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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Why is Classic Rock stuff so popular?
Why is Classic Rock stuff so popular?
2005-09-18, 9:12 PM #1
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-09-18, 9:16 PM #2
Because alot of people like it.

2005-09-18, 9:33 PM #3
It makes me feel OK to wear lots of denim and act rugged.
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-09-18, 10:46 PM #4
Originally posted by Lord_Grismath:
It makes me feel OK to wear lots of denim and act rugged.


2005-09-19, 5:39 AM #5
Because it's alot more interesting than britpop, one day i'll escape this damned country away from EVERY SONG BEING THE SAME.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-09-19, 5:44 AM #6
Because it's actually good.
2005-09-19, 7:46 AM #7
People can listen to whatever they want, but IMO "classic rock" (i.e., Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Pink Floyd) is talentless music that only consists of cheesy guitar solos and awful vocals. As far as I'm concerned, Led Zeppelin was the Linkin Park of the 70's... overall "okay" music, but so saturated, bland, predictable, and unvaried that it doesn't interest me.
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-09-19, 7:48 AM #8
In that sense, "Stairway to Heaven" is their "In The End", then?
Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-09-19, 7:56 AM #9
Hah, wow, Whelly, just wow. But okay.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-19, 7:57 AM #10
Originally posted by Whelly:
People can listen to whatever they want, but IMO "classic rock" (i.e., Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Pink Floyd) is talentless music that only consists of cheesy guitar solos and awful vocals. As far as I'm concerned, Led Zeppelin was the Linkin Park of the 70's... overall "okay" music, but so saturated, bland, predictable, and unvaried that it doesn't interest me.


Have you even LISTENED to Houses of the Holy? Bland? Predictable? Talentless? Cheesy?

Maybe Alanis Morrisette is more your speed...
2005-09-19, 7:59 AM #11

Ye be comparing Linkin Park to Led Zeppelin.


Not only is that unforgivable ye land lover, its downright insulting.

Ye have just earned yourself a one way ticket off the plank into DAVEY JONES' LOCKER.

2005-09-19, 8:32 AM #12
2005-09-19, 8:39 AM #13
Wow, I think Whelly just did hit the nail on the head. I never realized it before but it's true. I'm not saying I don't love Classic Rock, I just don't understand why some people only listen to Classic Rock.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-09-19, 9:25 AM #14
I've never been in to Led Zeppelin, but there is some great classic rock out there.

Blue Oyster Cult
Jethro Tull
Pink Floyd

If you think Pink Floyd is "predictable", you're either psychic or have just heard it too many times to remember how unpredictable much of it actually is. There's too many experimental/jazzy solos to consider them predictable. Surely you're only referring to the rhythm and chorus...

Personally, I think you're insane, and if you actually believe half of what you've said, you've obviously not listened to much classic rock. If you want to hear crappy, predictable rock, go no further than your local new rock radio station.
2005-09-19, 9:35 AM #15
Mentat, the assumption made in this joke-thread is that everyone knows what classic rock is, which bands are good, who to name drop to look cool, and that it is for the most part more interesting music than music today. It doesnt make music today any less interesting, and if you really want to say "listen to your local radio station" that's unfair because ClearChannel only promotes 8 songs at a time. Plus, if you ever got into good modern music that they rarely play on the radio from bands you've probably only heard the cool kids at your school mention in passing, you'd give up your lame Jethro Tull in an instant, but hang on to your Zep and Floyd cause they're badass.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-09-19, 9:45 AM #16
So when are they going to introduce the classic metal genre? Cause right now, all metal is pretty much categorized into one genre (being metal), and I think that much of the older metal bands are much more talented than many of the new bands (although I like bands from old and new). I think that maybe in a few years this genre will come around (maybe around 2010).
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-09-19, 9:49 AM #17
I listen to a couple of classic rock bands on occasion such as Zeppelin, Stones, The Band, Doors, Sabbath, Hendrix and Spinal Tap.

To be honest its got nothing to do with the era or the style or anything, the term "classic rock" is stupid as far as I know, i mean, theres a hell of a lot of difference between the band, the doors and sabbath.

