I'm building a song around this. It's just lyrics right now, but I'll have a guitar in a couple weeks and then I'll record it and you guys will all be awestruck.
When my world was black and white
I feared no one or thing or choice
Simple was as simple's not now
Simple's gone and got some thought now
Bled into my world
Blinding me
With new existance
Still one choice
But I fear the future
What's yet to come
As life goes on
The path become a maze
Layers added
on layers forgotten
As life goes on
Choice begats dilemma
And the world begins
To turn...
A little faster now
Hear, so many new sounds
See, new colors all around
Feel, a pain so sharp it bleeds
Smell, a fear so strong it screams
There'll be more...
When my world was black and white
I feared no one or thing or choice
Simple was as simple's not now
Simple's gone and got some thought now
Bled into my world
Blinding me
With new existance
Still one choice
But I fear the future
What's yet to come
As life goes on
The path become a maze
Layers added
on layers forgotten
As life goes on
Choice begats dilemma
And the world begins
To turn...
A little faster now
Hear, so many new sounds
See, new colors all around
Feel, a pain so sharp it bleeds
Smell, a fear so strong it screams
There'll be more...