(From myself, concerning TEW, on June 1, 2002)
THE ETERNAL WAR - Final Scenes
First off, I plan to try and write as much of a "first post" to get TEW moving back along (and to help you guys post) before I go to sleep. If you still need help, please e-mail me and I'll see what I can do. Though I am uncertain of the order and connecting details as of now, here is the current events, random information, and what I hope iwll be in my post-to-be soon:
The post that I plan to write after this (as in if you'r ereading this, my post is probably up) will involve the major fight scene on Krig's Northman ship. Here is the list of characters and their GENERAL rank of power/influence over the situation (now and to come in the post), though for the most part, characters are of relatively equal match between the differing levels--
Immortals--Quarsh, Vox, Kronaemix
Ubers--Ebon Skull, Yimir, Raivus, Orca
Highs--Saidelora, Bais, Kupala, Shawn
Normals--Krig, Robert, Krystal, Carol, Lina
Currently, Quarsh (low-class demon) and Ebon Skull (former demon) are fighting each other (Ebon using his Black Shadow, which I assume is something to the effect of gloves/gauntlets and/or an aura covering him (like armor or a cloak of some kind) and is a refined version of Bazaal's original Shadow (pretty much like a magic version of a really big radiation shock wave like that of a nuclear blast, except its effects covered the realm of Shamoor)--correct me if I am wrong Highemperor--jsut trying to give some definition to the Black Shadow Ebon is using against Quarsh). The two are fighting in hopes of gaining the Matrix of Volsang, which is a backdoor device that allows power to be drawn from Heaven.
Yimir, originally there to try and destroy the Matrix in hopes of foiling Ebon's plans (because his motivation is to be "free" and thus, despizes power because he felt his father was trapped by his desire for it), is now trying to cope with the realization that he IS becoming his father (after realizing that he wanted control of Shamoor and of the situation around him). While Yimir is still brooding over what to do, Krig is trying to help him "turn good"--suggesting that he bcome a Northman;) Krig also hopes to find a way to get his Northmen friends (who are on the ship) back alive/out of stasis (as having a Northman will greatly help Krig's willpower in the final battle).
Robert, having been brought by Quarsh and is rather skeptical of supernatural things in general, is to help Quarsh recover the Matrix (whether Robert will is a question to come). Robert is the grandson of Apathis (dark wizard from previous story--conections with Bazaal, Orca, Krig, Shawn and Stanin, though the last two wouldn't remember and Stanin is not in this scene--and Bazaal is dead). Robert also wields a daggar that can inflict a great deal of damage on immortals (a potential threat to the immortals in the scene).
Most likely, Ebon will take out Quarsh due to Quarsh's previous battle with the two angels protecting Krig (not dead mind you, since he IS an immortal, but out of the way). Robert may deal a blow to Ebon, temporarily stunning him. There is a good chance Yimir will "turn good", taking the stasis spell off the Northman ship and planning a showdown with Ebon--at some point, any fight with EBon will move out of the cargo hold that they are currently in--Ebon should win the fight here as well (whether Yimir dies or not is up in the air still). Krig will probably go in search of his Northmen friends, and say a prayer at some point (which will be the final ingredient in Sem's construction of the Arena upon which the final battle will take place). Robert will then probably (hesitantly) try to take the Matrix, when the next group enters.
During the previous scene, the Northman ship Bais, Krystal, carol (relative of Krystal--medical doctor of sorts) and Vox (Nature servent ("fairy")--equivilant of an angel or demon) will approach Krig's Northman ship, as will the ship Saidelora, Raivus, Shawn Templer, Kupala, and Lina are on. Kupala will attack Bais, and the two of them will stay on one of the ships while Krystal, Carol, Vox, Saidelora, Raivus, Shawn and Lina will most likely board Krig's ship (Vox is the only one who has the motivation to board though, and thus, if need be, any of the others can stay where they are, but they should be seperate from Bais and Kupala). Whomever does board Krig's ship will be the group that interrupts Robert from taking the Matrix.
At some point, Kronaemix needs to enter into the picture, to defend the matrix from falling into anyone elses' hands, since he is now an angel (and no longer a servent for the Eternal Force of Justice). I'm not sure where is the best place is, so I'll probably have him there at the beginning of my post and allow TLTE to decide for himself (whatever is decided should be fine). If Jim (yeah, he was an angel too, remember? teehee) does enter, he should help Kronaemix out.
