A little experiment here. My personal feelings of this board is that we get a little too much organization and that limits progression of a decent story. In addition, the basic Star Wars theme is prevelant in everything. Here's the idea: The writers are limited to three authors. The first simply posts a prologue or the first chapter. The second picks up from there and carries on. Anything any author says goes. That means if the first author was trying to create a western and the third author has the main character draw a lightsaber, everyone has to go with that: It becomes a Western with Lightsabers.
Think of it as combining writing and improv.
I'll be one of the authors for this experiment, so I need two more. Any volunteers (labrats)?
First two to post get the job.
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.
Think of it as combining writing and improv.
I'll be one of the authors for this experiment, so I need two more. Any volunteers (labrats)?
First two to post get the job.
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.
I am The Teller of Tales and the courier of Truth in Fiction. I am The Reality Maker.
Dragon 2 Story Tellers Homepage
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