Compos Mentis
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Posts: 2,331
Assuming you're on fruity (I heard the plucked plugin distinctively), you rotate the knob directly to the left of the channel name *kick drum, plucked, whatever*. That's that channel's volume.
What you really need to do, though, is the following. It provides more control over each element;
Click the channel itself so that it's window pops up. In the channel settings window, click the button in the very upper-left corner, then select "Assign free mixer track"
Do this for every channel you have in your song, then open up the effects channel mixer(just called the mixer in FLStudio+). The hotkey defaults to F9 I believe.
With this window open, and all tracks assigned to their own FX channel, play your song. You will see the two colored bars (monitors) bounce according to the volume of it's corresponding channel. When it hits red, that means it is "clipping". This occurs when the audio output is too great for the input. It then "clips" off the extra audio, creating distortion, which is very bad for speakers.
Anyways, you will be able to see exactly what parts are causing the clipping using this method. The easiest thing to do is to now just adjust the volume accordingly. You may also want to experiment putting an equalizer effect on each channel, and tweaking that to get the most out of your sound.
That's the most basic explanation of mastering I can do without knowing exactly what version of what software you're using.
I'm available to help, though, via aim, or email.
aim: krgswitch
Good Luck!
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.