Anyways, Vox should attempt to take the Matrix, when Kronaemix and/or Ebon Skull step in. 'nother big immortal battle there. WHATEVER happens in between there, the end result needs to be Ebon Skull obtaining the Matrix successfully and leaving.
While that is going on, Bais and Kupala should be fighitng when Space_Orca enters the picture, and takes them away from the scene. Sem the writer will be taking care of what happens with that, but basically, they will be invovled in Orca's plan to overthrow the final battle.
From there--the characters are ready to begin the final battle aka the Decamillenial Battle. I still have to write up Diaszu, Jirverak, and Saatch's confrontation with Strage as well as finish the side-thing with Amry, Noddo, Yarilo (and possibly) Stanin, btu I can do that as this rather lengthy main fight scene is written.
===Feel free to do small bits of it--in fact, I encourage that you do that--this way, what you DO write will be focused and easy to handle.==
So here's what I need from you all right now (before the final Battle):
KRIG THE VIKING- Concern yourself with Krig's development in his willpower and other such reasons for him to be the Champion of Good. Since you played often with Krig being lonely, I assume being able to have the support of his Northmen friends will be a key part in that. make sure to also have Krig say/think of a prayer, revelant to the situation, but that is based on hope, so it can be used as the final ingredient in the making of the Arena and whatnot.
HIGHEMPEROR- Concern yourself with mainly Ebon right now. Make sure to emphasis why the readers should think HE'LL become the champion of Evil (aka his triumphs over the immortals there), and emphasis Saidelora's secretive devotion/plans towards Evil (aka her lackey tendencies for the "principles of Evil")--and don't unleash Leviathan yet. I'll tell you why in a later time, but I'd need to explain the details of the final battle for it to make sense. I'll also need to talk to you about how to resolve the situations with Strage (Diaszu, Jirverak and Saatch) as well as what involvement Stanin might have in the other situation (as he would be key in turning that sidestory into something worthy).
THE LAST TRUE EVIL- I'll try to make some sort of easy opening for Kronaemix, but really, it's up to you when you want him to enter the picture. Just make sure to tell me if you have a spot in this development in mind. Also, it may help to post a "Please wait for me to post before continuing" thing and edit it with your story later if it comes to that. Obviously, Kronaemix has some good issues to play with--his return as an angel, his former devotion as a servent of Justice, connections with Jim...jsut let your character play into the scene and see what happens.
SEMIEVIL- I've talked to you already about all of this, but jstu for a reminder and whatnot, jsut concern yourselves about setting up your Bais-Kupala idea, as well as guide the rest of the characters involved with that group (Saidelora, Raivus, Shawn, Lina, Krystal, Carol, Vox) into good positions for their writer-counterparts (and the characters themselves) to easily continue with some action (as I did not offer a suggestion for these characters, save Vox, any specific thing to do during the fight). Also, make sure to set up the whole Orca-side story deal in case Orca the writer decides he wants to join.
JNAITOR BOB- Your character (Robert) is basically the Spy piece in Stratego (he can do major damage to the #1 guys aka immortals, but is relatively weak to everyone else). Develop him in this situation as you please. Fortunately (since I know you seem to be preoccupied), Robert PROBBALY won't do much anyway, as he'll msot likely be stunned by his skeptical thoughts being contradicted by the supernatural fights being held before him. Also, if you really want Quarsh to return, he can, but it'd probably be best if he didn't do anything until the final battle, where he can play around some more with Robert.
And if the other writers join in...
SHAWN TEMPLER- Like I said up there, nothing much is happening with your character. Just follow Sem's lead when he posts his bit with Bais and Kupala fighting if you wish to write, and from there, I can help you fit Shawn in with the final battle.
SPACE_ORCA/NATURE PALADIN- Thanks to Sem, and bits from what you started posting back in the early pages of TEW, Orca's got a little side-quest going. If you decide to write, I'll fill you in on Sem's stuff that he's done with Orca and whatnot, and you'll probably be able to easily write for the final battle itself if nothing else.
KRYSTAL- Read Shawn's note.
Details of the final battle and whatnot will come shortly. I still REALLY need suggestions on what "reward" the champion would get from Semievil (the character) to aid them in the champion combat (second part of the final battle) if they are the first to claim the middle ground (first part of the final battle).
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