(NSN: For those who don't know, NSP stands for "Non-Story Post" -- an anachronism for tags such as NSN (Non-Story Note) and the role-playing equivalent, OOC (Out of Character). They all mean that the relevant text is not part of the story itself, such as this text in parentheses. While this story should likely aim not to be absurd, its style and story content is still up in the air, so go with it as you wish! Just be careful not to include those adverbs and adjectives, as they sneak up on us!)
The voice belonged to a male whose appearance would take a man on the street by surprise, not because his looks would fit legends, but because he would be lost among the locals. He twirls a cigarette in his fingers. Jeb stared down at the man with despair and disdain.
"Rore," Jeb growled. Miss Quintessential distances herself in discomfort.
"You remember me," the man said. "I'm touched."
"In the head," Jeb retorted.
Miss Quintessential glanced towards the exit she saw. "I should tend to business--"
"Stay," Jeb said to her.
"Yes," the man said, "I wish to know you, Miss...?" He extended a hand.
"Quintessential." She performed the formality of the handshake.
"You may be an ease on the eyes, but an ease on the tongue, your name is not," the man said.
She turned to Jeb for a moment, to gauge his reaction, before she returned her attention to the man. "You may call me Tess."
"Well then," the man said to Tess, "Calvin Rore. You may call me Cal."
The click from the cocking of Jeb's gun snapped silence into the room. The three froze in place, waiting for one of them to make a move. No one did.
"I prayed not to meet you again in my life," Jeb said. "Destiny chooses to ignore my prayers..."
Jeb disengaged and holstered his gun.
"...so I choose to do as I wish, and not as I must. I hope you have a reason worth of this."
"I feel the love," Cal said as he brushed the collar of his coat. "Rumors are spreading that the murders committed by Knomad are culminating toward a purpose even God fears."
"Rumors are diseases which weaken the body of truth," Jeb said.
"They are symptoms of sickness, not its cause," Cal replied. "Whatever the case, justice needs to be administered, and you need my help. Its cause is worth my life at risk."
"If I may," Tess interrupted, "I wish to offer my services as well." She scratched the back of her head and added "There's naught to be had here at this room and board."
Jeb sighed. "So be it. Fate f*cks us for fools, but I plan to play my part and take pleasure in its grindstone until Fate comes for me."
Cal bursts into a smoker's laughter. "Good to hear, because it comes without notice."
The noise of trouble broke out from the entrance of the board.
"I may have neglected to mention that I needed help of my own," Cal said.
Jeb grumbled. His hand fell in habit to the grip of his gun.
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