And now, Chapter 9, where I see this twist you're talking about. Here are my thoughts on the chapter:
-the bit about Sienna concerned with how Yukari dresses seems odd, to say the least. This is part of what I think is a bigger problem I'll address later.
-"I finally took a deep breath, pushed the ever-increasing nervous stomach cramps to the back of my mind, and walked back out to the couch." I like this kind of detail. It's real and familiar.
-"From what I remember, the operation lasted 16 hours. I however did not wake up until four days later." How the heck does Yukari know?
-"It wasn't until the next time I woke up that they told me that I had reacted strongly to the adjustment, and as such my body's DNA had corrupted itself. Apparently this was a common occurrence among their patients, but the results are always different. In my case, they told me, my DNA had reformed to that of a female." It's been a while since I've read the earlier chapters, but this seems to be a change that wouldn't just happen with genetic manipulation. I'd imagine at the very least there be some violent scarring or the like from when Yukari was incapacitated. More likely, I'd give more than 4 days for this sort of thing... something that should probably be conveyed more in the text itself. That is, stretch out that part a little more so it FEELS like a longer time for the reader. Also, the word of the use "corrupted" I think doesn't help the larger problem of this chapter.
-"My chest hadn't yet developed, but there was certainly something missing down below." You should either make it more vague or more explicit. Right now, it sounds like you're just being vague enough to get by church-goers, for lack of better words.
-"Sienna, who had been intently listening to what I was telling her, suddenly spoke up after hearing this. I lowered my head in shame, waiting for her reaction. "Oh my God, Yukari! I didn't… I didn't know!" she said tearfully" Not the reaction I'd expect from another woman. Not to say Sienna couldn't empathize, but I'd imagine she'd be more likely at a loss for words.
-"That first night was hell. Jonathan, who at the time was in the neighboring cell, attempted to talk to me, to calm me down, but I couldn't." So wait, Jonathan KNOWS? And he still put the moves on Yukari? This could be quite an interestingly complex relationship if that's the case.
-""I think I can see how you feel, and having to suddenly live your life as a woman, after living as a man for so many years… but what I don't get is… it isn't that bad, being a woman, don't you think?" She asked carefully...."
From here, to the last sentence of your chapter, the major problem of this chapter arises -- it's sexist. I have no problem if Yukari is sexist -- I think that would add a lot of depth to her character and make her reactions to being forced as a woman engaging. However, Sienna's dialogue in particular is not believable for me, and coupled with Yukari's description, your message comes across as "woman are inferior, being a woman is a curse." Even if Sienna is the type of woman to believe that in herself, this chapter does not come across as two characters who have similar views on women. I could be wrong, but I don't think it's your intention to imply that women are inferior. Whatever the case, I would hope that you'll re-examine this chapter and try to make the character's behaviors and perceptions as their own and more believable. If you don't want to take my word on it, I'd suggest trying to get a variety of female readers to critic your novel up through this chapter and see what they say.
I don't want you to get the wrong idea -- this is the first thing about your novel that has really interested me, and you know how I've felt about the content of your book in general. I don't believe in being "PC" either. I
do believe in trying to convey how people would really react to any given situation, and if that reaction is different due to the context, that context needs to be pounded over the head several times.
If nothing else, try not to squander this twist. Do not have it be a twist for the sake of being a twist -- make sure it's relevant to the story that you're telling.
I await your further installments of City Eternal.