Across the horizon of imagination, where fantasies and horrors alike are redefined in ways never understood before now, there lies a city-state named...
--An Exercise in Exploration--
Objective: To create settings and concepts never before imagined as a writing exercise. To clarify, this thread should attempt to be the following:
We will all fall short of the ideals set in this thread, if only because it is practically impossible to be original, setting-driven, and liberating all at the same time. So, when we do fall short, we'll accept it, and we'll move on to try our best to praise each other when we do reach the spirit of the ideals. Writers are encouraged, though not required, to expand upon each others' ideas so as to better avoid the familiar, character-driven, or constraining. Posting original art is more than welcomed, whether the art compliments written work posted or stands on its own.
This first post will be updated to add clarifications and address any questions that are asked regarding the nature of this thread. With all that said, please post as much as you like!
--An Exercise in Exploration--
- An Introduction to Improvidence
- The Monument to Scian Queskno
- The Neoriginal Horror of Highchain 40
- The Crimson
Objective: To create settings and concepts never before imagined as a writing exercise. To clarify, this thread should attempt to be the following:
- Original - Above all, the best effort should be taken not to be familiar and not include things already done in fantasy, science-fiction, horror, or the like. For instance, no elfs, dwarfs, orcs, dragons, gods, ghosts, vampires, or other established non-humans, even if yours are different. Ideally, we're making something new, so avoid things that can be considered to match one or more genres; simply mashing genres together is not enough to count. This exercise isn't simply about avoiding or subverting relevant tropes, though a mindful note of some fantasy and horror story conventions helps. Be wary of writing wish-fulfillment. The sole exception, so as to aid in allowing readers to identify, is anything based in modern reality, though even that should be used economically.
- Setting-driven - This thread is a writing exercise and not a story or character-driven narrative, and should be written more as an exploration into various settings and concepts than as a story of one or more particular characters. As with above, be mindful of story conventions for settings and the like. A 'documentary' or similar account of a famous figure and how they shaped a particular setting or concept is the acceptable boundary for this thread. Should writers wish to create a narrative out of elements from this thread, please start a new thread and link back to this one to credit the source.
- Liberating - Improvidence as both a setting and a thread is designed with the intent of exploring new ideas and not to constrain new ideas. Therefore, so long as they are not familiar or story-driven, they will be accepted in this thread, even if it contradicts something "already established" and breaks believability. Writers are free to attempt to reconcile contradictions so long as they do not explicitly ignore or reject anything previously written. Reconciling contradictions is not required for this thread.
We will all fall short of the ideals set in this thread, if only because it is practically impossible to be original, setting-driven, and liberating all at the same time. So, when we do fall short, we'll accept it, and we'll move on to try our best to praise each other when we do reach the spirit of the ideals. Writers are encouraged, though not required, to expand upon each others' ideas so as to better avoid the familiar, character-driven, or constraining. Posting original art is more than welcomed, whether the art compliments written work posted or stands on its own.
This first post will be updated to add clarifications and address any questions that are asked regarding the nature of this thread. With all that said, please post as much as you like!
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories