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ForumsInteractive Story Board → A Truly Interactive Story.
A Truly Interactive Story.
2002-12-24, 8:44 PM #1
Guidelines, How to do this wierd, strangely conceived activity:

Basically, continue the story as you would any other story on this board. Try and do a few posts between the introduction given and #1. IE: Make up the story, but make sure it leads up to/ includes what happened in Plot Element #1. After that, we do the same between #1 and #2. You are making up the story, but these plot elements below have to happen in order somewhere along the way. It's kinda like a mad lib, except you are filling in alot more than one word, you're filling in the story!

Plot elements:
1. Someone runs from dogs.
2. Someone grabs a real sword.
3. Some kinda of high-speed vehicular frenzy occurs.
4. Old woman slowly driving a car get's in someone's way (doesn't have to be related to #3)
5. An airplane crashes in the middle of the desert.
6. Someone buys ice cream from an ice-cream truck.
7. A civilian crowd runs from a shattered window.
8. Someone/Some people is/are interrogated.
9. The word "bomb" is yelled.
10. Two inconspicuous men exchange suitcases.
11. A bunch of helicoptors surround a city.
12. A machine gun 'jams' up.
13. A quote from a famous piece of literature is read.
14. Someone lifts weights at the gym.
15. Two people (of opposite sexes!) get married.
16. A blank CD is burned (not set fire).
17. A book is burned (set fire).
18. Two people knife-fight.
19. A trash-containter blows up.
20. Tires are replaced on a motorized vehicle at a tire shop.

* * *

Start off/Introduction:
Jake Milo came home to his apartment one night to a surprise. All his possessions were gone. He dropped his suitcase on the barren floor. He lived alone, besides his pet cat, so he didn't have to worry about missing family members. He walked over to his bedroom and turned on the light. Even his dirty laundry was gone. Who would do such a thing?


Jake jumped. He walked over to the front door and reached for the doorknob.
(take it from here!)

[Edit: Apparantly it's too long, so I'll try to make it less complicated]

[This message has been edited by Veger (edited December 27, 2002).]
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2002-12-26, 8:06 PM #2
Yowzas! Mucho-complicated! Could you provide a clearer explination, please?

Check out the following stories:
The Never-ending Story Thread(comedy *sci-fi/fantasy*)

(in story order)
The Change (The Second War) (sci-fi/fantasy) --not finished/on hold--
The Crusade--tentative title (fantasy/sci-fi) --To Be Announced--
Saga of the 3rd War (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Shadows of Darkness (fantasy/sci-fi) --finished--
The Eternal War (fantasy/sci-fi) --not finished/IN PRODUCTION--
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2002-12-27, 6:50 AM #3
Do those things have to happen in that order?
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2002-12-27, 7:35 AM #4
Yes, but you can make up other things in between them too. Think of it this way, you're still writing the story as if it was any other post, but you're leading up to the next plot element. Once we reach one, we continue the story until we get to the next plot element, and so on.

[Edit: Is it really that complicated?]

[This message has been edited by Veger (edited December 27, 2002).]
This signature agrees with the previously posted signatures. To violate previously posted signatures is a violation of the EULA for this signature and you will be subject to unruly behavior.
2002-12-27, 5:16 PM #5
One day an old lady got hit by a car. It caused a sigularity explosion and tore through the makings of space. THE END.
Nothing climbs out of the dust. No thing survived the universe and the multiverse colapse. Everything died and was blasted into oblivion and phased out.
2003-01-01, 8:49 PM #6
Jake cringed as he eased the door open, expecting government assassins or flesh-eating aliens to burst in. Or failing that, a group of heavily armed mafioso hitmen coming to ventilate him. At the very least, he thought he was in line for a roughing-up.

Jake Milo watched too many movies. It was only his landlady, a round stub of a woman.

"Eh, why you no paya your rent on time, eh?" she asked in mangled English.

"I - I haven't got the money right now, sorry," replied Jake, still certain of the terrors lurking in the building's hallway.

Disgusted, the landlady threw her arms in the air. "Fine, then I takea your coat," she said, and without waiting for a reply grabbed at Jake's heavy overcoat.

"What?" Jake was momentarily taken aback by what seemed to him a non sequitur. Mistaking Jake's confusion for submission, the landlady tugged harder.

"Stop that," said Jake, resisting. It was difficult going, because the landlady - who was quite a bit stronger than her appearance lead Jake to believe - nearly had one sleeve off and, determined to have her way, was shaking Jake.

"I said cut it out!" Jake's temper rose, and he flailed his free arm at the obstinate woman, who responded by wailing in her native language. Attempting to get into a better position from which to grapple with the landlady, Jake twisted around, reaching behind himself.

There was the loud, unmistakable sound of a gun being discharged, and Jake felt a burning sensation on his cheek. He fell to his knees and pressed his palm against the pain, wincing. When he looked up, the landlady had stopped jabbering and there was a spiderweb of cracks on the living room window. The landlady's face was a shocked mask, and a battered revolver lay at her feet. Jake looked up at the landlady, who returned his stare.

The both moved for the gun at the same time. Jake reached it first, and he stumbled to his feet, waving the pistol around. The landlady deliberately backed up, watching Jake. However, she had nothing to fear; the pain from the bullet graze had increased. It demanded most of Jake's attention, and he doubted very much his ability to steadily aim the firearm.

Jake locked eyes with the landlady for a moment, both of them remaining still as soldiers. Then, holding the gun in one hand and his throbbing face in the other, Jake ran out of the open door and tore down the hallway.
2003-01-02, 4:09 PM #7
"He assaultimated me wit' a weapon, I tella you 'dat much!" the landlady screamed at the officer who had been called in by one of the neighbors at hearing a gunshot.

The officer, disgusted, let the new guy finish the interview. He pulled out his radio and called in, "Uh... dispatcher, this is Todd Clarke reporting a 760, suspect is on foot, armed and dangerous."

Jake ran as fast as he could through the small stretch of forest by the apartment complex. He heard barking in the distance, and he had watched enough cop shows to realize what was happening. He was hot and sweaty, and he knew the dogs would be on him in moments. Taking a quick glance of his surroundings, he knew the only way to lose the dogs was to go by the creek. Unfortunately for him, it was down fifty feet below, in a ravine. Saying a quick prayer to whoever would listen, he grabbed the nearest tree, and prepared for descent...

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