Here are the notes I had for the Coordination note already included in my introductory post:
Possible founding members:
- Omen (Outis Marit Eime Nahin - nobody) m - Captain of crew in ship broken off in exile from Omega Reich's horror on his family. Hero to the underdogs, downtrodden, oppressed, but ruthless to 'enemies' (least is highest, highest is least). Cunning and full of hate. Similar to Nemo and Odysseus as antihero.
- Ananta (infinite, endless) m or f
- Kalpana (imagining, fantasy) f
- Vidya (knowledge, science, learning) f
- Glooscap (man from nothing) m
- Cassus (empty, vain) m
Vayu (air, wind) m
- Fatsani (be meek) m or f
Manyara (you have been humbled) f
Nyarai (be humble) f
- Parvus (small, humble) m
- Wiater (wind) f
Ideal "nation" group types:
- Explorers
- Gamers
- Improvisers
- Tai-chi types
- Agile-ers
- Dreamers (sleepers)
- Cartoon/Animated
- Comedians
- Philosophers
- Testers
- Interneters
- Artists/Writers
Names of "nations" to use:
- Keyless Country/Key Colonies (nobody has access to power/no power is 'locked away' for only certain people)
- Forever Exiled Assembly's Refuge (refugees who no longer have their own home, largely Nameless followers)
Types of governments for "nations" to use:
- Thalassocracy (maritime power)
- Meritocracy (power through merit)
- Demarchy (power through lottery)
- Adhocracy (opposite of bureaucracy - power ad hoc)
- Ergatocracy (power through working class)
- Uniocracy (power through hive mind)
- Geniocracy (power through finding the most intellectual/wise/creative to rule without question from their "access to the Idea of Good") / Geniocratic republic (having the wisest be in a pool to elect from to rule with limited, checked power)
Types of alien races:
- Hard light/Living Polyhedron/Silicon-based life
- angelic
- mushroom/fungi
- plant
- starfish
- location-based
- inscrutable/"alien pet owners"
- different reproductive/sexes
- tardigrade/water bear/bear/eclipse/smoke/bird/entrail/stars/sense future
- dependant shapeshifter
- liquid-based
- set of lives gone through quickly
- cloud/pillow/bed
- stills jumping through frames
- mask-like faces covering "true" horrific sight (comedians)
- scapran (philosopher subset)
- tix (philosopher subset)
- lement (explorer subset)
- gul moff phaxarxis' race (explorer subset)
- Ilev (dreamer subset)
Possible matchups of above:
- Explorers - thalassocracy - Omen - tardigrade
- Gamers - meritocracy - Vidya - light
- Agilers - adhocracy
- Philosophers - geniocracy (philosopher-kings to philosopher-president/precedent/present) - ? - inscrutable - Keyless Colonies
- Interneters - uniocracy
- Improvisers - demarchy
- Comedians - ? - ? - masked - ?
