The following are two good video game music sites where people have made remixes on your favorite classic games. Instead of being just midis that badly recreate the original music, these people have taken music from games and translated into numerous different genres, with their own styles and twists, including Classical, Rock, Techno(a given), Heavy Metal, Jazz, Samba, anything you can think of. Hope You Enjoy!
[]VG Mix[/url] > []OverClocked Remix[/url]
P.S. - I wasn't sure if these had been posted before, but when I did a search for them on the forums nothing came up, so I think I'm good.
[]VG Mix[/url] > []OverClocked Remix[/url]
P.S. - I wasn't sure if these had been posted before, but when I did a search for them on the forums nothing came up, so I think I'm good.
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