I'm comparing popular modern rock with popular classic rock. If you compare the music on modern rock stations to that on classic rock stations, there won't be much of a comparison as far as quality, in my opinion. There are probably some great modern rock bands out there that don't get any radio play, just like there are great classic rock songs that don't get any radio play. Rock isn't exactly my genre (I mostly listen to electronica, new age, bluegrass, and folk), but modern rock is a little too angry for my taste. It mostly seems to be aimed at kids these days, and I find myself having as much trouble relating to modern rock as I do rap, and that's pretty bad. I do, however, enjoy many of the semi-goth/power metal bands that get posted here, such as Nightwish, Blind Guardian, Iced Earth, Lacuna Coil, etc...
I'm always open to giving new music a shot. I can't exactly hear anything from fellow students, as I'm 26, but my girlfriend listens to modern rock exclusively, much of which are local and underground artists.