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ForumsInteractive Story Board → The Forgotten Relic
The Forgotten Relic
2004-01-09, 4:30 PM #1
(I plan on this being a serious post so only post if your serious. This story takes place in the Forgotten Realms of the Dundeons & Dragons games. The well know character's in the Forgotten Realms will not play a major part in this story, if you need one for you character then feel free to use them but don't get them actively invovled with the story. All the normal rules of the Realms apply to this story, but if you have a special character or plot line then let me know ahead of time as I can tell you if you can do it or not.I'm only writing a short post introduceing one of the character's for now but will introduce a few more that I have thought up. If you have any questions then feel free to send me an email.)

She moved through the dark mist of the rocky outcropping know as the Highmoor's. She had traveled for three days to get to this place after hearing his call. Who's call it was she still was unsure of, she knew that he had to be of great power to awaken her from her nearly two century sleep. Curious, she took up the chase; If he proved himself some bumbling fool then she meant to pay him back ahundred fold....and then ahundred more for disturbing her sleep. She did get some satisfaction from her awakening though for she had almost forgotten the taste of blood. Yes, once she had been the Queen of Death herself but had to sleep, seeing the oncoming outrage of the nearby human settlement.

Her first victim after her awakening had been very invigorating. She reveled in his fear, feeded off of it. Further driving her into a blood lust. That bite had sent her to sensation's that had been forgot for two hundred years. She heard a noise from her left but knew that they were already there. Hobgoblins had been following her since she first set foot in this moor, waiting for her to sleep. She had slept enough for the past year's and cared little for sleep now. The mist here blocked the sun, allowing her to walk freely in these lands. She grinned, knowing that she was about to have even more fun tonight. She could not feed off of these Hobgoblins blood, but could feed off of their fear. It was only another day or two of walking till she was at her destination, might as well have a little bit of fun before hand.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
"Semper Fi"
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2004-01-09, 5:05 PM #2
(NSP: Hey, good to see you back! Unfortunately, I got too much on my hands at the moment to be jumping in on extra stuff, but I'll make sure to keep an eye out on this. [])

Check out the following stories over at the Interactive Story Board:
The Never-ending Story Thread or visit the new webcomic version!
The Vision Cycle series
Featured Story: Dead
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2004-01-09, 10:40 PM #3
(NSP all that I have time for right now. Yeah it's good to be back Geb. I got back to the US in Sept but didn't get my internet up till recently. I hope to get a some good reply's soon and was hopeing that you would make a post or two. I'll probably revel a little bit more of the plot tomorrow if possible. BTW BUMP.)

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
"Semper Fi"
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
2004-01-10, 10:27 AM #4
Darkness began to drift over the Highmoors, the hobgoblins watched their prey intently. They could taste the blood of this helpless woman. This would be an easy kill, the hobgoblins would dine well this evening. They crept in as slowly and as quietly as anxious hobgoblins could. The ground was rocky and slick in spots causeing them to slip at times. The four hobgoblins circled their victim laying in her bed roll. She had been sleeping for at least three hours into the night and wouldn't be easily disturb. One of them crept closer and poked the bedroll with it's spear, there was no movement. Suddenly the back went limp as if the content's had just dissappeared. They stared at the bedroll, confused as to what just happened. "What you do?" one of them ask, poking with his spear. "Not me!" he franticly said, looking around expecting some sort of an ambush. If they had looked closer they would have noticed a green mist pouring from the bedroll. If they would have noticed that, then it may have saved one of them that night. The green mist began to take shape infront of the one who had poke the bed roll. "Now that's not very nice." She said as she grasped the hobgoblins throat. "" it managed to say before she ripped his throat out. The other three stood there, not beleiveing what had just happened. One of them gathered up enough strength and charged her with his shortsword. He brought his sword up high, meaning to slash her from the shoulder to the hip, but she was no longer there. His eyes shot wide, how had she moved so fast it wondered. The hobgoblin felt a hand on his neck, a hand that was deathly cold. He stood there, unmoving, but was soon set into motion as he was flung high up into the air. The vampire grabed the spear of her first victim and planted it firmly into the ground and began to walk to the other two. They looked at her and their fallen comrades, fear began to set in. Showing the greatest loyalty that goblinkind has to offer they promply began to charge, in the oppisite direction. "You can run but you can't hide from me. I'll hunt you down as you have hunted me and kill all of your kind!" She threated as she resumed her journey. As she walked by the spear, which now held an impaled hobgoblin, she smiled. What fun this world holds. I had forgotten all that this world has to offer for someone of the likes of me. She thought as she made her way through the moors.

*In another place of the moor's*

"She is a powerful one indead. I've never seen a vampire before but I don't plan to ever anger one." The elf said looking into the mirror that was being used to track the progress of the potental ally. "But why did you call upon her? What do we need her for?" he said, turning around to regard the person sitting on the throne in the room. The person sat there under a dark cloak, the hood pulled up sitting low over his face. The only thing visible is the two points of red, points of red that could only be the eyes of this dark figure. The figure stared intently at the elf. The Moon elf that had helped him throughout his long year's, his pale skin almost reflecting the color around him but almost making him look like some undead thing in this old castle in the Highmoors. The moonelf was a ranger of quite some skill, but unlike other's, he loved the darkside of nature. Loved how cruel and fickle nature could be, which is why he could survive so well in the Highmoors. "Because Scilar, she will help us in this war. This war that I will start and be the victor. I will control the largest army in the realms and will not rest until I have achieved my goal." the dark figure said in a dark raspy voice.

"I can become enraged like Vegeta, if i smile, run...................very fast."
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui
"Semper Fi"
-"Life is cheap.....especially mine." -Hero Yui

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