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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Guitar Effects Pedal
Guitar Effects Pedal
2004-07-16, 8:54 PM #1
Firstoff, let me state that I'm very unexperienced in this category.

Anyhow, I'm considering buying a Digitech RP80 Multieffects Processor ($79.99USD) with my b-day cash, but I'm not sure if it will work with my amp. Right now I just have a cheap little Crate MX10 10-watt combo. It's only got 1 channel. It has 3 inputs; the main one is for the guitar, a second one called 'insert', and the third input is for headphones. Will the multi-effects pedal work if it's plugged into the second input called 'insert'?

Here's a pic of my amp.

sorry about the large pic, wanted to make sure you could see it. []

2004-07-16, 9:03 PM #2
no idea what insert is...

but yeah it will work on the normal input but don'expect the RP80 to get even close to the amps it says it models... i have the RP100 and while the sounds are usefull they still don't get the sound of the amps right

also if you run it throughthe amp do not turn on any cabinet simulation on the rp80 the guitar on all about the love was recorded with my rp100 going direct into my computer 2 tracks one using the marshall based amp model the other using the mesa dual rectifier based model


[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-16, 9:24 PM #3
So does an amp have to have 2 channels for an effects pedal to work with the guitar also?

2004-07-16, 9:31 PM #4

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-16, 9:33 PM #5
I think all pedals work the same. One cord from the amp to the pedal, and another from pedal to guitar. That's how all of mine have worked. By the way, I have a GNX4 and I love it, and I wouldn't suggest any of the lower end pedals by Digitech, they've had a history of shorting out and breaking easy on me and my friends.

America, home of the free gift with purchase.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2004-07-16, 9:34 PM #6
Ok. That's all I really needed to know. Thanks for da help, bro. []

2004-07-16, 9:57 PM #7
I agree. Digitech's arent very sturdy. After about 5 months even if you're extremely careful with it, it'll go out on you.

I would just get into stompboxes. Maybe more expensive but you get a better sound on the effects.

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"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-07-17, 5:28 AM #8
that's funny i've had mine for over a year and it was used when i bought it

but i need to post my long answer that i wanted to post last night but i wanted sleep

with effects generally wah, compressor, and overdrive/distortion/fuzz/boost pedals go in front of an amp... with your current amp you have no other choice so all pedals would go in front

with amps that have effects loops pedals in the modulation, delay, reverb categories genereally go in the loop which places them between the preamp and poweramp

also on amps that have effects loops it's suggested that you place processors with amp modelling such as the digitech rp series on the effect's loop return (with the guitar run into the processor and not the amp) to bypass the amp's preamp section

again your amp has no effects loop so you don't have to worry about that yet

just keep the amp at a clean setting with flat EQ when using the RP80...

and i seriously recommend a power supply because if the battery life is anything like the rp100 you will go through even the best batteries in about an hour

a good place to go for help on guitar effects is HCFX forum however a few of them will generally tell you what you have sucks and to rush out and buy a new amp and some $500 overdrive pedal that sounds like a pedal you can get for less by buying the pedal their $500 thing is trying to imitate

though some of them still remember what it's like to start out and not have $879465893741864893762398756 to blow on overpriced recreations of vintage effects


[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 6:26 AM #9
Why exactly do I need to keep it at a clean setting with the EQ flat?

2004-07-17, 6:43 AM #10
because the rp80 is meant to be run direct either into a poweramp or a mixer or headphones or a clean amp set to color the sound as little as possible

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 7:10 AM #11
Does this mean no distortion?

[edit]or does the rp80 do the distortion for me?(instead of the amp)[/edit]

[This message has been edited by Delphian (edited July 17, 2004).]
2004-07-17, 7:16 AM #12
Right, the pedal is doing the EQ and everything because it is an amp modeler. The amp is basically an expensive speaker at this point.

free mp3 ~Jump - Young America

new album Between the Dim and the Dark available now
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-07-17, 8:00 AM #13
yeah the processor will do the distortion ...

personally i suggest looking into a good condition used rp100 you can get one for about what the rp80 costs or less...

if you go with the 80 i'm not sure how well one could do it but you might look into some of my rp100 settings on the digitech site you may possibly be able to enter them into the 80

those are the 2 most recent one is very much metal the other is kinda rock, blues, whatever you want to use it for...

and again if you plug it into an amp turn the cab/mic modelling off for the best results


[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 9:40 AM #14
Would an RP200 be alot more reliable? I think I might just save up and get one of those ($159.99USD, new), because while the 100 would be nice, I'd want an expression pedal along with it.

I prefer to buy my gear new, mainly cause the past few times I've bought used gear it's eighter broken or is missing a really expensive peace of equipment. So I have my reasons. []

I certainly don't wanna buy anything that's gonna break easily, so I might want to go with a different company than Digitech. Does anyone know of any other multi-effects processors that have the same kind of features as a digitech, for around $60 - $110?


