I just finished designing a 3-in-1 Stereo Direct Box, Pre-Amp, and mono-to-stereo converter. Can't wait to actually build it. I've been spending a lot of time studying transistors lately. *Huge* help. Math is my friend.
I'm also thinking about taking apart one of my guitars and changing the capacitor(s) on the tone knob(s) so it has more high-end response. It's *way* too bassy.
Later on, I'm going to build a portable 9V or 12V audio amplifier. Pretty simple project. I'm going to try to make it small in size, but have excellent output.
I was also working on building a cable tester, but I had some bad solder points, and never got around to fixing it.
I might also build some kind of DC-to-AC converter, just for fun. That would actually be pretty useful when/if I take trips to places w/o AC power.
I'm also thinking about building a power supply thing for my effect pedals. Unfortunately, most of my pedals don't give an amperage rating, so I don't know what it needs to be yet.
So do I have a future as an electrical engineer? Maybe. But I'd rather keep this as a hobby.
"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend."
- Proverbs 27:17
Ignorance breeds ignorance, anger breeds anger, violence breeds violence, so love breeds love. Choose the fruit of your life wisely.
Catalog of Electronic Components - Complete IC data sheets
National Electrical Code® (NEC®) Online - Legal requirements for wiring projects.