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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → My New TracK - Kuroneko Blues
My New TracK - Kuroneko Blues
2005-07-18, 2:06 PM #1
Actually just a short clip so far.... Kinda just having fun with a blues groove I whipped up and my new SID emulator.... Trigun fans will appreciate it.

[URL= Blues.mp3]Kuroneko Blues[/URL]
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2005-07-18, 9:31 PM #2
I Want a kitty!!!!!!!

I like it alot I like the beginning where you have the guy talking to Kuroneko, and kuroneko meowing throughout the whole song. I also like your bass line it is bluesy but I think its more of a funk then a blues.
I do like your new toy, the sid sound, but you already new this of course.

I love you!!!!!!!
dream of breezes through broken trees, and whisper back with equality in thought.


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