Well, you pretty much nailed it.
The crowd must've thought Fred knew what he was doing, and intentionally did that "wierd but Innovative" solo, because god knows that every single person that makes the stage has an infinite amount of talent and it makes them demi-gods.
Want more? If fred played on a standout guitar (some kind of unplayably shaped warlock or beast) well he'd be even cooler because his "guitar" looks "devillish".. so all the fanboys will go and buy similar guitar in the hopes of living up to their idol, fred, and the world will see a breed of "wierd but innovative" guitarists.
That's the media.
* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
* Cave_Demon steals Seb's underwear (underwear stolen: 39)