So I've been trying out this name for a little bit, but I've decided that I don't like it as much as I originally thought, and I think I need a better name (and thrawnnumbers agrees!).
I'm completely out of ideas and this has been bothing me for some time. I'm contemplating possibly going as 'Xelfor' or 'Xelphore' or some other variant, because it's truly original (google brings up zero results!). Nearly every other arrangement of letters that is a name or object is already taken as an artist name.
Of course, my finaly decision will probably not take this thread into consideration, but vote just for the heck of it! :p
I'm completely out of ideas and this has been bothing me for some time. I'm contemplating possibly going as 'Xelfor' or 'Xelphore' or some other variant, because it's truly original (google brings up zero results!). Nearly every other arrangement of letters that is a name or object is already taken as an artist name.
Of course, my finaly decision will probably not take this thread into consideration, but vote just for the heck of it! :p
The music industry is a cruel and shallow money trench where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.