And on another note, I gotta agree to a point... I also believe that Pink Floyd are dull, bland and predictable. Its music that is great to pass out too, but apart from that, I can't hack it.
2005-09-19, 9:52 AM #18
and Spinal Tap.

Of course, you do know that Spinal Tap is just a parody band, right?
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-09-19, 9:57 AM #19
2005-09-19, 10:02 PM #20
If you think Pink Floyd is predictable you probably haven't heard much. Sometimes albums carry a somewhat common theme or melody, such as The Wall. The melody can reoccur in different songs and in different incarnations.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-19, 10:09 PM #21
I dont see how you can compare Zeppelin to Linkin Park, aside from the fact that they are both bands that are popular.

The difference is, Zeppelin was highly influential on the genre, and still influence people today.

Linkin park... uh. Well they havent really done anything original. Rap/rock? Aerosmith and Run DMC did that. Rage Against the Machine did that.

I dont see how you can compare that really.
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2005-09-19, 11:14 PM #22
To call Zeppelin predictable is, just wow. They have such a wide range of sound, I just don't get it.

Classic rock seems to refer to the age of the music.
Pissed Off?
2005-09-19, 11:22 PM #23
Classic rock just.....strikes this "feel-good" core in me, and every time I hear "Black Dog" or "Sweet Emotion" or "Hey You" or "Back in Black" I can't help but sing along. You have to realize these bands were makin music 25 - 30 years ago. Back then there wasn't worry about being the next "super-orignal-surpass-radiohead's-creativity" band. It was just about jamming and getting your music out there. Nowdays, you can't tell if you're accidently plejurizing(sp) someone else's work cause there's so much music floatin around out there in the big vast world or musicians. I guess the prime reason I love classic rock is the occasional lack of quality. I'm not big on perfect, chrystal-clear rock. I like a bit of grungy, vintage dirtiness thrown in the mix to make it sound real and personal. And the majority or rock vocalists nowdays sound pretty much the same! I can tell Mick Jagger apart from Robert Plant, but many singers nowdays just pick up this generic "I'm so emotional and girly" kind of voice persona. That's my 14 3/9 cents.
2005-09-20, 3:51 AM #24
Classic rock is a very broad term, and nowadays usually means anything that doesn't suck.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-20, 6:16 AM #25
Queen > The Thread
2005-09-20, 7:51 AM #26
It doesnt make music today any less interesting, and if you really want to say "listen to your local radio station" that's unfair because ClearChannel only promotes 8 songs at a time. Plus, if you ever got into good modern music that they rarely play on the radio from bands you've probably only heard the cool kids at your school mention in passing, you'd give up your lame Jethro Tull in an instant, but hang on to your Zep and Floyd cause they're badass.

I'm comparing popular modern rock with popular classic rock. If you compare the music on modern rock stations to that on classic rock stations, there won't be much of a comparison as far as quality, in my opinion. There are probably some great modern rock bands out there that don't get any radio play, just like there are great classic rock songs that don't get any radio play. Rock isn't exactly my genre (I mostly listen to electronica, new age, bluegrass, and folk), but modern rock is a little too angry for my taste. It mostly seems to be aimed at kids these days, and I find myself having as much trouble relating to modern rock as I do rap, and that's pretty bad. I do, however, enjoy many of the semi-goth/power metal bands that get posted here, such as Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Lacuna Coil, etc...

I'm always open to giving new music a shot. I can't exactly hear anything from fellow students, as I'm 26, but my girlfriend listens to modern rock exclusively, much of which are local and underground artists.
2005-09-20, 8:09 AM #27
Alright, my statement was pretty harsh and stereotyped... I know that not ALL classic rock is just guitar solos and chorus-verse-chorus song structures. I know it was all very revolutionary and influential, and progressed rock in lots of ways. But that's what it was folks. Progression. Why would I want to listen to an older band when a current new band does it better? Sure, they’re classics, but I like to explore new kinds of music that expand on the classics. That’s just me.

