I've only listened to the first one.
The instrumental work is great. You really got the hang of it.
However, the percussions really don't sound good. Someone who's never used fruity might not notice, but to me it sounds like you just dragged default percussion samples and played them at random, especially considering I hear those same wave frequencies almost every single day, I'm just very used to them. They sound rather out-of place, especially the snare on the left and those hats on the right.
I have two suggestions; Firstly, when you do panning, it's best to keep them only slighty to the left or to the right, as opposed to going all the way, that just makes them stand out too much. Second, when adding any percussions other than kickdrums or hits with lots of bass, try adding reverb, maybe a tiny bit of delay or other special effects. (I like to use equalizers on hats and blood overdrives on snares) Also try tweaking the cut and res knobs in the instrument settings. Basicly, you want to make it sound like you didn't use fruity loops to make it. That was the same mistake I made all the time at first, and still do! Just experiment with it and you'll get better.
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.