[This message has been edited by Delphian (edited July 17, 2004).]
2004-07-17, 9:57 AM #15
depends on how you want to go...

the rp200 would have the built in expression pedal but you can use a passive volume pedal as an expression pedal on the rp100

and you can get a cheap one that will work for $20-$30 but it will be made out of plastic so if you are a little rough on your gear the rp200 would be cheaper because a passive volume pedal with a metal case will be at least $70 new

and about other processors in a low price range... Korg makes some good stuff there's the AX10G
there sre clips there

though the AX1500G is better but discontinued and more expensive


[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by DrkJedi82 (edited July 17, 2004).]
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 10:17 AM #16

I haven't personally tried that one, but it's in your price range, and there's sound samples at the site so you can listen to it.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2004-07-17, 12:38 PM #17

i'd say go with the X V-Amp

good reviews if it was around when i got my rp100 i would have definately considered and probably bought it

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 5:34 PM #18
I've decided I have 2 options, here they are:

Digitech RP80
Behringer X V-Amp

I'm definetely leaning towards the X V-Amp.

Which one do you think I should get?

2004-07-17, 6:36 PM #19
I had the RP200. Like I said, it works great until after a few months the expression pedal gives out on you. I could still use it, but anything that uses the expression as volume doesnt work. Plus, I just dont need an amp modelling pedal. I've got a real amp with almost all the effects I need in stompbox form (i.e. overdrive, delay, tuner) I really just want a blues pedal and a looper.

I'll sell you my RP200 as is for $50. I think the expression could be fixed, just havent gotten around to it.

free mp3 ~Jump - Young America

new album Between the Dim and the Dark available now
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2004-07-17, 6:53 PM #20
Uh, I have a Marshall 'Jackhammer' distortion pedal. I haven't used it for a looong time.

Maybe I'll go use it now. Bye.

"Look at me! I'm Tracer! BLAHBLAHBLAH!"

2004-07-17, 6:56 PM #21
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Tracer:
Uh, I have a Marshall 'Jackhammer' distortion pedal. I haven't used it for a looong time.

Maybe I'll go use it now. Bye.


you go do that... it's a good pedal

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-17, 6:56 PM #22
So does digitech make anything that doesn't break?? []

2004-07-18, 2:34 AM #23
That's for sure. My buddy has one. It's great for just about anything. He lent it to me for a show once, worked great as an overdrive for soloing, better than my old orange box (which I no longer have).

When guitars are outlawed, only outlaws will have guitars.
2004-07-18, 1:13 PM #24
So what should I get?

Digitech RP80


Behringer X V-Amp

2004-07-18, 2:22 PM #25
Like I said I am just going to have to go with past experiences on the shorting out digitechs and say the Behringer. Unless you get a GNX3 or GNX4 which have lasted me a while (not so much GNX4 as the GNX3 because 4 is very new) in good condition then I wouldn't go with the RP.

[This message has been edited by drizzt2k2 (edited July 18, 2004).]
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2004-07-18, 4:27 PM #26
i've never heard of problems with digitech stuff shorting out... just reliability issues with the expression pedals on the RP series

however i say go with the x v-amp

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2004-07-18, 8:48 PM #27
X V-Amp it is. I'll pick it up at Guitar Center tomorrow. []

2004-07-20, 10:41 AM #28
Awesome. Tell us how it is []

America, home of the free gift with purchase.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2004-07-21, 1:33 AM #29
Actually, I think insert IS an effects loop, at least that is the way it works in general audio technics. The idea is that you have an 'insert cable' (google it) with a stereo 1/4" jack in one end and two 1/4" mono jacks in the other end. You plug the stereo end into the insert hole, and the amp sends the signal from the preamp to one of the mono jacks. You return the signal to the power amp through the other mono jack.

In general audio, this is usually used with compressor-related effects. It saves a lot of space and order, as you essentially can get the send and return in a single cable. (stereo jack in mixer's insert, dry signal enters compressor through mono jack A, and compressed signal returns to mixer through mono jack B > stereo jack.) When you need to compress 20 channels on a large audio system, this feature really saves a lot of space.

Sorry if that was incomprehensible. If you need an effects loop and understand what I just said, it might be worth a shot.

No signature for you.
No signature for you.
2004-07-21, 12:16 PM #30
<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Gandalv the Gray:
Actually, I think insert IS an effects loop, at least that is the way it works in general audio technics. The idea is that you have an 'insert cable' (google it) with a stereo 1/4" jack in one end and two 1/4" mono jacks in the other end. You plug the stereo end into the insert hole, and the amp sends the signal from the preamp to one of the mono jacks. You return the signal to the power amp through the other mono jack.

In general audio, this is usually used with compressor-related effects. It saves a lot of space and order, as you essentially can get the send and return in a single cable. (stereo jack in mixer's insert, dry signal enters compressor through mono jack A, and compressed signal returns to mixer through mono jack B > stereo jack.) When you need to compress 20 channels on a large audio system, this feature really saves a lot of space.

Sorry if that was incomprehensible. If you need an effects loop and understand what I just said, it might be worth a shot.


but this is a crate MX10 i doubt a beginner range amp would have a loop

and on guitar amps an effects loop is generally used for modulations, delays, and reverbs other effects that can be used in the loop and work depending on the sound you are after include compressors and EQ pedals which can also go in front of the amp some people do experiment with putting stuff like wah and distortion pedals in the loop but generally those would go in front of the amp

eat right, exercise, die anyway

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