I think you guys misunderstand my LP analogy. The music LP makes is okay, but it’s overrated. I think most classic rock is overrated (in this day and age anyway) because other artists have progressed it and made it better. If I want something psychedelic and spacy, I’ll listen to Hammock, not Pink Floyd.
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-09-20, 8:39 AM #28
yeah but [new band] doesn't mean it's better than [old band] and even if [new band] is it doesn't make [old band] any worse than they were what next... you going to say you never play classic video games? or ever thought of what it would be like to own a classic car? while we're at it... why not tear down all the older buildings and replace them with shiny new ones?

also i find most recent recordings tend to have horrible CD mastering (too much louder is better backwards thinking)
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-20, 8:46 AM #29
Why listen to Beethoven or Mozart when there are so many new classical musicians that have expanded upon the genre? Because it's still great music, and much of it has yet to be surpassed as far as quality. Classical musicians to this day reproduce their music, and there's a reason for that. Until someone can make Rush - Tom Sawyer (a popular example) sound better than the original, I'm going to bust out with Rush, because it's a great song and no one has done it better. Korn remade "Another Brick In The Wall", but Pink Floyd's is still far superior, so when I want to hear that song (which isn't even close to one of their best songs), I'm going to bust out with Pink Floyd instead. There's nothing wrong with listening to modern rock, but it's like comparing apples and oranges. Modern rock has gone in a direction that many classical rock lovers can't relate to.
2005-09-20, 9:53 AM #30
I know it was all very revolutionary and influential, and progressed rock in lots of ways. But that's what it was folks. Progression. Why would I want to listen to an older band when a current new band does it better?

It's just like art. Our society prizes paintings such as the "Mona Lisa" and "Starry Night". Even if some modern painter could paint a better looking picture, we would still think more highly of the earlier pictures.
Who made you God to say "I'll take your life from you"?
2005-09-20, 10:50 AM #31
Just for the record, I hate Rush. I just can't stand the vox.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-09-20, 10:58 AM #32
Originally posted by Whelly:
I think most classic rock is overrated (in this day and age anyway) because other artists have progressed it and made it better.

If by "progressed and made it better" you mean removed any meaningful lyrics, replaced a skilled vocalist with a soulful, characterized voice with that of some 22 year old punk, removed any good guitar solos, replaced fantastic, complex, melodic riffs with mindless strumming and removed all other traces of anything good, then yes, they have improved upon it.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-20, 12:11 PM #33
I think this just comes down to taste. In my humble opinion, just because a band does it first doesn't mean it does it best. It pisses me off when people like bands because of their influence other then the fact that they just like it. If you guys think that the classic bands did it the best anyway, that's cool... but I simply think that the classic lovers should realize there are tens of thousands of bands out there who, right now, are making creative, enjoyable, interesting music.

I like Mentat's points. For the record, I would definitely pick classic over modern rock. I love Billy Joel, The Eagles, My Bloody Valentine, and Alanis Morrisette. And Emon, that's generalizing. :p
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-09-20, 12:14 PM #34
Originally posted by Whelly:
And Emon, that's generalizing. :p

I notice how you didn't say it was false...
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-20, 12:15 PM #35
not really generalizing... you did give a specific example in a previous post... and emon nailed it
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-20, 12:26 PM #36
Huh? What specific example? It is false... I don't see how every band "not" classic rock can be characterized by those points you posted. You are thinking "Green Day" and "MTV", which is a very limited, ignorant viewpoint to be judging a whole selection of music. :confused:
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-09-20, 3:00 PM #37
I'm not judging a whole genre of music. When you said I was generalizing, my response was half joking. Of COURSE not all modern music sounds like that. There are artists I like that are modern, and I will list them later once I am done watching Firefly, eating Cheezits and some of these donut things.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-20, 3:05 PM #38
I never know when you're joking, cause you never use emoticons. :( I think you've used, like, four... ever.

I like donut things.
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-09-20, 4:33 PM #39
Originally posted by Whelly:
Huh? What specific example?

linkin park... you dared to compare them with led zeppelin remember?
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-20, 8:47 PM #40
I love Cheezits... and I'm out....

Dame su cheezits.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"

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