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ForumsMusic Discussion and Showcase → 30$ Amp the Shizzle?
30$ Amp the Shizzle?
2005-10-03, 5:01 AM #1
I saw this on Gizmodo, and figured I'd post it here. Check it out for yourselves, see if it's actually any good.
2005-10-03, 5:07 PM #2
That's about how much I spend on a new gold tipped cord. :p
2005-10-05, 5:31 AM #3
Originally posted by Delphian:
That's about how much I spend on a new gold tipped cord. :p

Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-05, 8:21 AM #4
If I'm correct, Delphian thought it meant a guitar amp, and he was replying about a guitar cable with gold-plated connectors costing more.
2005-10-05, 12:54 PM #5
yeah i was about to be annoyed that i spent 60 quid on a 15w guitar amp and this comes out.
2005-10-07, 10:30 AM #6
when I hear "amp" I automatically think "guitar amp".
2005-10-07, 11:00 AM #7
Originally posted by Zecks:
If I'm correct, Delphian thought it meant a guitar amp, and he was replying about a guitar cable with gold-plated connectors costing more.

Yeah, and I was kind of confused about why the cable matters?
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2005-10-08, 2:53 AM #8
I hear this amp is excellent for the AKG K1000 headphone. IIRC 6moons made a favorable review of it.
MithShrike: First Mateneer
Pimpin' Yerba Mate Drinker
2005-10-08, 3:03 AM #9
MithShrike: First Mateneer
Pimpin' Yerba Mate Drinker
2005-10-08, 9:39 AM #10
hmm... i could use this in the car, the speakers are only 35w rms that I need to power... HMM...
gbk is 50 probably


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