the guy that was nicknamed 'need help' pulled out two lightsaber, both double bladed, On that moment, chairs dropped on the floor, sceintests were running away with there simple blaster rifles, untill echoman and gothicx came in. He need to kill them, but they helped him out really well, what was he suposed to do, Kill them...
Need help: please get out of my way.
gothicx: we cannot!!!
They both had lightsabers, but they firs pulled out concussion rifle's
Need help: WHY?!?!
gothicx: an experiment, get out of our way!
Need help ducked away for the two energy-bolts comming at him
(not a part of the story) the meaning of this story is that need help and gothicx and echoman are living till the final fight...who is writing the next part![ []](
-thank you man, raly appriciate it
Need help: please get out of my way.
gothicx: we cannot!!!
They both had lightsabers, but they firs pulled out concussion rifle's
Need help: WHY?!?!
gothicx: an experiment, get out of our way!
Need help ducked away for the two energy-bolts comming at him
(not a part of the story) the meaning of this story is that need help and gothicx and echoman are living till the final fight...who is writing the next part
![ []](
-thank you man, raly appriciate it