In response to Molgrew, I think their complicated methods are simply the coolest part of the music. Most mainstream is so simple that barely approaches art. This, however, as with most other prog such as Rush, King Crimson, etc., is art. It takes skill to make a composition that borders on classical in its complexity nad make it sound like metal. That is just my opinion.
Also, it takes skill to sing like that too. He learned the technique from opera. It's really amazing what a range LaBrie can hit.
From my small knowledge of the msuic, my favorite tracks are:
Liquid Tension Experiment - Universal Mind
Liquid Tension Experiment 2 - When the Water Breaks
6 Degrees of Inner Turbulence - Misunderstood
Glass Prison
There are lots more, but these are my all time favs.
Only liars and thieves eat grumblecakes, and those people go to prison.
Just ask The Cheat.
[This message has been edited by MynDonos (edited February 24, 2004).]