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ForumsInteractive Story Board → Malqron Xowan...A walk down the darker side.
Malqron Xowan...A walk down the darker side.
2004-05-07, 6:00 PM #1
He certainly was nothing fear-inspiring...barely 4'5", all bundled up in a simple cowled brown monk's robe, the only thing showing from it was the tip of his snout, deep sapphire blue scales sparkling in the sunlight as he walked down the street, and his tail, dragging along the ground behind him. the tiny lizard walked through the crowds as if no one else existed, simply walking straight through, ignoring the people he knocked aside. finally, he encountered someone who wouldn't move out of the way, a big burly man who turned to look down at the tiny cowled figure who had run into him, and was now waiting patiently for him to move.

Man:"what th- you blind or somethin'? don't know how to go around somebody? well? you gonna say somet'in?"

the tiny figure tilted its head back, the hood sliding off its reptilian head to reveal more of the same deep sapphire blue scales. twin swirling pools of grey stared piercingly at the man. its lips parted, even rows of needle sharp, perfectly even white teeth flashed as it spoke.


the man's face turned red as he looked down at this tiny lizard, calmly regarding him like some piece of meat.

man:"WHAT?! I don't think I heard you right! cuz it sounded like you were tellin' me what to do! who the heck do you think you are?"

the tiny blue lizard's eyes began to turn a shade of violet, swirling faster now, as he smiled. a chill, humorless smile, devoid of any human emotion. once again he spoke, his voice a whispered hiss, audible over the sounds of the crowds gathering around the two.

Lizard:"should you continue to bar my way, I will have to give you my name, so that you may tell Charon who sent you to him without fare. now, stand aside Peon."

this was too much for the man, who, his face turning an angry shade of purple, reached down for the lizard, roaring something about "teaching him a lesson". the lizard made no motion at first, then, without even disturbing his cloak, he dropped to the ground, one leg sweeping across the man's ankles, whilst his tail snapped up to grasp the cloak and fling it out of the way. as the man fell forwards, the lizard snapped back to his feet, one hand wrapping around the man's throat, his claws drawing points of blood from either side of his windpipe. while the man gurgled and waved his hands, the lizard bared his teeth and hissed.
"you can tell them that Malqron sent you...tell the boatman that Malqron Xowan is adding another to his tab!"
with a sickening crunch, Malqron's arm muscles flexed, and the crowd screamed, while the man's twitching corpse dropped to the ground. Malqron turned his back to the corpse and shook the blood from his hand, his eyes now a blur of crimson. as the crowd watched in terror, the tiny lizard's teeth grew longer, and his scales rippled and became black, then Malqron spun about, sinking his teeth into the man's throat and his claws into the man's ribs. a strange black mist stretched forth from Malqron, encompassing the man's corpse and concealing it from view...when the mist cleared, Malqron was holding the mummified remains of what had been a very large man. clenching his claws together, Malqron stood up, letting the dust slip through his fingers and hissing in satisfaction before looking at the crowd, who backed away in abject terror at the look in his not of anger...but of inhuman joy, and hunger. as he spoke, his eyes and scales returned to their original colors.
"do any others wish to bar my way?"
while the crowds hurriedly moved away from him, parting in whichever direction he moved, Malqron gestured, his cloak rising up and settling about his shoulders once more, and Malqron resumed his journey towards...
not exactly the light amusing tale we usually have here...this is one that follows somebody decidely not nice. I'm leaving the destination open so that others can throw in their own parts, just don't ruin it with stupid crap.

New from the makers of Air in a Box!
ever find yourself in the middle of the desert, wishing you had been able to pack a gallon of water? well, now you can, with, Dehydrated Water! just add water
2004-05-08, 7:13 PM #2
Urn That's what Syzn call "Low Profile," eh?

Malqron He refused to move.

Urn Save your justifications for Hades, I am all too busy for such trivials.

Urn and Malqron walked side by side alone one side of the dust-caked street while carts and horses passed along the other. The somewhat low statured Urn contrasted the small lizard, making the bard all the more tall today. He glanced down at his new companion.

Urn And you wonder where we go?

Malqron In-fact, I was soon to question our destination.

His cloak hung loosly around his blue scales and frame. The defined muscles of the lizard-like creature rolled and stretched under the worn cloak. Urn entwined his pudgy, rough fingers together within his sleaves. His age-earned beard framed gray around his red lips.

Urn We head for the Fates Warding for a drink and convorsation with the others. Someone called a meeting. Steelfist seems to be on a rebirth.

Malqron A rebirth to be decided acceptable for the situation, Master Aine. Don't assume too fast.

The two walk, side by side, retelling stories older than their truths, and far younger than their times.

