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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → An Acquired Taste?
An Acquired Taste?
2004-07-04, 12:48 PM #1
Well, I used to think Radiohead was just okay, but after my friend let me listen to all of Ok Computer, I have fallen in love with them.

I really enjoy their uniqueness a creativity. So, anyone else like Radiohead?

Kill Your Idols!
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-07-04, 2:38 PM #2
Radiohead are great.... Everyone bots on about OK Computer but I find that every one of their albums has a different style of awesome to it.

My Iron Lung is one of my favourites.... just generally, not just in terms of radiohead... the band are too damn good to continue ranting about.

Don't worry, I expect there will be someone who passionately hates them and will find it very difficult to not post a reply of flame and hijack.

Drugs & Stupidity, Tons of it.
2004-07-04, 4:29 PM #3
IMO their best album is The Bends. OK Computer and everything after are all really good albums too, but their weirdness makes them more of a mood thing. The Bends I could listen to just about any time of any day and be happy.

The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2004-07-04, 4:50 PM #4
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Spork:
IMO their best album is The Bends. OK Computer and everything after are all really good albums too, but their weirdness makes them more of a mood thing. The Bends I could listen to just about any time of any day and be happy.


Yeah, Radiohead has to be the first band I listen to that can actually change my mood, thats another reason I love them.

Kill Your Idols!
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-07-04, 9:28 PM #5
I started listening to Radiohead in the past four months or so, and I've found that their music takes a few listens to before it really sinks in.

I bought Kid A a few weeks ago and listened to it a few times. I liked it, but something about it didn't "click", I don't know, just something was missing. Then one late night I put it on and it just seemed right; the music just "clicked." I don't know of a better way to explain it.

The same thing happened with OK Computer, I fell asleep for a few minutes while riding in a car, and when I was waking up the end of Climbing up the Walls was playing, and it became one of my favorite songs on the album. Their music just seeems to all of a sudden hit me, usally not on the first time listening to it.

I just remebered something else, the first Radiohead song I heard (this was a while ago) was Fake Plastic Trees. I wasn't that impressed, I thought it was slow and didn't understand why everyone thought these guys were so great. I heard it a few months later and was blown away. It is now one of my favorite songs, Radiohead or otherwise.

"Church, women are like Voltron, the more you can hook up, the better it gets!"
Red vs Blue

Ph34r t3h Cute Ones
"I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words."

2004-07-05, 9:55 AM #6
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Clueless_of_Morg:
I started listening to Radiohead in the past four months or so, and I've found that their music takes a few listens to before it really sinks in.

I bought Kid A a few weeks ago and listened to it a few times. I liked it, but something about it didn't "click", I don't know, just something was missing. Then one late night I put it on and it just seemed right; the music just "clicked." I don't know of a better way to explain it.

The same thing happened with OK Computer, I fell asleep for a few minutes while riding in a car, and when I was waking up the end of Climbing up the Walls was playing, and it became one of my favorite songs on the album. Their music just seeems to all of a sudden hit me, usally not on the first time listening to it.

I just remebered something else, the first Radiohead song I heard (this was a while ago) was Fake Plastic Trees. I wasn't that impressed, I thought it was slow and didn't understand why everyone thought these guys were so great. I heard it a few months later and was blown away. It is now one of my favorite songs, Radiohead or otherwise.


Same here, I listened to OK Caomputer twice and now I can't stop.

Kill Your Idols!
The tired anthem of a loser and a hypocrite.
2004-07-05, 9:53 PM #7
I never really liked Hail to the Theif until I gave it a couple more chances, now it's one of my favorite R'head albums. I agree with Spork though, The Bends is my favorite, followed closely by Pablo Honey.

They're not my favorite band and if someone gave me a choice between Radiohead, Coldplay, or death... I would choose Coldplay...

My favorite "song" on OK Computer is Fitter Happier.

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[This message has been edited by Schming (edited July 06, 2004).]
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