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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Music Genres Becoming Cultures?
Music Genres Becoming Cultures?
2004-05-10, 12:20 PM #1
Why is it that almost all the Rap fans I've ever met talk, and, to a lesser extent, dress the same? The same can be said for Punk fans. Why is it that the fans of these two genres seem to hate all other forms of music (they hate each other especially, as if there's some lyrical war between punks and rappers)? Why does this seem to only be happening with teens and young adults? Is it peer pressure? Is it like this everywhere, or is Jersey just ****ed up?

I need answers!

Because you're as bored as I am
"This world is made of love and peace!"
"Let's live today, let's live tomorrow, and let's live the day after that, even if it means living in eternal pain."
- Vash the Stampede
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2004-05-10, 1:10 PM #2
Trust me, this is no new conflict, and it's happening everywhere. I think it's a real shame that young adults feel they have to be in a group just because of the music they listen to. Each time I see a group of mall rats hanging around the Hot Topic, being jerks to everyone around them, it makes me want to throw up.

We all know teenagers want to fit in, and the best way to do that is not to be yourself. It's all a big trend, and I highly doubt all of these posers really do like the music they live on. I'm very prideful in the fact that I don't dress up like every other punk rocker, and I'll always be cooler and smarter than the Avril-wannabe with the Simple Plan shirt. []

Space Colony Inc. Phoenix Suburban City Dereliction
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2004-05-10, 1:38 PM #3
You just notice these people more than others. There's still a large number of people like myself who just borrow whatever they like from several "groups" to fit their own style and listen to a variety of music genres.

When bread becomes toast, it can never go back to being bread again.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.
2004-05-10, 3:03 PM #4
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Flexor:
You just notice these people more than others. There's still a large number of people like myself who just borrow whatever they like from several "groups" to fit their own style and listen to a variety of music genres.


For the most part, I'm the same way. But there are certain genres that I just can't stand at all.

Frogblast the Vent Core!

--End of Line--
"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
Are you finding Ling-Ling's head?
Last Stand
2004-05-10, 3:04 PM #5
Music genres have had thier won cultures for decades.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.
Pissed Off?
2004-05-10, 3:20 PM #6
I'm sporting flannel..!

To myself I surrender to the one I'll never please.
But I still try to run on.
You know I still try to run on. But it's all or none.

Eddie Vedder
former entrepreneur
2004-05-10, 7:25 PM #7
Hot Topic is owned by American Eagle. Just slip that in the next time you see those thirteen year olds outside being jerks.

You forgot jam bands/classic rock culture. Hemp necklaces, torn shorts, psychadelic t-shirts, and flip-flops or sandals. These people are generally nice and accepting of everyone however.

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new album Between the Dim and the Dark available now
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-05-11, 4:30 AM #8
I think it's mostly a teen thing. a trend, wanting to fit in, I have no ****ing idea why they'd want to be clones to fit in, but whatever works for them.

And It seems that a fair share of the "older" metalheads (not the little kids that listen to slipknot and think it's cool and makes them important) Don't really give a damn about the other genres, it's people first, and if they like metal, cool, if they don't, well they must deal with it, because eventually we'll have to deal with -their- music whenever we come over or something like that.

For me it's Eye for an Eye I guess, someone goes and brags how any style is better than metal, I churn out my facts and slap him in the face with truth. []

* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
* Cave_Demon steals Seb's underwear (underwear stolen: 39)
"NAILFACE" - spe
2004-05-11, 6:28 AM #9
Yeah, there are these two exact groups of people at my college. They don't hate each other, most people seem to have friends in both groups, includiding myself. On friday i'm going to Rock Night at a local pub then going to a nightclub []

Of course there are people who want to start fights with the other group, but for the most part in college at least, everyone seems to get on pretty well. The only time i've ever seen trouble is with the little school kids 13-16 year olds who try to pick fights with whatever group they're not in.

2004-05-11, 9:24 AM #10
I think you guys might like this.

Space Colony Inc. Phoenix Suburban City Dereliction
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2004-05-11, 12:10 PM #11
Another point Ni reminded me in his post... In gigs, I'd have to say that many "Punk" kids have no clue whatsoever what a good moshpit it, I mean, there was a big punk tour coming here this summer, outside shows, and some friends of mine that went there told me that they saw a few people getting stepped on, because the little pricks are so "rebellious" ( yeah right [] ) that they don't care if they end up seriously injuring someone.

