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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Pick holding technique
Pick holding technique
2005-02-20, 8:18 AM #1
I've been doing some recearch on pick hold technique by looking at various books and sites on the internet. Some of them say that you should hold the pick for a guitrar directly parallel to the strings, while others say it's best to angle the tip of the pick so that it doesn't hit the strings directly on.

So all of you Massassi guitarists, which way do you hold the pick?
2005-02-20, 11:06 AM #2
I've always held it parallel, but I never really paid attention whether or not I was doing that right. It just seemed like the obvious thing to do.
2005-02-20, 12:04 PM #3
I didn't know when I first read the thread, but I think I hold it at an angle.
America, home of the free gift with purchase.
2005-02-20, 1:48 PM #4
Ive always just grabbed it and started hitting the strings. Isnt really that complicated.

2005-02-20, 2:59 PM #5
Angle it. it gives a much better control on color and tone. if you feel like making a lead line sound smoother, play with a bigger angle so the round ends hit the string instead. and for normal playing, well, hit the string with the tip. and of course, the less your arm moves, the better, it's all in the hand and the thumb movement.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2005-02-21, 5:12 PM #6
I tried to tune a guitar once and the string broke and stuck into my arm. There's absolutely no way I'm going near one of those things again. I think I'll stick to FLStudio.
2005-02-22, 5:30 PM #7
Angled. It just sounds better, and is easier to control
2005-02-22, 5:50 PM #8
Originally posted by Shintock
Angled. It just sounds better, and is easier to control
2005-02-24, 7:26 AM #9
I pick with my nail, I can use a pick but I prefer that way.
dream of breezes through broken trees, and whisper back with equality in thought.

2005-02-24, 11:49 AM #10
I think I have always held the pick at an angle..( better sound quality of course ) But I don't think I have ever even thought of it untill now;)

2005-02-25, 8:11 AM #11
Originally posted by Gnostica
I pick with my nail, I can use a pick but I prefer that way.

I bite my nails so.. :(
"Nulla tenaci invia est via"

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