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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → You know you wanna hit that!
You know you wanna hit that!
2004-04-22, 4:27 PM #1
You know you wanna hit that!

God I have that song stuck in my head AGH! It grew on me so fast.

I’m not going to die, I’m going to see if I was ever alive. - Spike
It's not your right to decide whether they live or die. They deserve a chance! - Vash
Originally posted by Elana14: i would love a dong like that!
Think while it's still legal.
2004-04-22, 11:22 PM #2
Any other Fark frequenters take that completely the wrong way?

On topic, yeah, it's damn catchy, but I don't even know if I like it!

*returns to Reel Big Fish to cleanse head*

If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
2004-04-23, 8:05 AM #3
Um, Martyn, I think you are interpreting it the way it was meant to be. []

"I am downright amazed at what I can destroy with just a hammer."
-Atom and His Package

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