Laws of Leadership
1 - lid (potential leadership)
2 - influence (not just position, knowledge, management, entrepreneurship, pioneer)
3 - process (long-term investment/learning)
4 - navigation (bigger the team, more you need to see)
5 - finding the "real leader" (character, knowledge, relationships, intuit not just facts, experience, past success, ability)
6 - solid ground (trust from character from consistency/potential/respect)
7 - respect (others recognizing perceived strength)
8 - intuition (using knowledge short and long term of surroundings people and themselves to predict what facts alone can't)
9 - magnetism (attracting like people with attitude, generation, background, values, life experience, leadership level)
10 - connection (with heart, with individuals even on a group level, one at a time)
11 - inner circle (seeking improvement by surrounding yourself with those that'll push you to do better)
12 - empowerment (need to empower leaders below you, but can't if not secure: job insecurity, resistant to change, lack of self worth, lack of faith/trust)
13 - reproduction (of leadership - takes one to raise one)
14 - buy-in (buy into the leader first, then their vision - only together, and buy-in needs time to work)
15 - victory (finds ways for the team to win, not accept total defeat - with unity in vision, seeking diversity in skills, seeking wins with above)
16 - big momentum (fighting to build it, easier to steer it - a leader's best friend when going well)
17 - priorities (activity doesn't necessarily mean accomplishment - focus on what's required, gives the most return for the least effort, gives the most reward)
18 - sacrifice (needs to give up to go up, give up more to stay, and more still to go up more)
19 - timing (knowing when to lead to avoid disaster, resistance or mistakes, not just what/how/etc)
20 - explosive growth (cultivating leaders brings more success than cultivating followers - developing those to succeed them, their strengths, develop top percent, treat individuals not 'fair sameness', give power away, invest time in others)
21 - legacy (lead with succession in mind, long plan, integrity)
Other meanings for Samanvay beside "Coordination" - communion, adjustment, common, solidarity, integration, merger
The Mayamanu - figurehead/head of state
Ministers of the Moment - dual heads of government. "Yin" and "Yang" (or 3?)
-Infinite House of Sets (upper house)
-Transfinite House of Cardinals (lower house)
Facilitators (of 3?)
Unofficial Autonomous Clandestine Black-Ops -- Harmony
Mayra - former betrothed/best friend of Nahda
Other Ruling Multipowers significant in Coordination history/present, particularly during "Final Forever Free-for-all"/FFF*:
Equivalent of USA/British Empire:
Unlimited Realms of Aeternitas (UR, URA, or Aeternitas, the latter Latin for "Forever")
Ruling nation: Aeternitas (US/England)
Those commonly in power are the All-Lords (and antiquated All-Ladies) not unlike Time-Lords with Lord and Lady Limitless (or the Autocrat of Aeternitas and the Ultimate Ruler of the Unlimited Realms - Lim and Les) once monarchs but now (mostly) figureheads. "United Realms" and "Aeternitas" are somewhat split, like England and America, North vs South, etc)
Possible characteristics of LLs: sickly, crybaby, shy, stammering, reluctant, private thoughts, all business, popular, complex, contradictory, larger than life, fight nazis and Indians, 'one of the greats', paralyzed from illness, near-dictator, liberal federalist, military but not blindly so, 'military knows best', controversial, enigmatic, good foreign relation wisdom
West Bunakaron Company (tentative) (East India Company equivalent) - fighting control pre-Omega Reich, company in UR juristiction
USSR equivalent:
Unified Bloc of Egalitarian Races (UBER)
Ruling nation: Rovnya (Russian equivalent, Russian for 'level' or 'equal')
The "State" (mostly Rovnya) is in power, to represent the "races" in an 'equal'/socialist manner. Ruled in the past by "Vohzd" ('leader' aka dictator) Zavtra (Stalin), and a Putin equivalent in the present. Would initially have been in a non-aggression pact with Omega Reich but then turn when invaded.
Possible characteristics of Chugun Zavtra aka Cast Iron Tomorrow: kind and hard-working for loyal working class but ruthless and cold to prolitariat and workers who sympathized with them, would be angry at (true) comparison with Tsar (Ceasar).
China equivalent:
Huótǐ(Chinese for "Living Body/Form")
Ruling Nation: Gēn yù ("Root Region/Domain" - China aka "Center State" or "Middle Kingdom" - Inner/Core/Root Sphere/Domain)
Ruler: Zhong Yan-Shan (center rock-mountain)
Possible characteristics of Yan-Shan: warlord uniter but not ornate dresser like warlords but still conqueror type, anti-Communist, "General Cash My Check", fight Zhuge, overwhelmed by 'enemies at all sides', educated in Zhuge's land, views other Amalgamated as hypocritical Imperalists and plays them (UR and UBER) off each other, bald
France ("free")
Poland ("field")
Brazil ("ember-red")
"New ____"
Above were major players among the Amalgamated against the Omega Reich. Below are major players among the Axiom Vehemency. Both might have 'smaller' powers involved (For Amalgamted: free France & Poland, Commonwealth countries & Brazil later. For Axiom: some subsections of Coordination nations pre-formation)
(equivalent of Nazi Germany)
Omega Reich
Ruling Nation: Heimat ("Homeland" aka the "Germany" part)
Ruled by Ttocks ("Leader" or "First"/Erste), generally though manipulation of other powers both internal and those allied. Initial unchallenged rise, with Amalgamated forces (not yet wholly joined together) falling. Tides turn as Ttocks has personal turning point, followed by increasingly poor strategic moves starting with poorly-postponed invasion into UBER.
