better.
*They walk off and find a perfectly normal looking human.*
Mr Powell: Who are you?
Jar-Jar Spinks: I'm Jar-Jar Spinks.
Mr Powell: That's a rather unfortunate name.
Jar-Jar Spinks: You've got a rather unfortunate face.
Mr Powell: *Grabbing his keyboard.* Hey!
Queer-on Ginn: Calm down, if he dies, I can't have a love storyline with him.
Mr Powell: You aren't going to have a love storyline with him anyway.
Queer-on Ginn: Oh... *He is very upset.*
Jar-Jar Spinks: So what do you guys want?
Mr Powell: We want to find Queen Mavis, can you take us to her?
Jar-Jar Spinks: You after a bit of rumpy-pumpy eh?
Mr Powell: No, not really, we just have to find her because she's integral to the storyline.
Jar-Jar Spinks: I guess I might have a love storyline after all then. *He rubs his hands together.*
Queer-on Ginn: No, I'm afraid Mr Bouncy has a love storyline, and then their son in the next film.
Mr Powell: How did you know that?
Queer-on Ginn: I'm not as stupid as I smell.
Mr Powell: Thank god for that, but how did you know?
Queer-on Ginn: Know what? Where are the toilets?
Jar-Jar Spinks: It's a jungle, go where you want, just away from me.
*Queer-on staggers off.*
*Five minutes later.*
*Queer-on staggers back.*
Mr Powell: Trousers.
*Queer-on pulls his trousers up.*
Mr Powell: Toilet paper.
*Queer-on removes the toilet paper from his head.*
Queer-on Ginn: Look! Now I'm the happy tree!!
Jar-Jar Spinks: He needs help, serious help.
Mr Powell: He's not that bad when he's drunk.
Jar-Jar Spinks: You mean he's sober?
Mr Powell: Well, as close to sober as I've seen him, look, he's managing to balance with just his legs.
Jar-Jar Spinks: Wow, even I have trouble with that sometimes.
Mr Powell: Well quite, but I think we should go now, this is developing into a distinctly boring scene.
Jar-Jar Spinks: Yeah.
To be continued...
But the really popular sagas start in the middle...
With the beginning coming 20 years later.
Presenting.... Episode I of the rarely read, still unnamed saga of Mr Bouncy.
Episode I: The Phantom Instance
It is still a time of great strife, as it almost always is, due to the fact that if it wasn't a time of great strife, it wouldn't be very interesting. The evil Mr Cotton and his 555 IC Chippers have seized control of the basic electronics industry of Magoo, a relatively unknown island which doesn't actually exist.
Two programmers who are completely unrelated to the entire affair have somehow managed to locate this non-existant island but have been prevented from reaching the island by an evil tanker belonging to the 555 IC Chippers.
Act I Scene I:
The small boat the two programmers are on pulls up beside the great tanker.
Act I Scene II:
The programmers are sitting down in the cabin room.
Queer-on Ginn: I've drank an unusual amount of beer for something as trivial as this meeting.
Mr Powell: You didn't even know that we were going to have a meeting!
Queer-on Ginn: Didn't I?
Mr Powell: No!
*Queer-on Ginn stands up, looking very unbalanced and walks to the window.*
Queer-on Ginn: I've drank an-
Mr Powell: You've said that already.
Queer-on Ginn: Where are the toilets, I think I may have drunk an unusual-
Mr Powell: They're over there. *He points at the blindingly obvious toilets with a large neon sign saying 'Toilets'.*
Queer-on Ginn: Your insights serve you well.
*The director visibly twitches.*
Mr Powell: Just go to the toilet.
*Queer-on Ginn staggers into the toilets, hitting his head on the neon sign.*
Act I Scene III:
Mr Cotton is sitting around with a few other people.
Mr Cotton: Programmers, in here?
Assistant: Yes sir, but it's perfectly safe, their programmes will not work on our computers, our computers our not advanced enough to be affected.
Mr Cotton: We'd better send in the troops to be sure.
Assistant: Yes sir.
Act I Scene IV:
Mr Powell is waiting in the cabin room.
Mr Powell: I wonder when this damned meeting's going to happen...
*Four wheely bins are pushed in through the door. Mr Powell looks at them. They do nothing. He continues to stare at them while they continue to do nothing.*
Act I Scene V:
Just outside the cabin, five ICC troopers are waiting.
Trooper #1: Do you think the bins will work?
Trooper #2: Of course, they're very functional items.
Trooper #1: No, do you think they'll assassinate the programmers?
Trooper #3: Why would they?
Trooper #1: Then why did we send them in?
Trooper #4: Oh... I knew this one... We put them in to create a... erm...
Trooper #3: Foul stench?
Trooper #2: Functional waste disposal facility?
Trooper #5: A diversion?
Trooper #4: Yes! That's it! Now we have to go in through the back way.
*The troopers run around to the back door.*
Act I Scene VI:
Inside the cabin, Mr Powell is taking a glance inside the wheely bins. The five troopers sneak up behind him, but one of them steps on a twig and it snaps.
Trooper #5: Why would there be a twig on a boat in the middle of nowhere?
*Mr Powell spins around and grabbing his keyboard, swings upwards into the nearest trooper's chin. He then activates the keyboard and kills the other four, as they discover that they have no actual weapons with which to offend or defend.*
Mr Powell: Kiss my peripheral!
*He returns his keyboard and behind him the trooper he merely knocked out stands up, and is poised to hit Mr Powell when Queer-on Ginn bursts out of the door, stumbles over onto the trooper and pins him to the ground.*
Queer-on Ginn: Give me my drink!!
Trooper #4: Get off me, you drunken lout!
Queer-on Ginn: Lout?! I've been called a few things in my life but that just takes the biscuit. Give me my biscuit!!
Trooper #4: You're crazy, get off of me!
Queer-on Ginn: Give me my biscuit or I'll roger you to death!!
Mr Powell: Queer-on, I think we should just kill him.
Queer-on Ginn: Well can you take care of it? I need the toilet again.
*Queer-on staggers back to the toilets.*
Trooper #4: Are you gonna kill me?
Mr Powell: I was just gonna rough you up a bit, but I've lost my appetite for killing, just get lost.
*The trooper flees. Queer-on Ginn walks back out, and is even more ungainly as he hasn't pulled his trousers back up.*
Mr Powell: Your trousers are around your ankles.
Queer-on Ginn: Your insights serve you well.
Mr Powell: I think we should leave...
Queer-on Ginn: No, I have a better idea! Let's sneak into one of their rowing boats so that we have to make a desperate escape later, plus it will mean we'll get to Magoo rather faster since I drank the petrol for our boat.
Mr Powell: You're oddly coherent, I don't think that's a good plan bearing in mind your apparent sobriety.
Director: Just do it, it sounds fun.
Mr Powell: *Sigh* Come on then, lets find a rowing boat.
Act II Scene I:
The daring programmers have found themselves ashore on Magoo, but they aren't alone in the rowing boat - the evil Mr Cotton himself is in the boat too, trying desperately to heave himself out of the boat.
Queer-on Ginn: Let's get him!
Director: NO!! He's a key character in Episode II, well, not really a key character... in fact he's even less active in that than in this...
Mr Powell: Should we kill him?
Mr Cotton: If you look, my left ear is lower than my right ear.
Mr Powell: That's great.
*Mr Powell activates his keyboard and kills Mr Cotton.*
Mr Powell: God he was boring.
Queer-on Ginn: I'd still fu-
Mr Powell: No you wouldn't, so just stop there, we have to find that excrutiatingly annoying fish dude or whatever.
Queer-on Ginn: Lead the way my young marzipan.
Mr Powell: Don't you mean padawan?
Director: *Jumping out of his seat.* No he damned well doesn't!!
Mr Powell: Ok... marzipan actually sounds a hell of a lot better.
*They walk off and find a perfectly normal looking human.*
Mr Powell: Who are you?
Jar-Jar Spinks: I'm Jar-Jar Spinks.
Mr Powell: That's a rather unfortunate name.
Jar-Jar Spinks: You've got a rather unfortunate face.
Mr Powell: *Grabbing his keyboard.* Hey!
Queer-on Ginn: Calm down, if he dies, I can't have a love storyline with him.
Mr Powell: You aren't going to have a love storyline with him anyway.
Queer-on Ginn: Oh... *He is very upset.*
Jar-Jar Spinks: So what do you guys want?
Mr Powell: We want to find Queen Mavis, can you take us to her?
Jar-Jar Spinks: You after a bit of rumpy-pumpy eh?
Mr Powell: No, not really, we just have to find her because she's integral to the storyline.
Jar-Jar Spinks: I guess I might have a love storyline after all then. *He rubs his hands together.*
Queer-on Ginn: No, I'm afraid Mr Bouncy has a love storyline, and then their son in the next film.
Mr Powell: How did you know that?
Queer-on Ginn: I'm not as stupid as I smell.
Mr Powell: Thank god for that, but how did you know?
Queer-on Ginn: Know what? Where are the toilets?
Jar-Jar Spinks: It's a jungle, go where you want, just away from me.
*Queer-on staggers off.*
*Five minutes later.*
*Queer-on staggers back.*
Mr Powell: Trousers.
*Queer-on pulls his trousers up.*
Mr Powell: Toilet paper.
*Queer-on removes the toilet paper from his head.*
Queer-on Ginn: Look! Now I'm the happy tree!!
Jar-Jar Spinks: He needs help, serious help.
Mr Powell: He's not that bad when he's drunk.
Jar-Jar Spinks: You mean he's sober?
Mr Powell: Well, as close to sober as I've seen him, look, he's managing to balance with just his legs.
Jar-Jar Spinks: Wow, even I have trouble with that sometimes.
Mr Powell: Well quite, but I think we should go now, this is developing into a distinctly boring scene.
Jar-Jar Spinks: Yeah.
To be continued...