"I was driving along listening to the radio, when Judas Priest comes on. It was 'You've got another thing coming.' All of a sudden, I enter 'VICE CITY RAMAGE MODE' and nearly ran some guy over"
- ]-[ellequin
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2004-05-10, 5:07 PM #3
As the two continued on their way to the tavern, Malqron could feel the undercurrents of the unsent, dead souls murdered on these streets over the years that never properly passed on to the underworld, and instead laid dormant beneath them. stretching his essence out, he awoke those spirits, drawing them to him, taking their pain and agony into himself.

Malqron:"ah...I love the slums..."

Urn looked over at the slight glow coming off of Malqron's scales beneath the cloak, and lifted one eyebrow at the tiny lizard

Urn:"harvesting the unsent again? what is this morbid fascination you have with the violently killed?"

Malqron turned to look at Urn and one claw tapped the bard's lyrecase, while his mouth twisted into a chill grin

Malqron:"to an immortal, mortality is highly curious. I love the death and pain of it as much you enjoy feeding off of the emotions of your 'patrons'. besides, if Steelfist truly does get his rebirth, I'll be needing those souls. shall we carry on? the Fates Warding is famed for its virgins...and that oaf left a bad taste in my mouth."

the odd pair continued on, arriving in due time at the Fates Warding, where they dissappeared into the growing crowd with an ease that bespoke years of practice. Malqron and Urn arrived at the bar several minutes later, Urn fingering an odd-looking triangular knife that glittered and sparkled in the lamp-light, Malqron had collected a pair of rather charming looking young ladies, both with long blonde tresses and a slightly bemused expression in their eyes as they draped themselves across the tiny lizard, running their fingers over his scaled head.

Urn:"I see you've Fascinated yourself a pair of virgins...guess who I found carrying this little beauty?"

Malqron took the blade in his hands and turned it over in his palm, examining the etched patterns in it. with a negligent flick of his wrist, he sent it curving up into the air, flashing as it curved around over their heads to slam down into the bar by Urn's elbow.

Malqron:"it's exquisitely crafted. whoever they are paid a great deal for it. I didn't see any of the others. it would appear we arrived first."

Urn nodded in agreement as he responded, removing the blade from the bar.

Urn:"the stablemaster said a tiny man with a very hoarse voice left it for you. other than that, I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I think you are correct in your assessment. what are you going to do with them?"

Malqron looked at the two ladies hanging from his arms and then looked back at Urn, his lips pulling back in an arch smile.
"well...I think that I'll corrupt them, then send them to find that midget Griln. he obviously needs a reminder as to who works for who in this organization."

As Urn turned to the Barkeep for a drink, his eyes constantly scanning the crowd in the mirror on the back wall, Malqron and his two ladies proceeded to a secluded alchove in the back.
---------- I have not only violence...but the hint of sex! knew I could throw that in somehow.

New from the makers of Air in a Box!
ever find yourself in the middle of the desert, wishing you had been able to pack a gallon of water? well, now you can, with, Dehydrated Water! just add water
2004-05-15, 10:53 PM #4
making a last gasp attempt to rally some writers...which, according to Geb, includes a good dental plan. so, here is a bit of humor, outside the plot, with the final key ingredient to draw in writers.
*tiny blue lizard walks out and turns to face the studio audience*
"when I flash my needle-sharp teeth *flashes needle-sharp teeth* I like to know that they are shiny and white. that's why I like having a writer that uses this story thread, it has an excellent dental plan that lets me get all the care a homicidal, soul-eating, blood-drinking lizard like me needs. so, next time you see me bite down into some beautiful woman's succulent neck to convert her into a being of evil and lust, remember this little message."
beautiful blond walks on stage, gets Fascinated by Malqron's hypnotically swirling eyes, and exposes her neck to the tiny lizard. flashing a thumb's up at the camera, Malqron sinks his shiny white teeth into her succulent neck. seconds later, the woman is a stereotypical gothic vampire babe, complete with hot split-side dress. she flashes her pearly-white fanged teeth at the camera while Malqron turns to look at the studio audience again
"add your two cents to "Malqron Xowan...A walk down the darker side" cuz we've got better dental than certain endless threads I could mention."
Krig runs onto the screen, his axe over his head, his uneven, yellowed teeth bared in anger.
"Krig smash blue lizard! Krig no need good dental!"
just by appearing however, the dental plan takes ahold of Krig, turning his teeth even and white. the recently Corrupted temptress turns to drape herself across Krig.
"Krig like dental plan..."
if Krig reads this and is offended, well...I'm out of reach of his axe. now...write! write I say!

New from the makers of Air in a Box!
ever find yourself in the middle of the desert, wishing you had been able to pack a gallon of water? well, now you can, with, Dehydrated Water! just add water

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