On the other side, from the many metal gigs I've gone to, I can say that when you fall, people pick you up, if a fight brews, people try to split everyone up. Why? because a ****load of the people are there for fun and for the music, not to wreak havoc and end up having no gigs for a year or two because a few ****heads decided to start a mini riot, or throw beer bottles on the band, that's not fun, it's moronic.

but of course, this generation is loaded with morons, let's just hope the worst of them are stupid enough to permanently disable themselves.

* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
* Cave_Demon steals Seb's underwear (underwear stolen: 39)
"NAILFACE" - spe
2004-05-11, 4:19 PM #12
I like Punk and Rap.
"When it's time for this planet to die, you'll understand that you know absolutely nothing." — Bugenhagen
2004-05-13, 10:15 AM #13
Amen seb.

"Honey, you got real ugly."
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2004-05-13, 11:17 AM #14
Slipnot sucks. I went to a Blink 182 concert with some friends just because the girl that I love was going. Anyway the "Blinkies" started a huge moshpit. People were literally stomping on other dudes! What's the point? It was kinda funny though cause I saw this guy with flipflops take them off and start hitting people with them left and right. I don't see how they can get angry and mosh to blink anyway. That hottopic thing was funny and yet somewhat sickening cause it's true.

"Father to your hands I commend my spirirt. Father to your hands-Wy have you forsaken me?"
It took a while for you to find me; I was hiding in the lime tree.
2004-05-14, 2:31 PM #15
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">but of course, this generation is loaded with morons, let's just hope the worst of them are stupid enough to permanently disable themselves.</font>

You make me sick.

The cultural music identity thing has been going on for a long time. If you do a google search on something like "bob dylan goes electric", you should be able to find a good example.

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-05-14, 8:09 PM #16
<3 Classic Rock
<3 Punk
<3 Blues
<3 Jazz
<3 Surf
<3 Metal
h8 Rap
h8 Country
Yeah..i like alot of stuff>.>

"It's OK for us to randomly attack people!"

2004-05-15, 3:31 AM #17
The truth is out there in that cartoon - the amount of idiot kids who want to be "nonconformist" or whatever, who don't want to be like "everyone else" all end up being/looking exactly the same as each other.

Each to their own I suppose - I'm just like Flex, I take what I can from all music cultures - I wear big baggy jeans some days, other days I wear tatty flares and a shirt and tee-shirt. No big deal.


If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards.
2004-05-15, 11:31 AM #18
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by dry gear the frog:

The cultural music identity thing has been going on for a long time.</font>

I wasn't referring to musical indentity, I was referring to the generation as a whole, music is only one tiny side of it.

* Seb goes around singing "I'm too sexy for my body"
* Wolfy goes around singing "I'm too sexy for Seb's body"
* Cave_Demon steals Seb's underwear (underwear stolen: 39)
"NAILFACE" - spe
2004-05-16, 11:21 AM #19
Blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda, all this has been said before.

Roach - Caught in the war of hemispheres.
0 of 14.
omnia mea mecum porto
2004-05-16, 12:44 PM #20
Lately I've been working on my improv skills, thanks to Band-in-a-Box.

Flibbledy-dibbledy! Nyaaaaaaaahhh!

-The Last True Evil
2004-05-17, 4:54 PM #21
Heh, I was just thinking about what a Primus-influenced culture would be like. Everyone would be walking around in long underwear and bowler hats. Oh, and you can't forget the full-body plastic cowboy suits. [] God I love that video.

"I sound like angry chickens, or maybe a space robot."
-Les Claypool of Primus
2004-05-18, 4:23 PM #22
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Lately I've been working on my improv skills, thanks to Band-in-a-Box.</font>

Band-in-a-Box? Hey man, I can tell by the name of that that that (three that's in a row, muahahahaha) Band-in-a-Box thing is soulless junk! (it's also annoying to type)
I mean, honestly, the very name screams sell-out! Canned music!
Don't go the way of Kenny G man!

All you need is love.
It's not the side effects of cocaine, so then I'm thinking that it must be love
2004-05-18, 4:54 PM #23
Who what?

Flibbledy-dibbledy! Nyaaaaaaaahhh!

-The Last True Evil

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