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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → Why is techno music so popular?
Why is techno music so popular?
2005-09-23, 7:00 PM #1
I mean, it's just like the same riff over and over again...with more stuff added until it sounds like crap. Why do people like it so much?
2005-09-23, 7:09 PM #2
Because ecstasy ****s with the brain.
2005-09-23, 7:15 PM #3
I know, it's some good s*** huh
2005-09-23, 7:28 PM #4
i gotta agree.

go to a club, pilled up off your brain.

its awesome.

drinking 12 pints does the same.
2005-09-23, 7:47 PM #5
Haha this one time my friend joey started foaming when he was dancing, and he fell down

He died later :( but it was funny when it happened
2005-09-23, 7:52 PM #6

you either die from being allergic (rare... if i cared i'd give sympathies)

or from dehydration/overhyration where you either drink booze or dont drink enough water to dehydrate and die.

or you get paranoid and drink too much water and die.

either of the latter ways, its their fault.

the allergy must be nasty though. :(
2005-09-23, 8:04 PM #7
Haha spe's gullible when he's drunkenated :o
2005-09-23, 9:35 PM #8
techno sux kthxbye
2005-09-24, 2:39 PM #9
its all about the industrial rock! woot!
Welcome to the douchebag club. We'd give you some cookies, but some douche ate all of them. -Rob
2005-09-24, 3:25 PM #10
Electronica would be the best way to.. generalize it all. Not all electronic music is "techno." Myself, I'm a house junkie. I love the music. The basslines rock me. Being a dj.. I guess I kind of have to be a bit biased and say that I love electronica.
2005-09-24, 5:17 PM #11
Originally posted by Xanatos:
Electronica would be the best way to.. generalize it all. Not all electronic music is "techno."

Whatever, techno sucks it's all the same
2005-09-24, 6:35 PM #12
i officially pee on you all.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-09-24, 6:44 PM #13
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']Whatever, techno sucks it's all the same

And I'm sure you'd know because you've listened to so much of it!

So carefully, too!
former entrepreneur
2005-09-24, 7:05 PM #14
Originally posted by Ruthven:
i officially pee on you all.

Mais nom d'un chien, je te pisse desus!
2005-09-24, 7:21 PM #15
techno > you
tofu sucks
2005-09-24, 7:32 PM #16
Originally posted by Eversor:
And I'm sure you'd know because you've listened to so much of it!

So carefully, too!

Yeah my cousin plays it in the car like all the time
2005-09-24, 7:36 PM #17

2005-09-24, 9:11 PM #18
The repitition is what makes it great. If you have an ear for music and a good imagination, you can easily lose yourself in it. If you don't enjoy Carbon Based Lifeforms you are a loser and will most likely burn in hell for eternity.
2005-09-24, 10:46 PM #19
Techno music is cool because Thomas Dolby freaking MADE it cool.

And by made, I mean MADE. As in MADE his own analog synthesizers.
2005-09-25, 2:34 AM #20
[QUOTE=The Mega-ZZTer]Techno?[/QUOTE]
The system is down!
"u r dumb, stop or ill sue u
- jak thomsun

p.s. ur gay" - Victor Van Dort

New disclaimer - Any brain damage suffered as a result of typographical errors is the reader's liability.
2005-09-25, 4:42 AM #21
Originally posted by Xanatos:
Not all electronic music is "techno."


Never liked techno, never will. It's easy to parodize it and put some mockery techno on stuff.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-09-26, 6:09 PM #22
This thread is dumb. It's "Dance" music. The point is that people enjoy dancing to it. Not all of it is all that technically great or musically great, but generalizing it as all bad is just as dumb as anything else.

Alot of it is bad, though, I'll give you that. If you know what you're doing or looking for, there's good stuff out there that actually resembles music with song structure and everything!
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-09-26, 7:49 PM #23
I don't care much for techno or dance music, but that's really cause I don't give it much of a chance. Once I get a car I'll probably be blasting techno on my way to school and stuff. It's really high-energy music, so it's good to wake up to I guess.
2005-09-26, 8:20 PM #24
[QUOTE=Compos Mentis]This thread is dumb.[/QUOTE]

That's because it's a joke thread. I wanted to see how stereotypical I could be before someone mentioned that I myself make electronic music. Apparently nobody did. :o
2005-09-26, 8:22 PM #25
Just like all types of music, there is good techno and there is bad techno.

Trance is what people normally think of when they think "techno".... which is sad, cuz 99% of trance sucks. It's always the same simple drum loop, slightly different ambient pads, and some appregiated organ hits... all sequenced in an 11 minute extended club mix.... that's the stuff that makes my ears bleed.

No. Thats not techno. Don't get confused. That's like saying Creed is rock.
We are the music makers... and we are the dreamers of dreams...
Neurotic||Mobius Grith||The Atrium
2005-09-26, 8:27 PM #26
Electronic music is as diverse as any genre. What many people seem to miss when dealing with electronic music, is that much of the repetition is equivalent to the chorus in other genres. There are a ton of electronic artists that are very jazzy and have very little repetition. If you really pay attention, most music genres are full of repetitive music.
2005-09-26, 9:06 PM #27
Originally posted by MentatMM:
Electronic music is as diverse as any genre. What many people seem to miss when dealing with electronic music, is that much of the repetition is equivalent to the chorus in other genres. There are a ton of electronic artists that are very jazzy and have very little repetition. If you really pay attention, most music genres are full of repetitive music.

Hey Mentat you look like DJ Craze :0

(sort of)
2005-09-26, 9:21 PM #28
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:
']That's because it's a joke thread. I wanted to see how stereotypical I could be before someone mentioned that I myself make electronic music. Apparently nobody did. :o

That's what I thought, then I thought for a minute I might have confused you with Thrawn (the other one) and so I just kept my mouth closed heh.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-09-27, 6:16 AM #29
It's good dance music. It gives a good background beat to drinking games. While it's not something I typically listen to to pass the time, it's not a worthless genre (in my opinion).
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken

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