Jù Teikoku ("Great/Huge Empire" - equivalent of Empire of Japan)
Ruling Nation: Towahon ("Forever Origin" - actual nation)
Ruled by Tennō (Emperor) Zhuge when he had been a powerplayer. His desire for conquest led to destroying all who didn't join him (using loyalists who take on suicidal missions), ultimately leaving him with nobody left. Though having "defeated his enemies" and be the last of the Axiom Vehemency standing, it was a pyrrhic victory, and Zhuge steps down to allow for surrender. Initial rise to power, with Shinto-esque (connection with past spirits) worship support "holy war" not unlike Highemperor, but as more resisted with him crushing them, more under his own rule had to sacrifice themselves to support his cause (with some loyalists even questioning and rebelling), "winning" with nobody left to rule.
Other possible characteristics of Zhuge: early life went through military training, also concerned with UBER, fights 'China' largely, eventually picks fight with rest of Amalgamated/UR, uses war methods banned by PCC, reprimands commanders for lying to him about chances of 'successes', seeks diplomacy ("Enlightened Peace") before war but eventually leans more into war, shortest and youngest
Inner Council: Ronin Rose (Knightlord Thorn), "O" ("X"), Kirikage ("Mist-shadow" - Carian Myste), Shikai ("Death-chi" - Chimaat), Go-banme ("Fifth" - Quincy), Jo Sode-no ("Best All-Star" - Aryst Omnistellae)
(equivalent of Italy)
Torincontrano/Torisiincontrano (bulls meet/hit)
Ruling nation: "Casata" ("House" in reference to lineage and to family -- likely to just go by Casa after Reich)
Ruled by Duce (Leader, turn to "Dunce") Bugiardo Stronzo (Liar A-hole), they claim 'true foundings' of the Alpha Reich (only thing that "might" be true) and generally propagate BS to further power. If Zhuge is Ttock's half with physical power but little manipulation, Stronzo is Ttock's half with manipulation power with little relative physical power.
Possible characteristics: shorter and older than Ttocks, also fought in WW1, pushes for nationalism, futurism, ubermensch/plato's "philosopher king" (strong over weak), originally draft dodger and communist but changes ways, not egalitarian, cult of personality (moreso than the rest), fire salamander amphibian look but also thick kingpin esque, appeals to youth/fantasy (dreams) to propagate his rule, initially against Ttocks but joins when spurred by "decaying old imperial powers" and joins ttocks despite ttocks being more dishonest and threatening than UR, fights because they're a young "poor" nation, nation's king allows Stronzo to be dictator when he overthrew because it was better than socialism (UBER) but eventually kicks Stronzo out
*Possible previous "world war" events to come before:
Absolute Forever Free-for-all
Best Forever Free-for-all
Conclusive Forever Free-for-all
Definitive Forever Free-for-all
Events that happened for sure as named:
Ending Forever Free-for-all (WW1)
Final Forever Free-for-all (WW2)
Possible subsequent events:
Genuine Forever Free-for-all
Last Forever Free-for-all
Most Forever Free-for-all
Prime Forever Free-for-all
Real Forever Free-for-all
Supreme Forever Free-for-all
Terminal/True Forever Free-for-all
Ultimate Forever Free-for-all