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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Guitar Tabs are the best thing since toast...
Guitar Tabs are the best thing since toast...
2005-09-22, 5:54 PM #1
<3 Tabs

I just got my guitar last night, and I've been messing with it ever since. I can already play some of Lost in Hollywood, the intro to Enter Sandman (who can't :( ) and pretty much all of Toxicity. I can't play Toxicity that good, but I am still impressed that I learned to play a song in an hour or so. I love guitar <3 I love tabs <3
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-22, 6:07 PM #2
More like you learned to SUCK in an hour or so

Ooohhhh []
2005-09-22, 6:14 PM #3
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-22, 6:20 PM #4
Tabs are wrong 90% of the time.
Attachment: 7348/talent booster.jpg (48,011 bytes)
2005-09-22, 6:24 PM #5
Pfft, as long as it sounds exactly like the song I love, I don't care :p
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-22, 6:38 PM #6
If you want tabs, Guitar Pro and Powertabs are the way to go. Small download and you can see and hear how its played, different instruments too.

If you're just starting to play now, I would say make some sort of an effort to learn how to read music. Some find it hard to start playing and get tabs pretty well, and then try to learn to read music in the same way, some find it easier than others though. It just is not very pleasant when someone asks you to play something, and they give you the sheet music and you have no idea how to play it. You see what I'm getting at?
2005-09-22, 6:43 PM #7
Guitar Pro and Powertabs are what my friend suggested, so that's what I use. Also, yes, I need to learn to read sheet music.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-22, 7:48 PM #8
Haha, holy crap Nuguns is an easy song :p
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-22, 7:59 PM #9
Since when was SoaD hard to play?
2005-09-22, 8:20 PM #10
[QUOTE=Vincent Valentine]Since when was SoaD hard to play?[/QUOTE]


And yes, GP4 kicks ***.
2005-09-22, 8:23 PM #11
Guitar tabs are the best thing since toast Shintock.

Toasted Shintock.

Nicely toasted.
2005-09-22, 8:27 PM #12
SoaD is like playing Greenday. Just a bunch of ripped powerchords and a few little solo thingys.
2005-09-22, 9:11 PM #13
Hah...try playing Stairway To Heaven and see if your fingers are still intact afterwards.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-22, 9:16 PM #14
Stairway to heaven is the song EVERY new guitar player learns and plays all the time. >.>

2005-09-22, 11:32 PM #15
I played a bit with a guitar over the summer and I couldn't get past the first two seconds. :(

Fine, try Van Halen - Eruption :p
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-09-23, 3:30 AM #16
tabs are canny crap i reckon, just try and learn the song on your own.

i prefer jamming anyway.
2005-09-23, 5:54 AM #17
Everyone learns the intro to stairway in a few minutes, then they don't bother with the rest because the song isn't that interesting.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-09-23, 8:23 AM #18
Originally posted by Greenboy:
Stairway to heaven is the song EVERY new guitar player learns and plays wrong every time they enter a guitar shop. >.>

eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-09-23, 9:19 AM #19
everyone learns the tapping part of Eruption too.
Detty. Professional Expert.
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2005-09-23, 11:13 AM #20
Don't bother learning to read music unless you're either a studio musician, in your high school jazz band, or just want to be like "I can read sheet music!"

I'm not saying I can't read music, it's just when I play guitar, there's really no point because I'm either playing original stuff or just playing by ear. 99.999999% guitarists have no need for stupid sheet music. BAH!
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-09-23, 11:38 AM #21
i dunno like... i have a few friends who learn songs by their favourite intricate and complex metal bands by reading their sheet music.

and i know a kid who played a metallica song perfectly after looking at the sheet music once and never hearing the song before.

it seems like a useful skill to me.
2005-09-23, 12:57 PM #22
It is, because its a big part of Music Theory.
2005-09-23, 4:39 PM #23
Originally posted by Shintock:
Tabs are wrong 90% of the time.

That's because most of them are done by n00bs who are just trying to say "look I can play teh geeetar." Funny how so often they can't even tell the difference between bass licks and guitar licks.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2005-09-23, 8:03 PM #24
Van Halen - Eruption

That's the reason my friend started playing guitar. Now he can play that song like nothing. It's crazy.

Also, I learned Aerials tonight. I feel super happy, because I got the intro tabs, and I figured out the rest of the song on my own. It's a crazy feeling when you figure out stuff by yourself.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-23, 9:20 PM #25
Originally posted by Schming:
Don't bother learning to read music unless you're either a studio musician, in your high school jazz band, or just want to be like "I can read sheet music!"

I'm not saying I can't read music, it's just when I play guitar, there's really no point because I'm either playing original stuff or just playing by ear. 99.999999% guitarists have no need for stupid sheet music. BAH!

"omg reading music is for loosers im cooler than that lolz"
2005-09-23, 9:25 PM #26
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]That's the reason my friend started playing guitar. Now he can play that song like nothing. It's crazy.

Also, I learned Aerials tonight. I feel super happy, because I got the intro tabs, and I figured out the rest of the song on my own. It's a crazy feeling when you figure out stuff by yourself.[/QUOTE]

Aerials is probobly the easiest song ever.
2005-09-23, 9:54 PM #27
I don't care, I learned it :P
Think while it's still legal.
2005-09-24, 9:43 PM #28
Originally posted by Shintock:
Tabs are wrong 90% of the time.

I agree, but if you are REALLY good, you could correct their errors. I always do. :cool:
I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.

Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.

My Canada includes Beavers.
2005-09-25, 6:20 AM #29
[QUOTE=Victor Van Dort]Also, I learned Aerials tonight. I feel super happy, because I got the intro tabs, and I figured out the rest of the song on my own. It's a crazy feeling when you figure out stuff by yourself.[/QUOTE]
It's a good feeling, but it's an even better feeling when you've played for a while and go back pick up all the little technical details that add depth to a song. I say that because most new musicians don't hear all the little technical things in music until they've gained some years.

But your mileage may vary.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music

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